Almighty sign in

Chapter 462, you are doing black heart cotton.


"Nature is because someone is anxious."

Tang Wei saw Xu Ya's spiritual loss, this girl looked at the , Fang Shuying and two little sister still didn't go home in kindergarten, Li Ke and He Xing them in her hurried It is also far away from the interest. If you have no scruples, you will take a look at the past, and she wants to teach Xu Qian.

The blue sky is actually running out to pick wild flowers, it is too gas.

I am worried about him, I am worried about him, I am worried that he is difficult to get into some vortex, but this guy is still happy when he is anxious.

Today, this girl does not give you a lesson. If you don't hit your face, you don't know why the flower is so red.

How fast is Xu?

The girl's feet have not yet arrived, his hand lifted.

He is not a gentleness, but directly grabbing, and his body is lie in the back, escaping this.

Just, he forgot that when he hidped his hand, he also captured the ankle of the girl. This lie down, and it almost didn't bring some girls to a big split.


Tang Yu is so easy to have a single leg, there is no shape, and there is no ugly on the spot. Under the anxious, she also caught a lot, the top movement, the top of it, and pulled Xu.

"Wait, you listen to me explained."

Xu Yu wants to explain, tell Tang Wei, not intentional, but he has no chance.

How can an angry woman can listen to you?

Tang Wei mentioned the powder circle and pressed him. He was a fight, and he saw the face of Li Ke and others in the distance.

My own boss and the future boss are playing, should we go to destroy the atmosphere?

According to the person who knows that knowing the interest should be asking such a problem, Nai Tang Wei's fist is not light, playing , let Li Ke will worry that their own boss will be hit by the future boss flat.


There is a small child's exclamation.

Tang Yan came to see, I saw Xiao Xiao and Xiao Qingzi, who were surprised, stunned, and looked at the sister in the brother.

I saw my other side by the little sister, and the Tang Yin face fell up to Hongxia.

She is going to release Xu Yun, and she has not thought about Xiaoxiao excitedly, even the small shoes did not take off.

Or my sister is distressed.

Xu Qian met the old and comfort.

My little sister saw my brother was bullied. In the first time, I was brave enough to save my brother, so that he was too touched.

This sister is not painful.

However, Xu Yuan found himself.

Xiaoxiao rushed to the top, she was excited, and she raised her little bar to say: "Xiaoxian helps the big fairy to harm the egg!"

The small bar's palm he said to his brother's face, and there was almost didn't give Xu Yun nose.

This sister is not intimate, I am afraid not to do it!

Tang Wei was also surprised by Xiaoxiao, she thought that Xiao Dog was a rescue of Xu Yun, and she did not expect a helper to kill halfway.

This girl is happy, and she doesn't have to use a small boxing of Xu Qian's chest, but to hold the hand of Xu Zun, press the body to suppress Xu Qian, and let the dog suppress my brother's resistance.

"Big bad guys, homework, hit you, hit you, hit you ..."

Every time you hit you a small bar.

Although the strength of the dog is playing in Xu Qian, it will not feel pain, almost no killing, how can you be insulting?

Why didn't he think that his own silly child is not intended, but also attacks himself, it feels like two-hah, other dogs can let the thief, two ha-yak but not a thief will give the thief.

Fortunately, Xiaoxiao didn't join, this kind of timid puppy did not dare to get the ranks of marginal brother, only to call on her Xiaoxiao: "That is a brother, Xiaoxiao, don't play, playing is not Good boy, there will be no small saffron. "

The physical strength of the girl cannot be more than the male child, not to mention the physical quality of Xu Yen. You don't have to deliberately catch Tang Wei's negligence. Xu Yun has a successful serf to turn over, change the position of the two people, turned to him, Tang Wei is under.

Xiaoxiao saw a lot of righteousness, she was running, she wanted to urge my mother to come and hurry, please go home, only my mother can suppress bad eggs.

Xiao Qingzi stupidly stood in the same place, she looked at Xu Zhong here, and then see Xiao Xiao, who took the door and shouted "Mom and saves the big fairy", I don't know what to do.

Xu Qian could not worry about the familiar with the familiar, and he had a chance to clean up this. He is a chance. When it is Tang Wei, he is the first to be all-round.

I didn't break away, and Tang Yan had to say to Xu Qian: "You will start."

Xu Yu shook his head refused.

"You press me, I am not comfortable."

Xu Yun thought about it, to this girl: "Otherwise, let us change, or let you be above?"

This is very ambiguous.

Tang Wei will not understand, she opened his mouth, and scared Xu Qian quickly lost.

Xu Qian is very suspected to have a girl's talent. How do you bite in your family? Tang Yu is so anxious to bite people.

In fact, Xu Yalai, fortunately, he ran away, or heard Xiao Xiao's shouting, he saw that he saw him after entering the house, and it would not cause misunderstanding.

Xiaoxiao saw a lot of righteousness, she was running, she wanted to urge my mother to come and hurry, please go home, only my mother can suppress bad eggs. Xiao Qingzi stupidly stood in the same place, she looked at Xu Zhong here, and then see Xiao Xiao, who took the door and shouted "Mom and saves the big fairy", I don't know what to do.

Xu Qian could not worry about the familiar with the familiar, and he had a chance to clean up this. He is a chance. When it is Tang Wei, he is the first to be all-round.

I didn't break away, and Tang Yan had to say to Xu Qian: "You will start."

Xu Yu shook his head refused.

"You press me, I am not comfortable."

Xu Yun thought about it, to this girl: "Otherwise, let us change, or let you be above?"

This is very ambiguous.

Tang Wei will not understand, she opened his mouth, and scared Xu Qian quickly lost.

Xu Qian is very suspected to have a girl's talent. How do you bite in your family? Tang Yu is so anxious to bite people.

In fact, Xu Yalai, fortunately, he ran away, or heard Xiao Xiao's shouting, he saw that he saw him after entering the house, and it would not cause misunderstanding.

Tang Wei will not understand, she opened his mouth, and scared Xu Qian quickly lost. Xu Qian is very suspected to have a girl's talent. How do you bite in your family? Tang Yu is so anxious to bite people.

In fact, Xu Yalai, fortunately, he ran away, or heard Xiao Xiao's shouting, he saw that he saw him after entering the house, and it would not cause misunderstanding.

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