Almighty sign in

Chapter 369 blame me

In the female band, you can often see such a sentence: "The woman is weak, stronger for the mother."

This is a word that even the old boxers are recognized.

This is the case when you have a feeling of this sentence. If you first support the entire family, it is not just the case.

And now, she has to solve new problems in their homes.

Li Ke took the phone and said to Xu Qian, say: "The boss, he came out."

Sitting in a senior coffee shop next to the Taoist listened to the eyebrows, the mood was slightly asked: "How is the situation?"

"Specific conversation We don't know, Zhang Qioni did not be allowed to be listened, but he looked at the reaction after coming out. His situation is not good. If there is no accident, it should be an old lady accounts for absolute upper."

Xu Yun thought about it, said: "Please come over, don't let my mom know."

In fact, it is so simple that it is so simple, it is a great victory.

Xu Qian looked at the face with his own eyebrows - well, it should be that Xu Qian's eyebrows are similar to that, compare the memory, that The face is a lot, and there is no loss and decadent in Xu Yu memory.

I saw Xu'an, the man's eyes lit.

He took the clothes and walked quickly. I wanted to sit down next to Xu Qian, but he was reached out to the file. In the end, I can only choose Xu Yun left to him, sitting in Xu Yun's Opposite, the table is toned.

"You've grown up."

For a long time, the man feels.

Xu Qian has no expression. He has a complaint about the act of the other party's arms. It was originally thought that he would have a fire after he saw the other party, he would be angry, but he didn't want to be face-to-face, he was like ice and mountains.

There is no wave in my heart, such as seeing a familiar stranger, can't afford him half an emotion.

When the other party opened his mouth, Xu Zhong did not maintain silence, he should have a sentence: "I have seen you don't have good, I will be relieved."

Hu Yixian: "..."

He Xing: "..."

They took their heads to the side, so they were soothing the impulse of their own mood.

The boss can speak the matter to death, and you can also laugh at the listener.

Forget it, we are still far away.

I consciously, He Xing they quietly move a few steps and gave Xu Qian parked in space.

Of course, this distance is not far. If some unpleasant conditions can be rushed in the first time.

I didn't expect Xu Qianhui to talk to himself, and the man was so long, he was smashed by him: "You are now in the same time, dare to talk to you. I tell you, don't think you have a few stinks now. Money is not, no matter how much I am your Laozi, saying that it is also this. "

Xu Yun picked his eyebrows: "So?"

"What is this attitude!" The man angry, "I also raised you fifteen years, you don't recognize me, I will find someone to force me to sign the broken agreement, say what to disconnect the father and son relationship. Blood links can be decided to decide, it is to disconnect it? "

"It's more intuitive is your mother. I told her at the beginning. Our family conditions are not good, don't give birth to second birth, she is not listening. What is the result?"

"800 pieces!"

That is a big gesture, his mood is very excited.

"I at the time in the factory, I also had one hundred and eighty-seven three-hair two. It was enough to raise a family. I have to pay a fine, and I have money to burn me."

Xu Qian looked at him and asked: "So you run away?"

"I don't have so much money, your mom is not living, what can I do if I don't run? Is it really going to borrow for your mother, then I have to go." That, the man pointed to Xu Yun , Question, "At that time, you don't live, reading it is general, you can't take a university. You talk about you, when you express your good point, let me see you will definitely take a university. Let our home make a college student, let the country give you the hope of work, I still have some ideas. I don't want to fight for it, what can I do? "

"Eight hundred pieces of you know how long the conditions at our family have not been ten years, do you think it is possible?"

"This money is not worth it for a child, it is not worth it!"

"Children use money to measure the value is not worth it?" Xu Qian smiled shook his head, "I monster me? I am very good at the time, so that you can't affirm that I can take a college, make you throw The decision of the wife, go find a young and more beautiful home condition, better woman to improve life, really sorry. "

"Do you have a gentle, how to learn?" The man took the table, "tell you, I don't regret it now. That little girl does not recognize me, I don't know how you. Teach? I think you are deliberately teaching the child. She doesn't like me, I don't recognize her. "

The coffee in the cup shouted, dropped on the table, staining the white tablecloth, Xu Qian stared at the stains, and the complex stood up.

"It seems that today is a mistake, since it is better to see, don't see it again later."

"Also, your seven gods are eight big, let them rarely annoying, lest the people below, and don't look good on everyone."

The poor is in the downtown, there is a distant relative in the mountains.

Since Xu Yun family developed, it is a lot of people who want to fish through the climbing. The wrong mistakes have bought the entire Junjing Home Community, built a special property service company, blocking outsider, not letting them disturb the peaceful life of mom and sister, now the threshold of the family will be broken by these people .

"I don't have anyone else, and then say that many people in them are still my elders. As a few people, I don't have a little respect for the elders."

"The wine is less than a thousand cups, and there is no more than half a sentence." Xu Zhong gave his body, his height gave each other strong oppression, he told that person, "I am not discussing with you, I am just Inform you, if you don't care what you relatte, don't blame, I have not reminded you. "

That man is in the middle of the way: "What do you want to do? I tell you that this country is legal, you don't come."

Shake and shake it, Xu Yun said: "The poor is the meaning of the rich, and the degree is the rule. You ask what I want to do, I tell you, I will find trouble, I am. It is possible to let him play a home, and a family is sleeping. Do you believe it? "

I thought that the time of the lawyer named Dujiang was silent.

"I have been raised for fifteen years, just because I made a mistake, are you doing this?"

This is the last stubborn.

"You have a good grace, there is also a kindness ..." Xu Yun once reached out, took out a document from the bag of Li Ke, "I settled a point in a four-line small city in the," Although they belong to my name, but the rent will let you receive. Three hundred thousand pieces per month, will also accompany the city's growth rate, enough for your decent. "

"But Xiaoxiao, you are not born, no eligibility to talk to her."

I saw seriously and saw a warning from Xu Xu's eyes. The man hesitated a moment, and took a document in his hand.

Although it is necessary to leave the country, but to a strange city means that he doesn't need to be in the back, and the three five thousand months of rent income, plus the price increase with the market, can you let him? Don't do it very comfortable, carefully think about it, it is also very cost-effective.

Anyway, it is always better than anything.

"It's enough to do things enough, it is very affectionate, this is like me."

When I am walking, the person does not forget to give her face.

"You rest assured, I will not appear again in the future."

Xu Qian looked at the back of his left, gave the last suggestion: "If there is a leisure money in his hand, I don't know how to spend it, I will buy a house, and I will be a bag."

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