Almighty sign in

Chapter 318 Innoterous

I don't want to be a loss, and I will not be shocked in the middle of the night.

If you do a loss, then you will do a thief.

What did Sterling I have made very clearly, he has always stared at Xu Yun's one fell swimming, and there is no missed company for the actual controlled companies such as this.

It is precisely because he is staring, when the tweet has appeared on his bad news, Sterling found it in the first time.

Despite the exposure of the news that he is a race discrimination, Sterling is very angry, but he is not panic.

"Stupid Chinese people, you think where you are here, you still want to launch a public opinion on the land of this speech, do you want to laugh at me?"

Let go of the phone, just use your influence to give the media people who know the media to know the color of the Sterling face: "Huaxia Xu, you are too young."

According to the experience of Sterling, as long as there is a news that makes hundreds of millions of people don't like the news, the rich can take advantage of their influence to make the news on the next newspaper on the first day of the news. Even if it is exposed, the impact on them will not be too large.

In this way, Sterling believes that it will not exceed the exception.

This country is that we are our rice people. It is our caucasian site. We are the rulers of this country.

However, things have emerged.

For a long time, just half a day, Sterlin found that the development of things made himself couldn't understand.

"Why is the news be so fast?"

"The dead twenty, the dead Internet!"

What didn't think of Sterlin is that he has not waited for him to operate, and the news about him is a racial discrimination has passed throughout the country.

More excessive is, there is a spontaneous excavation of the people in the twitks.

Of course, this information does not refer to private information, which will make the law, pay attention to privacy, and personal information, Niki people will not commit such mistakes. The real estate developed on the Internet is developed, including development and development.

It is also the result of the latter to bring huge trouble to Sterlin. The identity of his racist, and his discrimination discrimination in private occasions. After all of them are hung by the Internet, the big old blacks expressed their own Very unhappy, their minds have been hurt.

So, the multi-person part of the rice country-rich in the streets of the country is much more, and many of these parties have a bright landscape of the real estate that is developing.

Another bad news came, let Sterlin's mood be poor.

Originally he knew that he had entered the Lehman Brothers and the money, I opened a bottle of red wine, but I didn't wait for him to finish the wake up of the wine, he was angry directly to the cup. .

"My real estate, my money, my money, the damn black , I want to tell you, you will accompany me!"

Stringer roaring in his own mansion.

There is a saying in Huaxia, called a blessing unparalleled to disaster.

The beautiful landscape of the original Stirgo's real estate is taking the anger of the anger, but not thinking that the bank of the loan actually called him at this time, and negotiated with him.

Sterling is a three feet: "What does your rich bank mean, I have justified the money in front of you, you have urged me to repay it. Is the agreement you signed at any time?"

Infatched hair dryer, Sterling gives the other party a mad spray.

However, when he stopped to breathe, the other party replied: "Mr., you don't excite it. If you have a sususual meaning, I suggest you ask you a good lawyer, take a closer look at me. Contract. Given your current situation, I have triggered the mechanism of our bank, I will freeze your account according to the regulations. In the freezing date, if you can't repay the loan, your collateral will It is handled according to the law according to law. "

Sterling listened, and suddenly a big one.

What he did, but the real estate sale, the debt rate is high, the bank suddenly came to the other hand, broke his capital chain, isn't it to force him to bankrupt?

"You can't do this, or I will tell you!"

Stri can be angry. He doesn't need to look at the contract. He is not unclear that the bank's morality, the contracts they give include countless traps, and the provisions on the contract are beneficial to the bank.

In the face of such a contract, the borrower is either sign, or you have to follow the rules of the bank.

Look at the contract is useless. Since the bank dares to call to urinate, you can do yourself.

Is it hard?

Don't think.

It is also rich, the rich and banks of the real estate industry are really truthful than the bankers, at least in the field and the Western world.

Listening to the "Dudu ..." from the phone, Sterling is like a dead ash, he knows that his current situation is very dangerous. In order to self-help, what he must do.

The number recorded on the phone is quickly recalled, Sterling is constantly moving, and then hangs in the busy tone.

His heart is like his face, it is getting more and more cool.

No one answered the phone!

Why is there a person picking up my phone?

Do we not like a friend?

Do we have a group of people with the same idea?

Do we usually have a lot of money, get along fit?

Why is it in me, when I urgently need help, no one picks up my phone?

"Wolph, you are a graph!"

"I curse you!"

Sterling's luxury homes came to kill pigs.

Like a puppy that is abandoned, he doesn't know if he is ambiguous, and Wolf and others are falling into difficult.

They don't know how Xu Yu is locking Stirling, and I don't know what kind of way Xu is through, which channel is used to know what Sterling does.

Because they don't know, they don't dare to contact Sterlin.

They only know that this sensitive moment, Xu Qian must make people stare at Sterling, want to take out those who want to harm him. If they have contacts with Sterlin at this time, they will definitely be launched into the blacklist, remembering the chance to revenge them.

It was the matter of Sterlin's self-propelled, they didn't want to be stamped, of course, did not have high hanging, this is also one of the embodiments of Western culture.

They think that it is right, Sterling can do it, Xu Yuan can't do it?

You dare to do the first day, I dare to do fifteen.

At this time, Xu Yun's penguin pop-up window was issued to him.

"Time is too short, can't track, and I can't stay, the technology of the rice people is not laughing."

The news has been one or two seconds, and then automatically cleared, the other party also disappears.

It is really disappeared, that penguin is gone, then there is a new registered user get that number, the data is covered.

In this regard, Xu Qian can only have a secret.

The other party is be careful, but there is one person to answer the phone in them, it can provide time to the master on the horse.

"It seems that you can only use another method to take out these mice."

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