"It is impossible to" twelve thousands, this thing rolls through the mud, which has a half of the jade cabbage. 20,000 pieces, Fan boss, if you sell, I will buy it. "

Xu Qian also learned Fan Tao's gesture, reaching out of his finger.

Fan Tao shakes his head into a drum: "Your bargain is too embarrassing, that is, it is not so bleeding. You are not a barbit, it is to be my life. In this way, the old brother I returned Step by 19888, this number is more generic. "

"That is glowing to you, not that, I am going to shop, buying is happy, not when I am a big head. You have to say that I can think about it, 19888 boss, you will stay."

Xu Qian's performance is impatient, this is also a common problem of young people, that is, patient is insufficient.

If you are not interested, or if you don't want to do something, they will look for hair, and you can't stand it.

Xu Yun's performance is in the eyes of Ventao. It is normal, and the young people are not much such performance in the customers who have been touched. According to Fan Tao's experience, if young customers are fashionable, they are really impatient. I have to see it, I have to come. Otherwise, I will come up with my temper. This business is half a chicken.

Reading here, Fan Tao has a look, bitten, biting the slot: "Six thousand eight can't, I spend more than 80,000. You see like this, eight thousand eight, lowest price, I can't really say it again. But we have to say it in advance. You can't say it outside, you have to say that 1988. Otherwise, my business is not good. I am so big, an old Little eat, you can all pointed to it. "


Xu Yen has been very hesitial.

He is hesitant, but Fan Tao will not. The latter moves the emerald cabbage into a box, and a smiling hands are in front of Xu Qian.

"You see, I have given you."

I will put it on the goods. Hello you mean to refuse?

I gave you the face to you, how is your meaning?

Young people are good, even if they are not very happy, not everyone can be pushed. These can't be pushed, even one hundred people have only one, Fan Tao can earn a lot of money.

It is this kind of psychology that seizes the young customers. Fan Tao can do not open for three years.

"Yes, then buy it."

When I said this, Xu Qian watched depressed and unhappy words on the face.

The words of compliment in the mouth do not want a string of a string of a string. Fan Tao is smiled.

You said that this is what is hard, for the face and money, this is not stupid.

I have to have more tuition fees to mature, small tender bulls.

Perhaps because spending money is not happy, paying money, after buying the emerald cabbage, Xu Yu will give it a little sister who is probing the brain.

Xiaoxiao and Xiao Sizi can not know the road inside, these three silly children just want to see what my brother bought.

Open the box, Xiao Xiao's dislike: "Ugly ugly."

Sisi licking his nose: "It is very dirty."

Both sisters are reluctant to take over, can only hold the box by Xiao Qingzi.

This little sister is too small. She has a box walking unstable. When she came to the door of my brother, I didn't pay attention to my feet.

PIA ~ !

Xiaoxilai fell.

Her chin on the lid and hurts tears.

Xu Qian met and smashed this little sister who would cry.

Who knows that he is not comforting, and there is no accommodation of Xiaoxi Child, and it's crying.

The little child is like this. When she is alone, she can still be strong. Once she finds the harbor of the wind, immediately reveal the fragile side, do not cry, I will never give it.

I don't know what to do, Xiaoxiao is calm.

"Stinky, bad things, not allowed to bully Xiaoli!"

The little dog that is getting up is flying, putting the box of jade cabbage to the ground, the jade cabbage inside is rolling out. It rolls down the stairs in front of the store, and slap, don't look at the stairs, but also fell it to crack.

The ancient play just bought is so broken, and people around you are staying.

Fan Tao saw the two steps and retired, and the fear was involved.

As the culprit, Xiao Xiaoi did not pay attention to the jade cabbage, and only lighted the back of the little son with his hand, comforted her with my brother.

As a sister, Xia Qingzi, this sister, is Xiaoxiao's heart meat. It is a little bit of love. In her careful heart, Xiao Qingzi is the same important person with my brother and my mother, she does not allow someone to bully Xiaoxizi.

Ok, even if it is not a person, you can't bully her little sister.

Xu Yun travels, several bodyguards are around. It was originally conspicuous. Nowadays, there is a small clear child to cry, it is more attractive to others.

There are many people in the door of Fan Tao store to see in the eyes, but everyone's attention is different.

Some people are looking at people, while some people are on the objectives.

Just when Xiaoxilai was persuaded to take cry, there was an onlookers who had a crucible of the jade cabbage that fell in the steps: "Soon, there is something in it."

Everyone is going to see, and the extracted parent is not good. The emerald object appears in a collapsed epidermis.


Panjiayuan is in a lot of hands, and the ancient players are also a variety of people. Many people have heard such a technique, and some people have seen it. Everyone is not strange.

If Li Ke is outside, it hurts those who want to rely on various purposes, what is not chaos? Even so, the scene is like a vegetable market.

Xiaoxiao met with his hand and hugged Xiao Sizi and squeezed into his brother.

Don't read the murder of the dog when the dog is angry, she is just a four-year-old Xiaoying, essentially a small dog.

Touching two little sisters, with them: "Touching the hair, not scared."

Xu Qian also told people: "Take the thing, I look at what is going on."

He Xing picked up the top-breaking emerald cabbage, put it in the box and got a Xu'an feet.

It's already your own thing, Xu Yung has not so much attention, he directly probes it.

From the collapsed part, you can see a slightly white, and there is no one in the white, like the petringes of the sheep fat, delicate.

"There is really something inside!"

Xu Zen greeted Van Tao: "Fan boss, you have tools, I want to knock it."

Fan Tao is obviously a little disappointed, until Xu Qian said the second time he should: "Some, some, please wait a moment."

Xu Zun saw a smile: I really thought that the young man was so faster. Today is not you with me, but I will give you a lesson. I hope you don't regret the intestines.

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