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Chapter 397 explores the water river

Two short small fingers pinching a beef dried, Xiao Xiao's small short hand stretched, and she could not hand it to the person you had to give. She can only shout: "Lao Guo, you eat, you can eat delicious La."

This puppy has been with Lao Guo, and the old Guo is not adapted.

Lao Guo never thought that it would be a good thing to be a good thing in the eyes of a child.

I would rather nothing like this.

Lao Guo smiled.

Xiaosi is entangled in Lao Guo, but Xu Yung can only face the entanglement of two surname sheep.

When the Yang brigade called his big brother, Yang Cong heard the chance to talk to Xu'an, and quickly put down his hand, rushing over, just first Xuang them first reached a place.

This is also a honesty, and Xu Zhong will not give them a chance.

Yang Cong is also intelligent. He didn't dare to get big in front of Xu Qian. When you come, you will be busy.

Xu Sheng glanced at him, are you still young? You are more than I am very old, you tell me you still young, then what should I say?

"Being ahead, I have to recognize it. Since you know the wrong person, I am not a person who has killed, you can do one thing, I can reduce the amount of $ 50 million in Zhang Ming."

Said, Xu Yun said Yang Cong.

"You, go to the country tomorrow, wait for my news."

Go to the country?

Yang Cong can not understand, to say that the person's words, the people's hand can be used, why so that he uses his Yang Cong. Unless it is the kind of risk, or it is not convenient to come.

With Xu Qian and Yangjia's relationship, if he is all planned in Mi State, when the people in the rice country have been investigated, even if it is found to get Yang Cong, Xu Qian can also take off. After all, in the domestic business circle, I don't know Xu'an to rectify their sheep's home, and the Liangzi in both sides is not necessarily.

I thought of this layer of Yang Cong was black.

Instead, it is the envy of the Yanglong, that is, the most developed country in the world, in the Yanglion's opinion, Xu Yung makes Yang Cong to go to the rice, not punish, mostly gave everyone a step.

Sure enough, I will say, our home is a member of the Wuyue Chamber of Commerce, and the domestic business community is also the old seniors. Xu Sheng did not dare to be too much.

Looking at the two brothers in the eyes, Xu Ya shook his head, he said to Yang Cong: "You don't want it, but your family will have someone else, or I can't see your sincerity."

Yang Tong immediately replied: "I have taken over some of my business, I will not be able to open for a while, please don't see you. About your proposal, my suggestion is made by my brother to Miki, how do you see ? "

How do you ask me?

Xu Yun's answer is four words: "You are really brothers and friends."

Ok, in fact, it is more appropriate to use waste.


These families are really enough (none).

The people are not satisfied, they have to be honest.

Yang Trifted: "I blame us before, I am sinned. Now we know, you have a lot, please don't raise your hand again, let us pick up our horses, you will thank you here. "

Xu Ji did not care about him.

From 200 million to 1 million, not Xu Xinxin, but Xu Qian knows that if you die, you have to be two hundred million, the sheep home feels that he can't turn his body, you will die, it will inevitably Will involve themselves. In this sensitive period now, it is not suitable for making things too much.

Others don't know, maybe know how long it can't use, the upper layer will change, and the attitude above will be stable and overwhelmed. His previous movement is still within the tolerance of the head, once the trouble is too big, even if the sheep home will end, he will also be affected.

In order to rectify the sheep home, it is too much.

If the price drops to 150 million, the situation is complete.

Although this price will make the sheep's big blood, and for several years, they will take the barters of the bankruptcy, but they can see a hopes. It is this kind of hope that this is hopes that they will hesitate. It will make them don't dare to fight.

I don't know if this is hoped, it is a illusion that Xu Yen is left to them. They will finally go to decline in despair.

What's more than the 50 million tools have a bigger use of Xu Qian, it is a one-time chess that he has a big plan.

Xu Zhong turned his head, and the old Guo Dao, which is being entangled by two little sister: "Teacher Guo, I went out this time, I still thought about listening to your cross talk, I didn't expect that there was a long time. You, although this comic can't hear it, you can get me more than you. "

Said, Xu Qian gave Lao Guo a business card and told him: "If you have any thoughts in the future, I will come to me."

Lao Guo, who took the business card, was very solemn, he would know, he knows, such as Xu Yun's business card is not anyone. It is very likely that at some point in the future, today's acquaintance will make him a difficult big booth in life.

Xu Sheng did so he saw himself, just hurt the old Guo's heart heated, he did something that he won't do it.

He said to Xu Zen: "Only have no bonus, and the intercourse is not the taste, or I will sing as ugly, give you a song" to explore the water river "."

When he said, he sang.

"The tip of the peach leaves, the Liu Ye is covered with the sky, this Ming, listen to me, let me say ..."

When I started, I didn't hear anything yet. I only felt that this black gathered hampered, hindering myself and Xu Zen, but listening to him, I didn't see it.

What is it necessary to fight you?

What is the leather whip?

You are a black fat, you said, are you talking about me?

It's really a thrilling shoal of the dragon, the tiger, Pingyang is bullied by dogs, that is, our sheep's home is hard, otherwise you are good.

Yang Cong looked at it. Seeing that the Lord seems to be very strong, it can only turn off the thoughts of retaliation afterwards.

The gentleman is revenge, ten years is not too late, waiting for our family to have this black fat man.

There is also Xu Qian, don't let us catch the opportunity, or everything you have given us today will come back.

That is, the network has not yet happened, otherwise this Yang Cong really has the protagonist.

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