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Chapter 410 Brother's Safe

Li Sanru's child with the poor family has successfully turned over after a hard work, that is, I believe I am.

That is, commonly known as excessive confidence.

Because of the poor, I can see the world's most authentic side, and I can feel the cruel side of the world, and I can know that it is not easy to succeed.

Because of his hard work, they don't believe in anything else, just believe in their ability. I feel that my eyes are precise, others are hard to have myself, and I have a confidence in some things.

Such people are a big finger unless they do not plant their heads.

But no one knows when they will plant this heart.

Coincidental is Xu Qian who knows that Li San will plant a big finger in the foreign exchange market next year. This guy swells in the success of Beiping. He swells in love, and the Journey to the West is not able to take it. The foreign exchange market is really a son of life. You can harvest the capitalist leeks.

"There is no domestic mix outside, three as a teacher, I am waiting for you to come back and play still debts."

Xu Lun will go to a root stool in detail, a threshold written on the paper borrowing contract to lock into the safe, he just locks the door, then there are two small tail after the body.

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai were looking at the brain in the probe. They were looked at Xu Qian, I want to see how much my brother hides in the cabinet.

Usually, these two little sisters are very curious about this safe. If they are weak, they have long thought that this brother secret cabinet is hidden.

In order to avoid the fate of the two little sister's scourge, Xu Qian and Xiaoxiao have hugged Xiao Xiao.

Xiaoxiao will not be polite with my brother, she reached out, pulling the door of the safe, but I can't open it.

Xiao Qingzi wanted to help, but she found her small shortcoming after reaching out, could not be able to do anxious.

Of course, she didn't do anything. This little sister used a spiritual war, stared at Xiao Xiao and pulled it, and I made a hmmn voice in my mouth. I was drumping for Xiaoxiao.

Xu Zen saw the real profit, Xiao Xiao, but Xiao Sanzi was red, and the forehead was slightly sweating.

As this situation is generally called, it seems that there is a saying that can be used here.

"My brother is open, let my sister look."

You can't open it yourself, just ask for help. Xiaoxiao said that he worked hard, and he still couldn't find a brother.

Anyway, as long as you can't solve the things you can't solve.

What's more, this cabinet is brother, brother will definitely open it.

In order to meet the curiosity of the little sister, Xu Yuan opens the safe and let them look at it once.

The child is always like this, the more you don't let her see, she is curious and stronger, the more I want to know what it is, I really arrived. After you have seen it, she lost interest.

Xiaoxiao: "There is no big white rabbit!"

Xiaoxiai: "There is no toy!"

Two little sisters are very disappointed with my brother. You are so big brother. I actually even even white rabbit tattoo and toys in the mysterious cabinet. It is too gas.

I thought I could find a lot of delicious food from my brother. As a result, I didn't get it well, and she pointed to a metal box in the safe: "Is this Sen?"

The little sister wants to see Xu Qian, I will give her a completely, open the metal box, which is a full box of blue reagents.

That is a high-energy nutrient for Xu Yen.

Xiaoxiao doesn't know what this is, but she can think of her own small brain! She looked at my brother, very angry.

You this brother, there is a good drink, I don't give you sister, this is discovered by my sister!

"Give your sister."

My sister has given a request, what should my brother do?

Of course, I promised her.

Xu Yun smiled, he took out a tareer, dial the stopper, and then screamed Xiao Xiao opened his mouth.

"Ah ~~~"

For the sake of delicious, the little sister became very honest. She all cooperated, Xu Qian did not delay the time, slightly tilted the glass tube, dripping a little dripping into the little sister's little mouth.

Then, Xiao Xiao cried.

"It's hard to eat!"

She wrinkled in a whole whole little face, and she still had a non-stop, I want to spit it with bitter nutrients. However, the bitterness of the fumet is extremely tenacious, and it is not easy to drive it. Xiaoxiao has a few mouthfuls, and the bitter taste is not driven by the anti-increasing obvious.

This can give a little sister, and the tears began to swim in the eyes. When I saw a crying, a big white rabbit was stuffed into her little mouth. The sweet taste of milk gum is in a bitter taste, Xiaoxiao is not really crying.

"Brother is bad!"

I feel that I have suffered a loss when I got a small bar, and the evil patted her brother's pants and took a small Sakator and ran out my brother's bedroom.

My brother bullies my sister, my sister is going to find my mother to tell, let my mother teach bad brothers.

Successfully crushed the family's silly sister, did not panic, and he smiled and smiled.

I believe that after this matter, the little sister will not be curious about my brother's safe.

During the dedicated silly sister, Xu Qian has a hand, and treats the outside people.

"Inform the sheep brigade, let him roll me to the rice as soon as possible. I and their sheep's home is so many days. He still depends on the meaning of intending to destroyed? Tell the sheep home, if they really dare to do it, I Will let them know what is wrong with regret. "

Xu Yun's sentence handed over, and the Yangjian, the Yangjian, the Yangjian, was forced to stepping on the flight to the rice country, and cooking the field oil of the lighthouse in the capitalist camp to the other side of the ocean.

After all the sheep, she didn't dare to repent. Xu Yun's means shocked to live them, so that sheep's home did not dare to gamble, there is no more ferocious means.

Despite the nine deaths, after all, Xu Yun has left a living road, letting them see a re-enlarged hope, which is that this is hopes that the sheep will lose the courage to let go.

For these families, the time is their largest weapon.

In their view, the amount of retreat is not called at all, they don't rush to the eve of the day.

They think that their approach is wise, the choice is rational, but in Xuang Eyes, the evaluation of them is: "The qi is sinking, such as the bones."

If the country is affected by such a family, then it is never a good thing.

Therefore, Xu Yun's approach is: "You have listened to your identity information, I have already registered an account on the twitter, I will make some information in this account, what you have to do is Understand basic finance and stock knowledge. Don't learn how much you have learned, as long as you play your own business, you can blow it with you, not being broken. "

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