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Chapter 514, you also have a small three

The snake has a snakeway, and the mouse has a mouse.

Sometimes you are very difficult, others are going to do, but it is simple, even those who change this is far less than you.

If Xu Qian goes to get demolition, it is not possible to have trouble, but Zhang Aga will be surprisingly smooth, and the discussion of the four-in-courts of the staff is only less than three days. Time is already talking.

The speed of the speed, the efficiency is high, and Xu Yong is amazed.

However, after seeing the people brought about Zhang A, Xu Qian did not feel strange.

"Xu boss, hello, the monks are white, call me a small three."

White three is the creditor of Zhong Jun Ye, or if this person is like a housing that I want to buy Zhong Jun Ye is not so smooth. If this is the local mixer in assisting Zhang Aga, then explain why the Demolition agreement is so fast.

Usually people meet a formal developer, saying that there will be a greedy person wants the lion to open, knock on the developer.

You don't satisfy my request, I don't move, see if your developer's loss is big, or my loss is big.

However, in accordance with the national normal demolition standards, even the premise of being higher, let Bai San go to talk to their home, and dare to do it without saying, but it is absolutely a phoenix.

No people who are useless, only people who don't use people.

Small three!

Xu Yen picked his eyebrows.

just you?


Do you also match my little three?

"This ... Bai Sanye." Xu Yunrton, smiled and said, "We have seen it."

Bai Sanlian looted: "Other! Don't say this, call me Xiaobai."

It is a person who can mix the famous hall on the street. From Xu Yun's pause Bai San, he can see that the other party doesn't want to call himself, he is thinking, finding the small three calls to have a dismissal, so I changed one.

"You are more than me, I call you a little white." Xu Qian asked him, "What is your real name?"

Bai Si said: "My name is Bai Mountain, the mountains of the mountains."

"Then I call you a big mountain."

Xu Yun made people poured a glass of red wine to Bai Mountain, and the latter was busy accessing her hands.

"Dashan, you have helped me this time, everyone is a friend, it is difficult you can mention, can help you with you."

Just talking about friends, it is just a swap.

You have helped me a little busy, I don't mind pulling you in the scoring in the field I think.

The world of adults is such a simple and straight and city, and it has another statement - interest exchange.

I will know this.

Bai Mountain is secretly sighed, although he also knows that he is such a person, helping such a slightly smoldering, I want to climb the relationship between Xu Qian, but who doesn't want to dream.

He is not an old salted fish into the taste, and there is still something to turn over.

Fantasy has been shattered, then it is practical.

Bai Mountain immediately adjusted his mind. He carefully asked the wings to ask: "I am more than 30 years old. It can't be more than those who have more than a dozen years old. How long can this bowl? Xu boss you It is a high person, can you get troubled with you, Bai Mountain is grateful. "

How long is it long? When you are young, you can fight for a long time, and you will not find the way for yourself, just wait to become a missing population.

Otherwise, the rivers and lakes are shameful why there is some capital of capital.

But it is a minority that can be successful to the shore, and even if they do it, they have to be subjected to the next level of the linked meat.

Although Bai Mountain has not yet been completely can't be complete, he has to have a few years left, he has to consider his future.

Don't look at Bai Mountain seems to be very prestigious, the anxiety in the heart, only he knows, otherwise, when Zhang Agong is looking for him, he can't be so refreshing.

"The bias is really not right."

Xu Yung said to Bai Mountain. He rushed two fingers, said to Bai Mountain: "I have two door roads here. First, you also know that I have invested a film and television circle, and the film and television drama group needs many times. Lead with the locals, the company will deal with the company, but not all things will be placed on the table, which also needs people to deal with. If you have confidence, you can try the media. "

The Bai Mountain face is obvious, the crew is, of course, black white is to take into account, otherwise don't want to shoot. And the film and television circle is a beautiful woman, and it will not say more, but more importantly, money is very good.

Of course, this is a cognition of Bai Mountain, in fact, the money of the film and television circle is not as good as the public thinks.

The easiest example, how much is the actor in this circle, and there are several people who know, they can see the fierce competition.

I want to mix the famous temple in the film and television circle, and the chances of admission to the national examination are much higher than it.

It means that the Bai Mountain still retains a clear clear, he sighs: "I can't do this."

He Bai Mountain only counts a small person in these four ninetes. It is not necessary to say that the country is not to say, that is a few big confuses that can be inserted. Others can only look at it.

In front of the opportunity, but because of itself, it is not enough, and the most depressed thing in the world is much more.

"Second door road, you have to make full use of the existing advantages of your own door, friends more. You are interested in old things, just as I am interested in old things, it is better to come to group. By funding, accounting for 7% of shares , Lao Zhangjiaxue, accounting for two-yard shares, you are responsible for blocking some trouble, accounting for 1% shares, we also do antique business. "

Zhang Aga smiled, he certainly knew what is the family's home sources.

This matter, it's not good, it's not good, I can only be so euphemistic.

Bai Mountain: "Touching the old object?"

"It is legal antique replacement, we do formal business."

Xu Qian did he says him, as corrected, it is also reminded.

"I have a good future, I am optimistic about the future, it will be a prosperous Huaxia, now there are many old objects that don't pay attention to the people will be a big business. We have money, there is technology ..." refers to the finger Bai Mountain, Xu Dao, "... Someone. You can enter the field first, take the font number, you have to enter. Do you think, the mountain?"

How do you think I think?

Of course, it is good, so you can't make good.

Bai Mountain clear this is a good opportunity to wash it on the shore, and there is no such thing in this village.

For example, when he is such a person, it is only a good intention, no culture, no knowledge, the foundation is not clean, even if you want to do business, you can't do it. If you want to work, you will only be dislike. Xu Enhan gave him a chance of Bai Mountain. It is a great thank you, and how can it be stupid to refuse.

"That is so fixed, I will make people to form the contract, you have seen it wrong after you have seen it. As for the location of the shop, do you have suggestions?"

Zhang Adene didn't want to reply: "Of course it is Panjiayuan."

Bai Mountain linked: "Pan Jiayuan is the biggest place, and there is also a good place in the glass factory."

"Then you pay more attention, there is a pavement to buy it, it is really no rent."

Bai Mountain should take a chest: "You will be good, I will give you a reply for the next day."

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