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Chapter 422 punishes

"What is your eyes?"

Xu Yun called, and found that Li Ke looked very strange.

The time to do is naturally clear, so he said to Li Ke: "Do you think I am terrible? Then you can be wrong."

"Good, the horses are like me in the new China, the blood of the blood, I can't do it too much about him."

Just as Li Ke thought that when you deliberately scare him, Xu Zhong took a sentence: "You must sell him a good price."

Li Ke: "..."

Hu Yixian: "..."

"Your reaction is strange." Xu Qian stalls, "I am not a devil."

Hu Ye and Li Ke only feel that people are worthy of self-knowledge, that noble words are too incisive.

The dog will always be a dog, but people sometimes not people.

Li Ke and Hu Yisheng is very speechless for their own self, and they are very speechless. They don't want to talk to Xu Zen at this time.

Although they don't know how to reach the go of boys in the end, they did not stop the meaning of Xu. With their understanding of Xu Qian, Xu Qi is not a person who will harm the national interests, and he will not do things.

In this way, it is enough.

"You are ..." Xu Yun said Li Kok, and he said, "Good life is boring."

Li Ke is boring, some is interesting.

However, this interesting person is interesting to be beautiful, or the soul is interesting, then I will see people.

The strange look at Yang Xiaomi, who is introduced by the servant, Xu Qian asked her: "How come you?"

"How can I come?"

When the girl talks, it is just a good look that a small grievance can make people feel that I have a sense of pity.

However, Xu Qian was giving up Yang Xiaomi and praised: "The acting has progress."

Yang Xiaomi: "!!!"

Is it now to evaluate my acting? The old mother ... is wrong, the girl bites you.

Xu Yun said, he said, he is clearly boasting Yang Xiaomi. How did this girl come together, and they will grasp it again, and they are ignorant.

Woman, you are playing with fire.

Then, a single-chasing battle broke out, and it was so unfair to prevent and fierce.

After this girl was calm down by Xu Qian's physical therapy, she said that I said that I have appeared in the country: "Corner Bi Company sent me an audition invitation, I came to touch the luck. "

"When did this happen?"

Xu Zun realized that this is not simple, Cognar Bay is not only as simple as an actor to try.

"Before day." Yang Xiaomi replied, see Xu Yun's reaction is somewhat, couldn't help but ask, "What happened?"

Xu Yun did not explain much, just gave Yang Xiaomi to Yang Xiaomi before going to the bathroom: "If I guess it is right, I will have a guest."

It turns out that Xu Yang did not expect it, and Dagui is indeed coming.

He brought the sincerity of the Corner's company: "The previous wind wave has lost your help, which allows the company to hit the insurance. In order to express your gratitude, the company's new film wants Yang Miss as a female starring.

Let me be a female starring!

Yang Xiaomi's eyes were shining. She really wants to promise immediately, so I am so reasonable to stop her. She looked at Xu Qian, and I was waiting.

This woman has a brain at this time, and has not been stunned by the interest.

Xu Qian said to Daxie: "The film company is still talking to the movie, even if the company has turmoil, as long as the new film can solve many problems. If the new film is sold, it will not be a problem. Your thoughts are , Thinking is not wrong, only time is not to grasp. "

The big heroic face changed, and he carefully observed Xu Qian, and he replied: "If you are former Corner's unspeakable thing to help the Pixin studio, I will pay you here. In fact. Things are not what you think, I don't want to help, but wait for the parent company to reply to time. Say that your means make people admire, so a short time will share everything, when you are a hero. "

Yang Xiaomi is still silly and can hear the information incident in two dialogue.

I am a little devil. It turns out that your audition invitation has something else. I thought I really opened the door of Hollywood, and hurt me.

Xu Yun picked his eyebrows: "I solve things too fast, blame me?"

"There is no such thing, absolutely no."

Big He Tu Xiong can't make a unhappy, before Xu Yun just letting the Tit Company guided the public opinion, let them eat so big, don't look at the wind wave seems to calm down, this is just the foot on the surface, secretly The parent company is still playing with the financial institutions of Wall Street and does not let themselves become a feast on the table.

At this time, if you have anger, let Xu Qian poured the hit, it will really want to be.

"Yang Xiaomi's work trip I have arranged self-contained, Cognar Bay, if you are interested, you can contact Xiaoxiao Media, I believe you will have more choices."

Even if Xu Yang did not have this cooperation, Yang Xiaomi will not try again.

Dagui is not pure, Yang Xiaomi is not so stupid.

Your own career is learned, and the small means that the expense can not be used, which makes the big man Tiens are very worry.

Xu Zhong did not agree, this means that he is likely to revenge on his arms before the Corner's company, it is not a big man.

I have to pay you to order, otherwise I can't stabilize this.

Daxie Xi Xiong is thinking about how to open, I will listen to him: "Cognar Bay is also one of Hollywood, there are many inventories in the library. In this way, I have to invest in a film and television business recently. Internet companies, they are very interested in the Internet copyright to the Cognar Barbia. "

Said, Xu Zhong wrote a phone number in the cascade.

"This is the mobile phone number of the company's founder. His name is Pitt, you talk about it."

Dawa's classic tremble was trembled. He remembered that the Disney Group's president of the Disney Group was also called Pitt, and this person took only a few high-managed executives in the Disney Group, their left-handed Esner has reduced the control of the group's internal control, so that the Disney family trying to take the power in a short time. Is this Pert?

If so, Xu Qian is terrible.

Daxie Zhenxione is fraudulent, he knows that this Bangbian Baby will put a lot of blood, Xu Yu is to punish them with the previous one.

When he disappeared in the field of view, Xu Yun's slap in the palm of Yang Xiaomi: "Don't break the invitation in the future, first see if there is any mystery, you, the stupid woman, more motion brain . Movie Actress, I am not allowed to arrange one, go back to me, I will drop the chain when I take it. "

Some speed series in hand, do you want a bicycle?

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