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Chapter 469 I said two sentences

Before, Xu Qian had already thought that no matter what he knew that the illuminating machine R & D center had achievements, he personally arrived in the R & D center, but it was an attitude between each other. It tried to do it. The matter is equal to no.

In this place where there are countless experts and researchers, it is necessary to study experiments, some are professional talents, which may be Xu Qian.

Perhaps in the eyes of the researchers here, Xu Zen can not help them conduct scientific research, but they want to take time to receive, guys who consume energy to entertain, but come to help, but to add chaos.

If you really want to contribute to the country's scientific and technological work, it is the best way to bother us.

Obviously, this is impossible.

Leaders also need grades, do not come to inspect, do not find a reason to play cards, after the researchers, the reasons are not convenient to say that their leaders have fun.

Xu Qian is not a person who is not intellectual. The perception of his far-immortality can make him aware of many researchers, and he can hear those whispered in the distance.

According to Xu Yun, he came to brush a sense of feeling, but he thought, others didn't look so much.

As the Golden Lord and owner of the R & D center, you are coming, don't talk about a few words.

Is that it is not to make people laugh, we don't understand the rules?

The researchers here don't matter, but what should we do in administrative work, we can't stay here for a lifetime, we also ask for progress, but also to find opportunities.

Well, who doesn't want to climb up?

"Tell two sentences, you will talk about the two sentences" Xu Qian, who is on the shelves, he can only try to do "I say two words".

"From the R & D Center to now still a year, our own first photolithography already has finished products, what did this explain?"

"Description, we are not only more stupid than those Westerners, but they are much smart than they are waiting for them."

"Otherwise, the Western lightning machine is a collection of scientific and technological essences in many countries, and how can they co-created by their many national researchers, how can we get our Huaxia? Can you rely on our efforts?"

"Isn't this the most favorable prove that we are smarter than them?"

"Through the thousand years of history, we have been in the world, and our Huaxia has been leading the world. It is the first to be the world. It is just recently. Those Western robbers have been robbed by blood, and they have continued until now. In the continuous plundering of the resources that don't belong to them, they use the flesh and blood of other nations, let the whole world pay for their luxury, but they are self-satisfied, and they feel that they are waiting for them, regard other nations. Inferior nationality. "

"What is this mentality?"

"This is a typical outbreak attitude. Is the little person who have a long time?"


"I firmly believe that our Chinese nation is the smartest nation in this world. We are hard to do, we are smart and brave, we are not afraid of danger, our revival is late. Although this process will have a twist, but it is a big potential, great potential irreversible."

"Don't see a high appearance of the Western developed countries, it seems that they are all good, as if we can't. It is just the appearance of their intensive, or why do they implement it for us, why do we carry out various blockade."

"The answer has only one: they are guilty, they are afraid of us."

"The so-called waiters of Western countries, they are now wearing a suit, playing a tie, sitting in a clean and bright office, only need to pay very little labor, can enjoy the high treatment of our unimaginable high welfare, life It is very chic. However, the bustling appearance is the crisis that may fall at any time. "

"As long as we catch up, those clothing church gentlemen will end their current happiness, and roll back to the factory to go to work. At that time, Jiu Jiesn will be regarded as a blessing, because Zero Seven will become The normal state of the Western world. "

"How much they have taken from us, will spit out of the future."

"And to catch up with the footsteps of developed countries, what is it?"

"It is the silent effort of countless scientific research workers. It is the buried head of countless Chinese people. Let's take a look at this momentary moment, although it is costly, it means that the West is broken to our blockade, we will not be afraid of them At the critical moment, our neck, because they don't sell to us, we can also create themselves. "

"Today is a momentary moment, tomorrow is an etching machine, and the day after tomorrow is a photoresist. After a big future, we will catch up with more and more than the West. At that time, it will no longer be our card, but we Make them. "

"For the arrival of that day, in order to become a better tomorrow, we still need not afraid of danger, and you will be forward."

Listening to the warm applause, Xu Qian knows that he is lying again, he said more than two sentences.

Sure enough, the world's three lies - I will say two words.

I don't know how many truth in this applause, and how many passenger packages are performed.

"The young man, I am saying well, I'm very good."

A middle-aged man with glasses and thin, some people introduced this person for Xu.

"This is Ni University."

A pair of people in my memory, after listening to the name of the other party, Xu Qian immediately confirmed its identity.

"Hello, Ni, I didn't expect you to be here."

This in memory is still in Liangxiang, how can I appear in my own lightning machine research and development center?

I found that a celebrity fate trajectory was unintentionally changed, and Xu Yuan was not curious.

It is just curious.

From Steve to Mark, from Li Yanhong to Xiaoma, these are not all celebrities, their fate trails are not all changed because they have changed?

Xu Zhong has already seen it.

Ni Ni is a researcher, not so many flower intestines, he is straightforward: "I have different opinions with old willow, and support his company's directors. The so-called road is different, and he heard the boss, you are here. I have recommended it for Mao. "

"Technical and trade and trade and trade skills."

Xu Qian said, saying: "Technology is the first productive forces, do not develop the scientific and technological country how to catch up with the West. Some people have been in the eyes of the money, have forgotten the initial heart, willing to be a buy office with the picture, and rich, this kind of person After all, we will be cast aside by the people. "

Some people pulled the clothes of the long, indicating that he should not say this, so as not to cause a bad impact, after all, the technical industry and trade and trade skills are all competed, no results before it comes to it. The team is good.

However, Xu Yung did not think so.

I really waited for a result, then I went behind for two or three years later. When the country's losses, how many of the birth of the country will have a large number of domestic resources, but they do someone to take a dog?

Xu Yung is to show his attitude, although it is impossible to determine the victory of the two, but also make a lot of people can make a correct choice. It is also possible to let people like Ni, see hope, can have a place after disappointment of buying, so that they are reluctant to waste.

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