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Chapter 378 is obsessive-form and can't afford

"Chen Yang Company, the two young masters of the sheep home ..." Looking down on the mobile phone, the mouth of the mobile phone, the mouth is surrounded by He Xing and Li Ke can't stand the smile of the cold, "these two brothers can really interesting."

There is very little understanding of Yang University, he only knows this person's ability and is the successor of Chenyang Company. Even after it was, Chen Yang Company became Chen Yangji, all expanded into a group, and his position was no one.

Anytitate Yang two is less shake, this guy is just in the help of home, with an opportunity to enter the entertainment industry, and also use money to smash a beautiful actress, marry each other.

After that, the company's secondary company opened, and the company has also staged an palace, a actress that has become a girl in Yang's second grandma and Yang second less money, and the company, a company, a good torn, and finally defended himself. Marriage and status.

That mega was that the people who included Xu Yun took a good show.

After that, after another, the two mouths showed rich in a certain variety, and there is a tens of thousands of trash cans at home.

Unfortunately, it is unsuccessful that there is no success. The two must be built in front of universal netizens.

You said that you can only take a small part of the small shareholder in the group, pseudo-rich, what big head you are doing you.

"But since you have provoked me, you can't have a chance to become a pseudo-rich, that you can say it."

I was already slapted, if you didn't come back, you will definitely be a slap. Xu Qian may not be a saints of the West, and the left face has to hold the right face, say: "Hey, buddy, here, come here, otherwise it is called."

Forced disorder, can't afford to hurt.

"Chen Yang Company's words ..."

Xu Zhong made a call and told Cai Shuangxin: "Check the situation of Chenyang Company and remember the secret point."

To say that Cai Shuangxin, because he previously speared that the biggest investment in Northern Europe was responsible for the company's private equity, the people throughout Asia were as small. Chen Yang Company is not the top one in China, and Cai Shuangxin should understand that it is too easy to understand their situation.

After an hour, he returned to Xu Qian 's information.

After reading Cai Shuangxin gave his own mail, Xu Qun did a reply and made Cai Shuangxin have a thing.

Click to confirm, then send it again, then see the email to send success, see time, after the discovery time has come to 11 am, he temporarily presses the idea.

The kindergarten is very close to the home, it can be said that it is not for the door, two little sisters will go home at noon, unless he is not at home, or the mother will take them home to find my brother, a family eats a group round .

Since Fang Shuying became a leader in kindergarten, her living center has changed.

The previous Fang Shuying is waiting at home for a long time. It is not to do housework. It is a short TV series in the parents. It makes the cleaning aunt in the family, and I am afraid that I will lose this high-tech.

Now it is good, the workload of cleaning aunt is full of work, and the days are abnormal, and they will settle down.

To say that the only uneasy, I am afraid it is her body.

After all, there is such a big villa, and the daylight is not allowed to keep the work in clean hands.

Although a aunt can help to cook, Xu Sheng inherits the fine tradition of my mom, that is, I can do it yourself and don't bother others.

As if he cooks this kind of mom and sister, as long as he is not particularly busy, he will do his own.

Today is also a kitchen day.

Pick up the vegetable knife, Xu Zhong was busy in the kitchen. He is so calm, nothing to see, even if he has always been in his left, Li Ke, did not see where it is today.

I don't know how to reply to Cai Shuangxun sent a storm in the domestic business community, I don't know how many people have shocked the eye beads.

"My brother, my brother, you hug your sister!"

Fried four dishes, two, plus a soup, Xu Yun took the time to take them on the table, he just did the sound of Xiaoxiao.

A little dog rushed in, she said, fierce.

Xu I saw it and went down and took this little sister.

Xiaoyang looked at my brother, giggling a laugh.

This is a small game between the brothers and sisters. Every time Xiaoxiao sees Xu Qian, the Xiaogang is only doing Xu Qian, others are not done. In the heart of Xiao Dog, she firmly believes that my brother can pick yourself, and I only believe that my brother will pick yourself, if you change it into other people, she will rush to the ground, and fell.

"Do you have anything happening?"

Xu Qian put her in the seat and touched her small brain!

After that, Xu Yun turned, and he hugged with Xiaoxiao's Xiaoxi Zi, in this little sister, I wished her, covering her face.

"My brother is so good."

Also, I was put in a small-sized child whose seats on my seat, I didn't have a sense of my face. Instead, I judged a good card.

Since I met Xiaoxiao, I became Xu Yun's dry sister, Xiao Qingzi realized that only the relationship between my mother Gao Xiaolun can experience it, and let her have a family with Xu Yun.

Look at the current Xiaoxiao, compared that the first time she first saw her, she knew that this little sister really took Xu Qian as her brother, it was really taking a loved ones.

"There is no matter, there is nothing."

Xiaoxiao said that it is so saying that a pair of eyes is turning, it is obvious that it is unique, and the heart is different.

Since I met Xiaoxiao, I became Xu Yun's dry sister, Xiao Qingzi realized that only the relationship between my mother Gao Xiaolun can experience it, and let her have a family with Xu Yun. Look at the current Xiaoxiao, compared that the first time she first saw her, she knew that this little sister really took Xu Qian as her brother, it was really taking a loved ones.

"There is no matter, there is nothing."

Xiaoxiao said that it is so saying that a pair of eyes is turning, it is obvious that it is unique, and the heart is different. Since I met Xiaoxiao, I became Xu Yun's dry sister, Xiao Qingzi realized that only the relationship between my mother Gao Xiaolun can experience it, and let her have a family with Xu Yun. Look at the current Xiaoxiao, compared that the first time she first saw her, she knew that this little sister really took Xu Qian as her brother, it was really taking a loved ones.

"There is no matter, there is nothing."

Xiaoxiao said that it is so saying that a pair of eyes is turning, it is obvious that it is unique, and the heart is different.

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