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Chapter 382 Contract is not torn?

Just like a happy time is always short, the leisure days is just the tuning in Xu'an life, and he is very busy with the vast majority of time.

When the first sunshine in the morning was irradiated in the house, wake up the people who slept, Xu Qian was signed before the blink.

"You have completed daily check-in, get random rewards: advanced painting skills."

A advanced ability.

Today's luck looks like a good look.

Previously, Xu Yun once smashed into primary painting skills, let him benefit more when writing the script, those who need to use the painting ability, etc., he is done by primary painting skills.

Today, you can go, pumped with advanced painting skills, and a lot of rankings.

But what is this?

Reached your hand and wiped his face, Xu Qian was thinking later, this is really not too much.

It is enough to write a script to the primary of the script.

Look at a very good ability, but the actual use is not big.

Keep your hand and touch it, Xu Yuan woken it out, and the quilt is only a stuffy and fragrance.

This Zhao Xiaoyeded, what did she do so early, she doesn't know what the day is in the morning?

Very regrettable Xu Qian knows that today's morning practice is not, he can only take a deep breath, and get up with great perseverance.

Once the weather turns cold, it will become a big difficult, and the non-nature of the body cannot be.

Adults, children are even more.

When the washing, Xu Yuan went to the main house called the little sister, he met a problem.

Three little sisters grabbed the quilt, shrinking the little body, only showing a small brain! They looked at Xu'an with three pairs of Mengmeng's eyes, like a puppy of the tail, praying that my brother should not ignore the quilt, and they still want to be sealed for a while.

Seal for a while, even if a small will be.

The prayers of little sisters, Xu Yun's response is to open their quilt, and they break the seal for them in their excited screams.

If you sell Meng, you can do it. What is the brother to do?

Your trick is good for your mother, in your brother, you are here - no door.

"Small, today you have no trip?"

When I had breakfast, I asked Zhao Xiao.

Nowadays, Zhao Xiao is not as good as Yang Xiaomi and Tang Wei. Although there is a certain reputation in China, people ask for money to meet the two choices of the business people of the star, will not fall to her.

Either Tang Wei, either Yang Xiaomi, if these two people can't, they will consider others.

This other people are not necessarily a person Xiao Xiao, and it is not necessarily Zhao Xiaoshi.

So, this girl is now aware of the reputation, but it is not talking about the big red purple. The top is mixed in front of the country.

Think about the fan eight million, or if you encounter a sky, go black and red, the red route, all kinds of self-funded red carpet and other operations have opened the first river of the domestic movie stars to brush the lower limit, she don't say big red, mostly for a few years Just in the film and television sales.

"The company gave me a lot, I will go to the crew soon."

Zhao Xiaoshiji 800 million lucky places lied to the optimistic look of Xu Yun, Xiao Xiao Media is very looked at her, and there is a preferential treatment of her in the inclination of resources. Soon she will take a shot with her grandmaster, her protagonist will also open.

Take the orthodox route, be famous in the circle, although it is bitter, but the foundation is better, the reputation is better, the upper limit will be higher, and the red will be longer.

"This is very good."

Xu Qian's expectation of Zhao Xiaoshi is the height of her later generation. As for more Xu Yung, there is no extravagance.

The aesthetics of the Oriental is very different from the West. Zhao Xiaoshi is a sweet beauty in the aesthetic beauty of the oriental. It is very exciting, but it doesn't eat in the West.

This will know that the feedback information of Xiaoxiao media will be known from the first game of the Clippers in the Bao Shiller Center.

Westerners like the hip big muscle developed, the kind of chest, sweet and joined in them can only be a niche.

As for why Zhao Xiaoshi is a sweet and sweet, Xu Zhong will not tell others, this is his one inch one inch repeatedly.

After eating breakfast, Xiaoxiao is accompanied by Zhao Xiaoshi, and Xu Yun has received a victory in the courtyard. Xu Yun received a call from Cai Shuangxin.

"I have contacted the other party, but the other party has doubts."

"Talk about it, what are they all."

Sitting on the lounge chair next to the pool, Xu Yun looked at Xiaoxiao in the yard, listening to the laughter of the little sister, and paid to Cai Shuangxin.

"They have reached the cooperation of 30 million. This is a high price in the country. So others have to know that Chen Yang company is reimbursed, there is no one to have the strength. After all, if the other party refuses, There are many defaults on the contract. "

"Damage?" Xu Qian asked, "How much?"

"20 million." Cai Shuangxin is clearly a homework, accurate data is out of mouth, "count the bid of Chen Sheep, if someone wants to stop, at least takes 50 million, and it is cash. Take it out After a money, even if it is successful, the profit will be extremely limited. "

Small profits, the return is low.

Only earn a little sweet but sin, a quite powerful enemy, domestic business people found this not a cost-effective trading, they naturally refuse.

And 50 million, you will not sell it even if you are willing.

Earn the same amount of money, people directly take the money of Chen Sheep, no sinner, will not fall a pleasant, not tell the spirit of the contract.

"Tell them, I am 80 million, they are willing to sell, don't want this, we have not mentioned it. In addition, let them remember their mouths, I don't want the wind to get out of premium, otherwise it will happen very unpleasant Things, if you are broken, a group and gas is not good. "

Xu Qian listened to this sentence: loyalty is loyal, just because the benefits of betrayal are not big enough.

The management of the Jagi Group regrets: We don't want to sell, we look at the reputation, we need to talk about the spirit, but the other party is too much.

If you violate the appointment, you can make more profit, it is 30 million, even if it is not a person, everyone will be a huge wealth of them, they can't get down.

In this era of inflation, don't say 30 million, you will earn more tens of millions and enough to make their eyes don't blink. If you don't have you hesitate, you will swallow the promise to Chen sheep.

Just as the rule is used to destroy, is the contract not torn?

"Things have been done, the boss."

After the arrival of Cai Shuangxin, Xu Qian gave Peng Xue to the phone.

"Snow, arrange a few people to return to China, I have a job to pay."

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