Almighty sign in

Chapter 464 Helping Revenge

"It's so convenient to communicate now. You have called me back to Beiping, and I will not just just the simple."

Gao Xiaolun took a small clear child. She just fell from flying out, she didn't wait until I arrived at the hotel, then I went back and fly. The exhaustion caused by the trip made her tiredness. .

Fortunately, Xu Yun also thought of this. I didn't let Xiaoxi Chishen went to kindergarten today. I deliberately let this little sister waiting for my mother at home. After seeing her daughter, Gao Xiaolun's embedded time smoke was disappeared.

She is not much longer with Xiao Qingzi, and she can do more a few hours of the plane for a few hours.

"There is really other intention." Xu Yun did not hide, "If it is just a clear understanding of things in the phone, the person knows that we can't get the effect of some people."

Gao Xiao Jun said, I understood the reason for Xu Zhong, she asked: "Someone goes to you,?"

"If it is not lucky, I may not be a person."

Xu Qian said that it is precise, but Gao Xiaolun knows that if there is nothing to handle, Xu Qian will face the situation.

In fact, don't say that Xu Yung is, it is that her Gao Xiaolun is not a sufficient pressure resistance.

Don't say anything else, single alone, who is still not spent, can attract many people to be red.

In this Huaxia currency, it is not widely accepted by other countries in the world. If you have anything to buy anything to buy anything, you need to pay with the other party. In this country, you need a lot of dollar bills to earn a limited era of channels, with billion Calculating US gold said that it is a wolf, and the tiger leopard is light.

Even Gao Xiaolun himself knows that if she started to set the car horse, challenging the dollar bills in her hand, in the country's investment, so that the attention of the big leaders, shocked the small. Otherwise, with her first resignation, there will be a huge amount of wealth of hundreds of millions of US dollars, and a huge amount of property is unknown to her.

"Do you know?"

Holding a small sainer, holding a daughter's little hand in the palm, Gao Xiaolun asked.

Ming gun is easy to hide, dark arrows are difficult to prevent.

The enemy hiding in the dark is the most difficult, if the other party is stationed, it is much better.

"I find it, so I will let you run more."

Gao Xiaolun suddenly: "So I was called back this time, is it?"

Xu Yung did not deny this.

Some people say that the enemy is not moving, but if the enemy is always moving?

Xu Qian can do so much free time to play with him, and it is better to think about himself.

"Playing the grass snake, tactics." Fantastic, Xu Qian pushed a card to Gao Xiaolun, "Rui Shi Bank's card, there is a hundred million, I think HD real estate can spread the venue more."

One hundred million, the unit is naturally a dollar.

"You are a fight."

So said on your mouth, Gao Xiaolun's speed is not slow. Xu Yun's hand just left the opening, she has taken the card.

Some words are not to say, even if Xu Qian did not say why he came to why he came, Gao Xiaolun can think of it must be because of business. Connected to the previous Gao Xiaolun, some kind of essays that I could do may make an inexable behavior. Which of the other people guess it.

Whether it is the Hong Kong Island circle headed by Li, it is still a friend who has been ignited in China. They are not to set the rules of the Hong Kong Island real estate industry in the mainland, so that the real estate industry in the Mainland has become a benefit. Yes. HD real estate and Xu Qian 's existence hindered them, these people did not touch Gao Xiaojun, thinking about giving us an eye.

With this, Xu Qian won't make them better.

Dealing with the response of these people Xu Qian directly - I have been thinking that my class is different, I feel that I am a rich person, it is a person, don't you have two steels? What is rich?

Dare to provoke me, I will let you see, what is the rich people, take money, don't die, I am with your name.

"There is a good project to take it, don't miss the potential place. HD real estate is not only to look at the moment, but every development project is long-term planning, planning to the five period six periods belonging And even planned to 11 seconds. "

"Sister, you and I have a good development of the country in China, and this real estate of the house will definitely have a rapid value-added period with the development of the country. This value-added period has to continue one or twenty in our country. In the year, then it will only enter the smooth period. Such a long time span, we must do a full plan in the morning, so excused, you can't maximize the benefits. "

Xu Qian said that business planning, talking about the future development, you can listen to the full thing in Gao Xiajun's ear.

Gao Xiaolun heard that Xu Qian wants her to play more advantages, decisively attack in the industry, and use money to push everything, one step in the future, and even ten steps in the bag.

I will take the most fattening meat into my mouth, and the remaining area is to make those people to compete.

Gao Xiaolun is in his heart: this kid is really awkward.

However, she is not surprising, but it is my heart.

I used to don't do it so much before, it is not enough, with some of the number of orders of wealth than now in China, and his relationship with Tang Yu, as long as Xu Qian is the silver, it is not the package. difficult.

He is not doing, just don't want to be.

But some people don't know how to provoke him, and things began to go to another direction.

Monopoly, Xu Qian will not be stupid to do, but you can make full use of the advantages of your own money to give a good position to half, put the most of the profits in this industry.

"Some people earn a few steel, think that they are rich, I have to let them understand that they are actually very poor."

Xu Yun said so, Gao Xiajun is not so understandable. The latter understands are: You don't want them to understand that they are still very poor, but to let them know that you are can't afford, let them go, don't bother you.

"Our country is too big, even if you add this billion, just expand the share, you want to achieve a row, you can affect the whole market is not enough."

Gao Xiaolun's words were straightforward - got to add money.

"I will continue to follow up when I need it."

I think that I have a daily sign-up random money reward, there are many lying in the account of Rui Shi Bank, Xu Qianjing is full.


Isn't it a paper?

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