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Chapter 457 Reality and Ideal Collision

The fragrance of the food came, Fang Shuying and Wen Hui, who helped in the kitchen have been done.

The little dogs are very spirits, almost at the same time at the meals, they will smell the taste.

Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai played very happy in Xu Yun's Knights, and the little face was full of smiles. The first thing they go home is not to find it, but find my brother.

There are more strangers in the family, although I have a friend, Xu Qian is not very habit.

He did not stay downstairs, but at the second floor, he returned his room.

When Xiaoxue rushed into the house, Xu Qianzheng was sitting in the computer.

Strictly speaking, he is a porter who is doing text.

These days, random rewards, randomly rewards, although most of them are money, the amount is from 100,000 Chinese currency to $ 350,000, but occasionally there will be other rewards.

Just took Xu Zhong's ghost gun series, the remaining volume of the volume was randomly, and it was only written by Xu Yun, and published them.

Xiaoxiao ran forward, took the brother's legs with a little hand, crisp with born: "My brother is dinner."

A rare little sister personally runs to call themselves to eat, Xu Zen is of course to give her sister face, so the sister will only give my brother.

A family sits around the dinner table, and Fang Shuying shunded Wen Hui: "Xiao Hui is not polite, it is a family, what you want to eat."

Then she asked Xu Qian's doubts: "Son, I listen to people saying that this is actually very simple. Why is it so complicated in your hand?"

Xu Qian, who is a little sister, listened to: "Mom, what is your simple kind of simple kind, is it, it is to donate a money to invite a reputation, and there are almost not very good. That money Falling up to practice, fell a few points, is it spent on the most needed people, they are not responsible for following. "

"My approach is different from them, I want to do practical things, not spending money to buy a reputation is so simple."

Worried that my mother doesn't understand, Xu Yun gives Fang Shuying explained: "If you just donate a money, I am worried that this money will be used as a child who has been able to read the book, but not let those read. The family benefits. After all, many people are pursuing that people are not enough to have more, in some people, it seems that there is a waste of families who can't read books, it is better to give money to the city Good school, so that these this book will be more able to achieve it. "

"There is a school in the area that you are responsible. Their work scores are good, and when reporting to work, there is light, it is more likely to look at it in the end, and more capital is more in considering promotion of promotion."

Said, Xu Qian asked Wen Hui: "I think Hui sister has contributed to the education of hometown, but also wants more children to change fate through knowledge, have better life, and give the children in the snow. And not to give people a brocade. "

The brotts are easy to get, and the boys are difficult in the snow.

Therefore, the fans on the brotts are more than the river, and there are very few people in the snow.

Wen Hui nod should: "I didn't think about teaching in the city, I want to go back to the village, let the rural children can read a good book."

This word Xu Qi Xin.

It is not necessary to return to the small county of the four or five lines of the city. It is not better to stay in Beiping.

Others don't say, single by the first child is the only person who makes Xu Yun 's kind, he will open the mouth, will definitely help this.

For others, it is not easy to stay in Beiping, which is a few words in Xu Zhong.

I don't believe that people who have a number of people who have a number in their mobile phones will give this matter.

Take a napkin to Xiaoxiao and Xiao Sizi. When you have died this two little sisters, Xu Qian said: "You see, this is the contradiction. Hui sister you think is to let the country There are books read, but the schools in rural areas have less birth. Plus income is not high, can't stay in teacher, one school is gradually abandoning, the quality of teaching is also caught in the city. Such a school Two, the work of the local executive is not big. If you change your early years, we are still studying primary school, the country's work in education is similar to the national literacy, now ... Time ... "

"Good steel should be used on the blade, there is a township that can't be achieved, it is better to take care of the tips in the jurisdiction, and strive to raise a key school. This school has appeared. Inevitable reputation, there is an unable to describe the benefits for managers' qualifications and transcripts, standing in their position is not more beneficial than building a rural school in your own. "

Wen Hui bowed his head.

She didn't want to talk to Xu Zen, because she felt that Xu Yun said too cruel, but she carefully thought but did not refute.

This kind of thing I think that the world shouldn't this, but I know that it will definitely develop, and the sense of death makes Wen Hui to cry. Her ideals, the beautiful, all of them have been crushed with ruthlessness, and the rest is to face the cruel reality of blood.

There is a feeling in Wen Hui's heart, that is, Xu Qian said that there are nine centers that may become a reality.

That is to say, there will be more increasingly inclined resources in various aspects of education, more and more concentrated, and the children who have been born in the big city will be more difficult to imagine the extent to which people in small places.

This is unfair!

The heart is shouting, but Wen Hui finds that he is very weak, she is like a small ants in the face of rolling floods, either with the wave flow, or they are crushed with a big trend, and I have been tall and hurt.

Fang Shuying gave a look at Xu Qian, warned that he didn't talk anymore.

He said that the child of Wen Hui, the original girl, it has become decadent and desirable.

Xu Qian's warning is not seen. I just said that the difficulties that may have encountered, I haven't let you really face it, you are confident that you are so rest assured?

"Huijie, I am just a possibility, maybe in real realism will be more difficult, it is not so difficult, you can think about it again."

"That ..." Wen Hui hesitated, "What you said is what I didn't think of it before, I think about things too simple, I made an ideal mistake, I think I really need to think about it."

"Think about it again."

Xu Zhong didn't say more, after all, not everyone will walk in the end, more is to choose the compromise after realistic cruelty.

Still tangled Wen Hui did not know, after the end of this meal, Xu Qian went to the study to call Yu Min.

To make an education industry, the founder of this new winter is more comprehensive than Wen Hui, more experience, but also more.

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