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Chapter 347 Who says that three points cannot kill the game?

After the body, the waist is bent into a terrible angle, which makes people have a broken illusion, Jordan's defensive in Xu Yun is hard to shoot.



Xu Qian darkly said: Jordan is not Jordan, so you can enter.

The defensive thing is a passive party. Sometimes your defense is afraid of being perfect, and it is still going to be able to go into the game by the other side. So on the game of professional basketball, whether a defensive player is qualified is not that he has a successful defensive success, but he does it is in place, is it a matter of doing what you should do.

There is a basketball star in the NBA, there is a basketball superstar, and there are super superstars.

The reason why Super superstars is called super, not doing, just because he is really serious after he really seriously, he can't be completely preserved.

Whether it can be preserved is the only standard for measuring superstars and super superstars.

The old hooligan is the first person in the current alliance, he is not a superstar, but a super superstar. When he seriously, even Xu Yung is also impossible to completely prevent him.

However, Xu Qian can't prevent Jordan, is Jordan to prevent Xu Yung?


A three-pointer is a response to Xu.

It is also into the ball, Jordan enters two points, Xu Yuanjin is three-pointers, and the division is once again opened.

After the goal, Xu Qian welcomed the eyes of Jordan and shrugged. He said: You work hard, full, see that I will pull the difference.

One of the points of attack and defense kicked off, and looked at it, but twice, three times, even ten times, after twenty times, the difference was too obvious.

I was waiting for the fourth quarter of the competition, although Jordan ruled the old life, the two teams have reached 101: 78.

The difference is still bigger.

For three-pointers do not pay attention, facing new tactics, it is the biggest crisis since the union of the bulls in the alliance.

That twenty-one division is so glared, let Jordan feels humiliation, and he recalled his days when he was smiling at Saia Thomas.

Xu Yen found a very strange thing, that is, it is clear to lose the ball, and the breath of breath, sweating, and the footsteps have a little bit of Jordan's face.

The smile is not a bitter laugh, and she has brought a bit happy, a few excited, as if a child who wants to disrupt a toy discovers new heavens and the earth, and unlock this toy new gameplay from the heart.

Original Jordan has gradually felt boring to basketball, that is standing the highest, and the sword is full, and there is no one in the enemy, let him have an aestler for basketball. The old rogue is considering. Is it that he took a champion this year, after another championship next year, found two bull dynasties and retreat.

Today, he doesn't think so.

Because he found that he is not exciting in the field of basketball, there is a new opponent to defeat, some are waiting for him to open up.

A regular season's loss is not acceptable in Jordan. He said to Xu'an: "Hey, kid, you remember, the next time you don't have such good luck."

Today's failure goes back, the Bulls will definitely reap, and will make targeted tactics and training, lest the next time, it will continue to have failed when playing with the fastess team.

Each team in the regular season has two opportunities to make a hand, Jordan is looking forward to the next dialogue.

However, he thinks so, Xu Yung is not.

Xu Zen told him: "My time is very precious, if the team's record is not too bad, I think we have to meet again when the finals."

"Do you want to compete with me?"

Jordan laughed like a child of two hundred pounds.

"Then I am waiting for you at the finals, letting you know the great uncle Michael."

Master in front of me?

Xu Qian dilled his mouth, Tucao: "Buckley said before being packed."

"I am different from the fat pig that will only play the mouth."

Just like Bakley, I heard the two people after this conversation: "You two of the ball, don't talk about people behind, I have heard it."

What is the feeling of being delegated by the opponent and teammates?

Others are unclear. Anyway, he has 10,000 squid in the Zhang Dance claw in his heart, let him crazy.

Refers to the indication branch, Buckley is proud to Jordan: "Time Leave only one minute, Michael, you lose, lose it. I want you, I will put my face."

Jordan returned him a despise look.

You have a spicy chicken with your thighs, you have anything to be horrible, there is a book with Jordan uncle.

Buckley is not that there are so many, his team wins, but also drunk guns, this feeling is very cool, cool to him, drink a glass of ice, do not do it.

Should be!

Calling you this dog, usually, the first person, the first, the first, do not put other people, especially Charles uncle, the ball is on the eyes, pay today.

Still a big score, you can live.

After turning over the serf, Barkley, who saved the singer, took the ball on the ground, and ran to the front of Jordan.

Money dead!

Money dead!

I just want to die!

If you have this, you hit me!

This monk!

The Jordan nose was gave, and he was still intended to exchange two sentences with Xu Dynasty. Now it is not interested. When he turned from Barsli, he left Barkley laughing behind him.

The media's journalists end the camera, rub it, and the flash is like the flash bomb in the fire line. It is almost blind.

They recorded this scene, wait until tomorrow's newspaper comes out, how they can see how they look at their own imagination.

Xu Qian knows that tomorrow's sports news must be extremely exploded, and the Bull team lost the game with two or more points, like a little boy and big fat man released his enthusiasm in the 11th district.

The coaches in the league will be a headache, a new and proven that their powerful tactics appear to make them spend a large number of brain cells to study.

But what is this?

Xu Qian only kills, not buried.

A group of reporters rushed to rush, and blocked Xu Yung wanted to leave, and he didn't say two sentences.

Looking at the long guns running to your nose, Xu Qian knows that you don't say anything these guys will definitely not let yourself leave.

"There is always such a concept in NBA: three-pointer can't kill the game."

"Through today's game, I think everyone is clear, this statement is incorrect, and this is also what I want to convey to everyone: Who said three-pointer can't kill the game!"

"The new era is coming soon, a basketball concept will be set off by me, all of you are ready, are you ready?"

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