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Chapter 367, small steel gun, your grandson is not enough

"Xiao Gang Director?"

Xu Qianzhu is unexpectedly asked Zheng Jiajia: "You also dig this corner?"

Not Xu Zhizheng is stunned, it is really a prosperous behavior of Zheng Jiajia.

Xiaogang director and Wang family's two brothers have a shallow relationship. Can he come to Xiao Xiao Media?

Zheng Jiajia said: "I am also in the life, and the idea of ​​people such as Xiao Gang is another clear. Don't look at him and Wang Jia brothers are old, think they are a heart, do not do this."

No one likes to make a grandson, everyone wants to be a uncle, but there is no one in the case, there are only a few people who can come.

Why do the small steel can make together into the capital? It is not to climb the relationship with others.

In this way, he tied to someone to get it.

In order to achieve this goal, the small steel gun can have a grandchildren.

Since it is accumulated due to benefits, naturally, it can be opened with interests.

As a person in the bottom of the circle, no one is more clear than Zheng Jiajia, knowing the real face of the small steel gun.

Don't look at them, I usually call brothers, so I like to wear a pants. Once there is a disagreement on the interest, you will be called a fast.

If the development of Wang Jia brothers can be smooth, or let the small steel cannon see hope, I know that I can make a bigger with Wang Jia brothers, he is absolutely the best arm of Wang Jia brothers.

"Now, Wang Jun Wang Lei has not developed, they have no better than Xiao Xiao's media. Even if there is a three mask, they are the two hands in the circle in private enterprises in the circle."

"More attractive is the boss your blind box company."

Xu Zhong: "?"

Can the blind box company and small steel cannon can be related to the relationship between the wall?

Doubt didn't have a long time, Xu Yunxin turned out and immediately wanted to pass the cause.

The gain of the blind box company is not small, far away and not mentioned, single is set up from it to now, its profit is a considerable number.

According to the data sent back by the blind box, as long as the company does not collapse because of some accident reasons, the employees of Xiaoxiao media are in the end of the year, but they can share a lot of income.

"Even if you are dividend, you can get 100,000 in the end of the year."

This can be 100,000, 966 million, what is the concept?

If you don't pick the location, you will have a small life in Beiping.

The blind box company is just a welfare of the artists of Xiaoxiao Media, and he fleszed with everyone.

Ask, who doesn't love this boss, who does not want to follow?

"Xiaogang director would rather wear grandson, giving people the younger brother to squeeze into the Beijing circle, not to have a lot of money in a day, no longer be poor?"

"Today, he has not seen the hope of the ideal, but he is seen in our Xiaoxiao Media. Boss, you will not think he is so iron, even this point does not know."

Zheng Jiajia said and disclosed an important reason.

"He promised, there is a reason, that is a script that you once gave to the company. If I let him do director, he does not say that he will come into the job directly, become a copy of Xiazhou Media."

I gave the script?

Xu Zen recalled and found that there was a seemingly true.

"How do you say" big wrist "script?"

It is said that this Xu Yung is thinking, he has this in the random reward in the daily sign. At that time, he didn't think much, giving the script to Zheng Jiajia through an email, letting the other party look at the process.

Although Xiaoxiao Media has its own director, the quantity is limited, and the domestic film is mainstream. The director likes to have a depth script, not a business card like "big wrist".

Jun did not see the world's migrant guns because of the mainstream of the so-called film and television circle, he has been in the film and television circle. The wind in the entire industry has gradually recognized.

It is no one to pick up the script of "big wrist".

Other directions don't, small steel cannons have added.

He feels that this is the movie he wants to shoot, this is a movie that can make money.

The literary film has a connotation, the movie has a deep depth, do not make money, what is the stomach, northwest wind?

"It's really unintentional willows."

After a sentence, Xu Qian said to Zheng Jiajia: "If the other party is really sincere, we use him. If you don't, you look at it yourself."

Although the small steel gun is very unhappy, it is very important to grasp the director of the domestic film and television pulse. This will take a lot of money from the movie taken, and one of the box office can be seen.

As a qualified boss, how can Xu Yung pushed such a person, which is not what is in the UN.

Small steel cannon is intentional, Zheng Jiajia accepted him and gave him the power of a movie, and he became the dream of director.

It is to know that the small steel cannon has emerged in the end of the "The Story of the Editor" last year, and the status in the industry is far less than future generations. Even Wang Jia brothers are hesitant to let him alone, and Zheng Jiajia is better here. Not only gave the opportunity of small steel guns, but also gave him a drama group, let the small steel cannon do not have to leave Wang Jia brothers, and if you can't find it, it is more important, Zheng Jiajia also gave a small steel gun. Xu Yun's script.

This is a drama of Xu Yung, and now in the domestic film and television circle, no one knows how precious dramas, which is the box office, who is red, who is a famous artifact.

His small steel gun, why, but it turns out early, the kung fu, holding the thigh, actually can have the opportunity, let the people make people spase (envy) abandon (Mu).

Your small steel cannon can go to Xiaoxiao Media to hold the thigh, we will do it.

For a time, Xiaoxiao's media became lively, Zheng Jiajia and the phone sister's phone has also become a lot.

"Fall of disregard."

Wang Jun came up with his longevity.

Why didn't he think that Zheng Jiajia's retaliation is so fast? In the past few days, he also had a consideration for his own calculations, and thought that he won a game, let Zheng Jiahao have to reveal the matter.

But I don't want this woman, the back is a set.

It's a big demonstration that things have passed. She is not considered, let everyone mistaken this. Darkly spread the news of their two brothers to the door, let them say that they are famous, but also secretly stamp their walls, and dig the younger brothers around them.

"Small steel gun, how can he do this!"

Wang Lei is very angry, one Buddha is going out, and the kind of gas of the two Buddha.

The other people will be thrown away. I didn't expect the small steel guns that were stinking with their own stinks. This made him very sad.

Said everyone is a colorful goods, how do I just have something to do, you will leave me?

Small steel gun, your grandson is really not enough.

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