Almighty sign in

Chapter 320 is met, don't let him go too peaceful

If you are full, you will be easy to be trapped. If you add tired, then it is easier to sleep.

After the puppies entered the dog's nest, they were lying on soft blankets, accompanied by a pile of cockroaches fell asleep in a messy toy.

Nothing to sleep here, he didn't take the puppy back to the house, but carefully put the toys and wings to them, and then cover the quilt, which leaving.

Boutique Route is a sign-in reward for Xu Qian, and the little dog is in a much safe way to return to the house.

There is Karinna looks at them, Xu Qian is very relieved.

After setting up the little dog at home, Xu Yun came to the study. In that, Li Kezheng waited for him, see him, Li Ke immediately said: "The maid called Tida is looking at it. It is not a big problem, but I will sleep for a few hours. If we guess it is right, she It should be that I want to take a way to get people after I sleep, because only the talents behind her have a chip that is talking to you. "


Xu Ang angered: "My sister is just chips in his eyes. He actually wants to take me to me, it seems that he is really in desperate."

Does not fall into a desperate, such as the people like Sterlin may be jealous.

It is necessary to know that Sterlin has done it, even if this time, Xu Yuan has let him go, let him not be bankrupt, he will not be better after the days.

"Li Ke, I remember you have been a scout?"

Listening to Xu Zhong asked, Li Ke did not shocked by the heart, he is not stupid, Sterlin has confirmed Xu Qian's taboo, Xu Qian does not retaliate?

Stri is really dying, he doesn't know how to know the boss at all.

You are unfavorable to the boss, the boss may pay you for the time being for a long time. But you want to be thinking about Xiaoxiao, then you are too comfortable with yourself, the end is the old birthday of the old birthday.

"He can't do it."

Li Ke is to answer, Hu Yisheng suddenly inserted.

Usually Hu Yisheng is like wood, only responsible for Xu Qian's security, it will not be a sentence in most days. It is too rare to speak this kind of thing today.

Li Ke Ke can not think that you are unhappy. He just listened clearly, Hu Yisheng said that he did not work.

It is a man who can't do it!

Ignore the anger in Li Ke, Hu Yun explained: "There is too much to accompany you, many people know him, if you let him do this is too easy to implicate it."

It's not wrong to say this.

"What do you have?"

Hu Yidao: "I can contact people, but they don't have low price."

The amount of money does not care, he only cares about one thing: "Insurance?"

Hu Yiru knows the truly meaning of Xu Qian asked, Hu Yao: "People who know it before, they are well-dressed, guaranteed to be beautiful. I have known secret channels, I will not expose identity And the other party is very observed, get money, work, other will not ask. "


Xu Yung nodded and considered.

"Is it not enough $ 5 million?"

Hu Yimeng: "More."

Xu Yun said: "I don't have this money, I just don't have enough beauty. I've been aware of me and Sterlin, let him go too peaceful, not, the ghost I heard that I will be affected. bully."

Li Ke played a cold, he was the first time I saw Xu Yun.

Sure enough, the family is the boss's anti-scale, and there is a courage to have the psychological preparation of the boss.

"Our Chinese people are polite, treating people humble, not us to bully, but we have cultivated. Our accepted education makes us pay attention to Wen Liang, but if anyone is in the heart, Kongfu also kills less."

Hu Yi retired out, soon the night disappeared in the luxury house.

No one knows where he goes, just waiting until the next day, he returned to his position.

I woke up from the side of the morning, Xu Qianzheng is to sign in. After seeing Hu Yes, I saw the latter nodded.

"The rule of the other party is to give money first, use the account of Rui Shi Bank."

On the one, the body is active, awakening the body to sleep, Xu Zhong, I will give it to me, I will arrange. "

Incident, Xu Qian also signed it.

"You have completed daily check-in, get random reward: 100,000 dollars."

Today's luck looks like.

Take the drawer of the bedside table, take out the dollar exchange from the inside, Xu Qian put a stacked green oil in Franklin to Hu Yifan.

"I will take it. You have a gun, you can go to the gun to choose something you like."

Originally Hu Yi did not want this money, but he chose to accept it after listening to Xu Qian said to the gun shopping.

The country of this country is a million, and those guns you can buy, you can buy a little cute.

With the purchase power of 100,000 US dollars, Hu Yizhan will return to the whole goods.

I haven't had a brightness of Li Kai, who hasn't changed it, take the initiative to ask: "Hu Yitang is not good, I will accompany them."

Xu Yun said not only did not block, but said to the two: "These money is not the upper limit, as long as you can buy it within the license, the exceeded bills come. Remember to buy more, I have to expand the security team in the area like Mi "

As for how to expand, it is of course people who are relieved.

In this regard, Xu Zhong has an idea.

"The security guards in my community are not all veterans. Li Ke allows the king to give a list, pick some skills, willing to make hard money, I will notify Hendeli to give them a visa."

Don't blame the people from others without Wen De.

One side of the water and soil, Xu Qian believes that the guys in Sterling is not a special case. As his business map is getting bigger, he wants to calculate what he will be more and more, this time He gave wake up and let him know that it will expand his security team.

Fortunately, I have a talent reserve early in the morning, and those who have just retired from the Junjing Home Community can actually be used.

Li Keil is a little worried: "The boss, these brothers have not touched professional training, and they will have omissions for a while. Otherwise, let Zhang Qiong will give them a class before people, so they need to use them. When they didn't do it. "

"Yes." Xu Yun slammed like a stream, "according to what you said."

A few words of Kung Fu is so fixed, but fortunately, Xu Qian and Hu Yisheng are not a person. They just ended the conversation. There was a small dog to find my brother in the house.

"My brother, where are you?"

"My sister fell, I want you to hug."

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