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Chapter 312 is different from the Chinese people

"Mr. Da He, you have known this time."

There is no waiting to speak, Xu Qian has opened his mouth.

"I am sorry about the dispute between" Black Man "copyright, what is caused by it, and we have already losward, and I have accepted it." There should be a knot. "

Daxie Xiong is actually very unclear, why Xu Qian also continued to move against Corner Bia, and even causing Wall Street to move.

Is this Huaxia teenager not worried about the consequences?

Don't read because of the hot discussion of frequently picked up the emotions of the rice people, let the people who are not satisfied with the 11th district now become the mainstream of the rice country society, resulting in the emotional venting of the 11th district Cognar Bayi and Sony behind it are very wolf. Once the wind wave has passed, Sony is slow, and its revenge is not anyone can bear.

Even if hundreds of millions of people can't.

For example, Sony has a big company, this wind wave is mostly blood loss, it is impossible to have its life. The so-called big, nothing, is it.

"We Sony is a multinational enterprise, involving a lot of aspects, once it has a wind blowing, it is not small."

I glanced at the Duo Xi Xiong, Xu Qian revealed: "What is the impact of Mr. Da He said, I didn't understand it, or I would like to solve it for me?"

Some words can't be placed in it, don't you know?

Daxi Xi Xiong really wants to give Xu Qianmu on the spot, but he thinks that the consequences will endure the impulsiveness.

Forcibly let his own calm down the He Tu Xi Xiong: "Huaxia is the state of etiquette, Mr. Xu is the way to treat this?"

Picking up the eyebrows, Xu Qi seems to be aware: "Mr. Da He reminded me, do you want to press me in China? I should have nothing to do so."

In fact, at the beginning of the opening of the 11th district, it is still very awesome, after all, the two war, especially the war of the Golden Peninsula, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, In the case, let your own warship is lower than the rice army. Plus China is also Nuclear Wood Country, and the 11th district people only feel that Huaxia is too high, let them respect again.

However, there are more contacts, but they found that the people are very kind, and kind people are too good, so their awe has disappeared, but it is a little bit of hopes once again.

With such a psychology, Daxi Xiong is the potency of the latent sorrow, even if it is the Lord, even if it has become a Xu Yun's industry, I can try to bite a bite, see if I can get some benefits.

As for the consequences of anger, Daxie Xiong felt really if he couldn't bear Xu Yun's counterattack, he was like today's personal compensation.

I can't get down, I will ask him to forgive, and those who have encountered this situation every time I don't choose to be large.

The meaning and eleventh district represented in China are different, and the consciousness of the Chinese people is a big gift, but they don't know what to apologize in the 11th district is not a big thing.

Other 11 people can take advantage of this difference in the two countries, why don't I do it?

Daxie Tu Xiong wants to be very good, but his place is that he encounters Xu Qian, kneeling the set is really not working here.

Compared with the domestic kind compatriots, Xu Qian knows that this difference between the two countries will not be confused by the so-called gift.

Moreover, the other party is not an apology, and even concealed myself, Xu Qian is even more impossible to make things so.

"Mr. Da He, you have to understand, I am just a investor, the company's specific operation is Mark is doing, is you looking for a specific business of me?" Xu Yaowang, "this is not good. I am a great man in China. Said, there is no survey, there is no say, I am not as good as the actual manager of the company, how can I go to interference? The company is also the old seniors on the mall, when it is clear, this is a big taboo. Even if you are not responsible for your own investment, I have to be responsible for the company and the company's employees. Many people pointed to this work, I can't smash others. "

Said, Xu Qian gave the big man Tie Xiong suggestion: "If you go to find the rice people, try to convince them?"

If you can get a fixed-rice Chinese, why bother to find you!

Daxie's majesty has frightened a Sichuan word. How is the Chinese people like a little in the Chinese people? The etiquette of Huaxia, Huaxia's Rao and Rao, Huaxia's Wen Yilong

red deer!

red deer!

red deer!

Angent is a horror of the sky, and it has set off a storm in his heart. However, it can only stay calm, and it cannot be revealed. Otherwise, the greetings will be hidden, which will make the situation worse.

In the face of the rice country, he said, when a young boy, a young boy, so that he is hard to vomit blood.

In the future, if you dare to say that Huaxia people can bully, my big man is the first to cut him.

"Mr. Xu knows that the Pixin studio acquires a TV station with a very low price?"

Daxie Xiong wants to remind Xu Yun, don't take advantage of the benefits, you will not pay the account, so your business reputation is bankrupt.

Who knows Xu Yen has said: "Low price? It seems that the information of Mr. Dafu is incorrect, John is acquired in normal price, that is just a negotiable transaction. If you don't believe, you can check it. Here my friendship Remind the Great Here, a company is not a good thing in a company. "

The big man is a big color, and Xu Qian's words let him lose an important chip.

If it is a good thing to have a good thing, then Xu'an loss, they can occupy a high point of morality, and to show various means. But if it is not the case, it is just an unusual business acquisition, and things are unfavorable to them.

As for the saying that Xu Qian will not lie to yourself, Daxi Xiong does not think that the other party will be easily removed.

At this time, Xuang said again: "I remember that the TV station acquired is not all the Cognar Babia."

A gentle sentence made the big congratulatory roles, and it was because the television station that was treated as a gift of Xu Qian is not all of the Corner's company, that is, the faction control of his Daxie Xiong. At the beginning, it was for this consideration, and the big manuscript will take it out to cut the meat, because this will not make him the faction of the faction.

His interest is not damaged, and the interests of others have been damaged. In order to ensure its interests, the other party is also dissatisfied with the Daxie Tu Xiong, so it is not sold at a low price.

You want to harm my interests, Laozi is going bad, see who is the final uncomfortable.

Who will be the final unpackor, a big man, do not know, but he knows that the most uncomfortable people are themselves.

He didn't have the purpose of the purpose, Wu Bai pigeon accompanied him, very embarrassing.

The whole dialogue did not look at him in the process of the process, completely ignored the so-called international director, Wu Bai pigeon brought this young junior to the comment.

Looking at the back of the two disappeared within his own line of sight, Xu Qian joked his mouth: "Sony? Multinational Corporation? Hehe!"

Let you have a smooth inside yourself first.

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