"I'm furious!"

Wang Lun is very angry.

His optimistic student Wu Liang, the book has not been finished, the college studies have not gotten, and the brain is hot to go to the seafrol.

Don't put a good future, actually do a businessman, Wang Lun can't understand.

Although the country is now open, you also encourage everyone to do business, can be a businessman how to eat a national meal. The business sea is so Dot, and he Wu Liang has no relationship and no money, a poor students who have no right, as the small body can hold?

Oh, wrong.

Wang Lun thought, Wu Liang didn't matter if it didn't matter, but this guy found Xu Yun with his classmates, and did not know what method used to say Xu Yun, and climbed a big tree. Wu Liang immediately made up for its own short board.

"These two counters!"

Wang Mun was blew to blow the husband.

He, Wang Lun, the kind of angry, and the kind.

The mentor is not good, and Xu Qian can go to the milder. Originally, Xu Qian also thought that he was also in the school student. One semester always went to the top two lessons, revealing one or two faces, lest someone said that he was abandoned, and now Wu Liang is so out, Xu Yun I have found the reason why I don't go to class.

With mahjong, this kind of national epidemics, mahjong machine is absolutely not selling. Before the domestic friends, Wu Liang did not have to worry about performance before the domestic friend attended the same product.

Xu Qian is estimated to have a high difficulty in China's current technology, and the friends who want to copy mahjong is very difficult, and there will be no second in a short time. When I came out of the cottage, my family had already eaten the market bonus.

What will then, that is the time when I really test Wu Liang.

Since I can't see what I want to see in the short term, Xu Yun temporarily puts this matter.

In Wu Liang, Mahjong can make big money, you can earn him for him to choose the iron rice bowl for twenty or three years, it is absolutely worthy of his gamble, but in Xu Zhong is just a small business.

This little business, who didn't give it?

The position determines the head, the height of the station is different, and the scene seen is different.

"According to your suggestion, I directly collected a locally closed factory in your hometown, and I invest three million, one of them used to buy production equipment and raw materials, and the remaining money has already hit the company account. On, how do you use your own heart to have a spectrum. "

"In addition, the company's management team I hired some of them. According to your requirements, it is college student. Their thoughts are not rigid, can follow the age. These people have this, can you compress a life?"

Xu'an was in relation to Wu Liang.

The land of Zhongba, that is, the Mahjong is the big province, and the factory can only make a lot of money in the local market. Wu Liang is Baba Local, but he can't bear the air in Huaxia official, and he has not understood how deep it is, but it will not make a big mistake.

As long as you can smoothly spend the fragility, Xu Qian believes that he has the ability to make your business.

"Come on, Wu Liang."

Xu Zen took the shoulder of Wu Liang, and it was cheered for his own window.

Don't say this year, it is a few people who have the rest of the world with courage to abandon the iron rice bowl?

Look at the hot scene when you register the future, you can know how big is the attractiveness of the iron rice bowl.

For the individual, Xu Yuanpeng served Wu Liang's courage.

Xiaoxiao looked at my brother, I looked at Xiaoxizi, two little sisters who didn't understand the big man touched together.


"* @"

Suddenly, the baby is splashing.

Xu Qian consciously cultivated these two little dogs, let them listen to the conditions allowed, although he knew that the two dogs were too small, they did not understand.

Some things will be very fast when they have to get started, and they are not too big to be too big than those who have never been touched.

Why do many rich people's children are so prone to elites, not because their growth is more superior, can touch what they can get in touch with the child's child.

After smashing a baby language, Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxilai left the brother, and they came to Wu Liang, and they were in the eyes of Xu Qian and Wu Liang, and the hands and feet used to climb up and stand in Wu. On the sofa sitting on the couch, the little adults reach out, learn the brother's move to pat the shoulders, the little milk sound uses the words of the same paragraph: "Come on!"

These two children become fine?

Wu Liang stunned, he didn't expect Xu Yun's two little sisters who were young, and the head was not high, so the two small people were so ancient spirits, and their little adults were like. I really want to catch them with their little faces.

Of course, Wu Liang only dared to think, he could don't have a courage.

Who knows how these two little sisters are tempering, if they have been cryked by themselves, it is much more.

Wu Liang can only some head, should be said: "Thank you, I will cheer."


Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao were Qi Qi, then they returned to my brother to do well, the little face was tight, the little body was sitting straight, very serious. Their Wu Liang, who did not know, and really thought that these two little sisters had a mental smart, and only Xu Qian knew the essence of their silly children.

Poor Wu Liang, he did not know that he thought that the little sister, just like the goods, only one or two words can make them appearance. Until Leaving Xu Yun's home, he is still emotion: there is a brother there to have his sister, it is a sister, so it is so smart, and it has grown.

These two children become fine? Wu Liang stunned, he didn't expect Xu Yun's two little sisters who were young, and the head was not high, so the two small people were so ancient spirits, and their little adults were like. I really want to catch them with their little faces.

Of course, Wu Liang only dared to think, he could don't have a courage.

Who knows how these two little sisters are tempering, if they have been cryked by themselves, it is much more.

Wu Liang can only some head, should be said: "Thank you, I will cheer."


Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxiao were Qi Qi, then they returned to my brother to do well, the little face was tight, the little body was sitting straight, very serious. Their Wu Liang, who did not know, and really thought that these two little sisters had a mental smart, and only Xu Qian knew the essence of their silly children.

Poor Wu Liang, he did not know that he thought that the little sister, just like the goods, only one or two words can make them appearance. Until Leaving Xu Yun's home, he is still emotion: there is a brother there to have his sister, it is a sister, so it is so smart, and it has grown.

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