Almighty sign in

Chapter 343 Super three points


The referee whistle, indicating that both parties out to the middle roller.

See the official beginning of the game, the audience stopped, and tens of thousands of people in the alley were quiet.

Thinking about teaching Xu Yun, giving him a little color to take the initiative to take the task of jumping ball. However, what did him did not expect that the Clippers coming to jumping the ball is not Xu Qian, but a big book.

Papeng feels unexpected, he remembers the last time Xu Yen's play, it is a ball you jumped. I didn't expect this time.

Xu Qian also thought that he thought that the Bulls jumped with Rhodman, and he did not expect Peak.

A wonderful flower in the history of Neva Rodman, NBA. Other stars took two pairs, they were score to help attack or rebounds. Only he can take more than 20 rebounds, more than a dozen assists, and score is zero.

The prototype of the protagonist in the "grunge player" is Rodman, a man who is obsessed with the rebound.

Rodman can be so arrogant, its powerful bounce ability is on the one hand, his super fast speed and ultra short second jump capability is also the magic weapon of its victory.


Although it is a center, it is unfortunately that he has not won Pang. The latter slap in the basketball and patted it to his teammates.

Jordan was preparing to catch the ball, and he didn't think of a story, unexpected, unexpected middle road.

After the interception, Xu Yun slammed the ball and made a fast attack.

It is clear that the Bulls players who are very fast, they will go back to prevent, but they are surprised to find Xu Qian, but they have not used their own speed to launch fast attacks, but the drills come to the middle, painting The position of the team logo stopped.

What do he want?

Just when everyone is very confused by Xu Yun's weird behavior, they will see Xu Yun hands holding ball, making a shooting posture.

"Which should be going to shoot?"

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"This is chaos, this is a wasting opportunity, this is a non-professional behavior!"

Even if it is my home, my own nephew, is also crazy.

Xu Qian will be affected by them?

Very obvious.

He aimed at a sight basket, jumping, shooting, and a lot.

This scene has seen the fans in the scene, and the mother is fascinated by the law.

They are coming to watch a wonderful match, not spending money to see funny performance.

Basketball roses a beautiful arc in the air, falling towards the basket.


Petong made a predecessor.

At the same time, Xu Qian also made a pre-judgment.

Excellent shooters can know that the ball can be investive in a moment.

The feel is very good, just like a brand of chocolate as a silk.

Almost at the same time, when Xu Qian was shouting, he turned directly after the land. He shot at the hands of the hand, and three fingers extended, and it was a three gesture.


Basketball in the box, the basket issued a look.

This airline is included.

The score of the fastess team on the electronic scoreboard is changed from zero.

"The Clippers took the lead in score."

"A record of imaginative logo shooting."

The nephew of the nephew of the nephew, only surprises and admire.

His voice also awakened the fans in the surprised, the scene rang the fans and shouting.

A fan waved his hands: "I know, I will not let us down, this is a good ball."

The friends next to him have heard that they can't help but despise him, and they don't know who is talking about Xu Yongfeng.

"But it is a lucky ball, the Los Angeles people have never seen the world."

The fumes are not bad.

Not just him, Jordan is very unhappy.

Since he gave a top, he only had him comparison in the basketball court, no part of others. Xu Sheng gave him a surprise, young kid, you are afraid that you don't know what to make me serious.

Stretching the ball, Jordan should respond.

He just took the ball to the vicinity of the three-point line, and a fast shipper's player was posted.

Looking at this young and strange face, Jordan's heart spits: another newcomer.

Yes, what is his call?

It seems that Kobe Bryant.

"I heard that you are good."

"But you sure you can prevent me?"

On the side of Buckli, Jordan is in the city, it is ready to help, but I don't want the old department, I don't want to give him the face: "I have to pick up your death, I have to pick it with Jordan."

Buckley is a circle.

Is the young man now is so hot? I am a superstar in the league. It is the biggest card in the team. You Kobi actually!

Jordan is a horrified, then I can't help but laugh.

"Little son, you will not give you the Barkley face, I appreciate you."

Kobe is going to respond, did not expect Jordan to see his flaws in the stunned strategy, breaking through his defense.

"You are too tender, boy."

The newcomer will pay for the.

Kobe is very angry.

Old hooligan, you don't talk about Wu De.

Just passed Kobe Dand, I found an old acquaintance to blocked my own way, he didn't look at it, it was not Buckley.

On the familiarity of Jordan, Buckley did not do the second person in this fastess team. He is clear that he is clear, Kobe's leading experience is insufficient, and the result of the old rogue is so.

It has experience in Baxley, an emergency stop, hate Buckley tooth.

You a dog, you will bully Charles Uncle is not enough.

Oh, why do Charles can't grow up to a few centimeters.

Basketball shots, although Buckley throws yourself half-air, but still can't stop Jordan's goal.

The Xu went in the other side of the half, could not help but feel: the old rogue, this hand is invincible, not only the posture is good, but the hit rate is also high.

The most important thing is that his strong bounce and lagging ability make people want to prevent it.

"Look, this is Jordan."

"When he shot, don't do something else in addition to praying that he does not enter the ball."

Nothing positions of these dry solutions.

Xu Qian took his mouth and reached out.

I wanted to pass the ball to Kobe, I didn't hesitate, and gave the ball.

Xu Qian, after the ball, still adjust, still in the middle, still standing on logo, raising his hand and rejection.

Panton saw my heart: "I will get a lucky ball. Do you think you still have such luck? If you can fill me ... Forget it, when I didn't say it."

The second logo shoots, and then enter.

The score on the field becomes 6: 2.

Jordan is not anxious, don't see the fast fleet because Xu Qian's two super three points lead them four points, don't forget, there is a saying in the NBA: three-pointer can't kill the game.

Is it really?

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