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Chapter 345 Haiwang

Xin Hard bitterly, a whole, a basketball, tired of himself, and the result is that there is no other than the opponent leaders, what is this?

Anyway, Jordan has never met this situation.

When there is a break in the section, he did not listen to Phil Jackson's chicken soup, and did not go to the other party's tactical layout. He thought about himself.

Is the strength of the Bulls?

It is obviously impossible.

As the strongest team in the alliance, Jordan never believes that they lead the team than other teams.

Have my Michael Jordan, such a killing, the Bulls will only be the strongest one in the alliance, and no other people can be with us.

However, why should we fall behind?

Jordan quickly had an answer.


The Clippers used a new tactics that seized the three-pointers who couldn't kill the game in the alliance. I used our defense against three-pointer. Not strictly desirable, plus them today is hot, especially Xu Yun's hand feels amazing, this can make us a big loss.

Although Phil Jackson used a short stop in the first quarter, he did not succeed in the tactics he wanted to cool.

In Jordan, it should be a short period of time being less than a long time.

The three-pointers in the league have seen the master Jordan, some people occasionally burst into a half-section, but no one can feel hot in a whole game.

Jordan believes that Xu Qian will not excerades.

However, he still steady one hand and decided to observe the observation at the second quarter.

If Xu Xu's hand is still so good, then he has to give Xu'an defensive strength.

Is Xu Yun's status?

This doesn't matter.

If Xu Qian's state is not good, he is impossible to invest so many balls in the first quarter.

For yourself leading the Bulls, Xu Zen is not too much. When he truly pays attention to basketball, he also entered NBA from Da Yao, which has set off the heat.

At that time, Jordan was already a legend, Xu Qian only smelled him, and there was no concept for him, and naturally, there would be no fear.

However, he didn't, others have.

"We lead the Bulls!"

"Michael they have no way!"

Back to the locker room, as the player of the main team, Buckley excitedly jumped again.

If they lead, they will not be so lost, but they lead the Bulls, the whole league is a headache, and the first union team, which is recognized in the eyes of the fans, how can I not call them inexplicable.

Looking at the first quarter of the first quarter, Buckley suddenly found that the original Bull team didn't have anything. As long as you find the right tactics, as long as there is a suitable person to implement this tactics, you will not be able to defeat Jordan Lead Bull team is not impossible.

They don't have faults like this, but they undergoes two most important factors.

One is that some people dare to take the world, and use three-pointer as the main weapon of attack.

Second, there must be a super-shooting that is like Xu Qian's radio, it is also expensive.

The former is dare to think, the latter is dare to do.

Without these two factors, or missing any one of them, it is white.

Unlike the other people in the team, there is no exciting expression on Kobe face, he is full of face.

If Xu Qian has exploded Pipon, then Kobe was very miserable by Jordan when he was in the first quarter.

The old hooligan in his defense next time, and the committee is very unopened. If you change your side, you are defeated once, or you have no fight, or you will give up.

Bias Kebi is not such a person, his character is a hundred times, and the first hundred and one will not hesitate.

Jordue is strong, his fighting spirit is stronger.

What happens before saying that he has to pick it up with Jordan. If you don't help others, you will have a single one, and you should stick to tears.

What's more, the Department of Science can feel that after a single time, after a single person who is first person with Jordan, the strength is rising at the speed you can feel.

From the first time, he was easily used for the old flowers and lost his little flowers. When he first defended Jordan in his first day, he spent a lot of strength to overrun him. This is the best certificate of his progress.

Kobe remembered that the first quarter was finished, he saw the Jordan in the lower court was full of sweat.

This shows what?

Explain that I gave him pressure and consumed him.

Although Ki Ki's own sweat is more than Jordan, he is young than Jordan, young is the capital, the physical strength and recovery of young people are better than Jordan, Kobe has a kind of parents, and then it will take this time. Jordan's advantage will be Slowly grind.

Xu Zhong did not bother the excitement of Barkley, and did not want to bother the department to reply to physical strength. He knew that the old department was tired, after all, as a defensive soldier in the team, his mission is to die old rogue .

As for Xu Zhong himself, he did not participate in the defense, or the Bull team will not enter so many goals.

This battle is not just to defeat the Bulls. He must let everyone in the league look clear, think of understanding, knowing that the Bull team is not a victory. The reason why they won the old hooligans, not the old rogue they are too strong, but all of you have not found a way.

The times are progressing, the world has changed in the day, but you still keep the original basketball concept, can't come in the old rules and tactics, so you can't make the bull, let the old rogue become the first person of the league .

Since you can't find a way, since you are not willing to show new, then I will give you a demonstration.

The changeman, or the first person to eat crabs, he will eventually appear one day.

Since there will always be such a person, why can't it be me?

Xu Yun wants to make himself a reformer, do the leader of the NBA new era and the first person, however, he did not think that the rest time was just over, he listened from the player channel. It is a new nickname that 40,000 fans on his lives.




Xu Zhong was a circle.

what happened?

Who tells me what happened?

It is a few words that you are shouting at the Haiwang. You know what the Haiwang is saying. You will shout.

The camera recorded his reaction faithfully, and passed to the big screen for the four thousand viewers of the scene.

Xu Qian believes that he is awkward, but it is not in the eyes of others.

Just as the messee is said: "Look, your enthusiasm makes the new king of the fast fleet, he is shocked for your enthusiasm, surprised for your imagination."

"Go, Huaxia Xu, you are our new king, lead us to conquer this sea!"

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