Almighty sign in

Chapter 525, Nanwang Wang, another year, Wang Shi still has a few

"Yao's height is his best talent, but he is too thin."

Jinbeller evaluation.

This evaluation is very ammonious to the current Da Yao, height has always been the most favorable weapon of Da Yao, which is also the talent that others can see.

But at this time, the big Yao is high, the body is not.

Also high and thin, a big bamboo pole, is the current big Yao.

"His arm is not enough, so in hand soft, there is a hand shot."

Ok, Yao's arm is not mentioned.

Don't ask, ask a short manual.

With the talent that Da Yao is now displayed, if it is also considered to be a good cultivation in the Huaxia, it is focused on the beasts, but it is in the field of the birds and beasts. In addition to the height, the other is very Cold.

There is no geek that Jin Baler is confused by Xu Qian's operation. In his opinion, Huaxia is also called the rough strength of the man's professional basketball player in A A A. It is better than Dagao, and the talent is not weak. Even if you don't choose approximately, find the big buse of O'Neill to make a good replacement.

Obviously choose simple mode, why do you have to choose difficult mode?

Jin Beller can't understand, Xu Yun does not explain.

"Time will prove everything, I believe my eyes."

Ok, in fact, Xu Zhong is not just believed in his own eyes, and more importantly, the difficulty of playing roughly and the play of the bus from the bus is too high. In history, they did not have contracts with the NBA team, but they did not show their skills because they were unknown resistance and can't be said, so that there were countless fans and signs.

Xu Yung Yuxi Jin Beller: "Da Yao's training is staring, don't be eager to get ridiculous. It can be long in his age, can't be hindered by the training such as weight gain. Strength and technology as long as Will you practice hard work, the ability of tactics and reading competitions can reach the level, but the height is not. "

"You please feel free, I have always paid attention to Yao's situation."

For your own meals, Jinbeller did not dare to discount the things of Xu Qi.

Xiaoxiao saw that his brother was talking to the black black uncle, and she didn't understand, she would pick up the small brain tame and the Sisi and Xiaoxi Zi, and they only have their only. If you understand.

Xu Qian looked at these three little guys and did not ask what they were talking about. He didn't know him, and the little dogs headed by Xiao Xiao was arranging his brother.

I don't have to accompany my little sister, but the same strange uncle has been talking, my brother is stupid.

There is a little sister, I have never seen your brother like this.

The little sisters are in a few brothers, but this number is in the luxury home of Xu Yun, which has entered the luxury home of Xu Yun, and has a donation.

"Dog Down!"

"Dog Down!"

"Little sister's dog nest!"

A boutique car parked on the air, and saw that the little sister was excited. They pointed at the boutique routing, and the little face was full of excitement.

This is their car, the woven of the puppies, is also the base of the dog family.

I haven't seen the boutique house for a long time, and the little dogs have thought that their brothers gave their dog nests, and they charged the brother's knight.

I didn't expect their dog nests and did not lose, it was still waiting for the return of the dogs.

The car just stopped, and the little sister twisted the small body, with skilled moves from the shackles of the seat belt. Xu Qian shouted "Be careful" and jumped off the bus, and went toward the boutique car.

"Elkin, it seems that we have to find a time to continue talking."

Xu Qian smiled at Jinbeller, and the latter was very interesting.

Jin Beller is also mixed in the workplace for so many years. How can he not see that it is more important to take care of Xiaoxiao's heart than talking about the team's work.

Anyway, the talk is also talked about on the road, and the other is nothing more than a cruel garlic.

Jin Beller thinks so, I didn't feel that I was cold.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

Xu Qian walked to the boutique room, Xiaoxiao, who was shouting around the car, they did not enter the door, they can only worry.

Three silly dogs.

Taking out the car key, put the truck after opening the truck.

"Brother is best."

The little dogs left their gratitude, drilling into the car, soon, I won't see the trace, leaving only a series of cheers and laughter laughing in the passing.

Standing at the door of the ride, a feet across the car door, half of the body explored the carriage, and the other side couldn't see his face, Xu Qian asked Li Ke, who he himself: "Found?"

Li Ke does not move, the lips are slightly, and the voice that can be used to listen to the clear voice: "The brothers have been noticeable, and there is a group of people who are in front of us. Another group of people will join. Boss, your guess is right, I think someone is playing your idea. "

"Can you find the other party?"

Tang Li quietly felt to his own police paper, and Xu Zhong did not get rid of it.

This means that he is even dangerous even his family, this is Xu Zhong absolutely not allowed.

Li Ke said: "Hu Yizhi judges that one of them is rice, and only they can accurately master our airplane landing time."


Alternatively or other rice officials.

Xu Ang this is not surprising, he was a Chinese man in the rice country has a huge business empire, urine letter Laomi if able to assure him of the strange. Divissed him, and even quietly collecting the evidence of Xuang Hazheng, the evidence of the rice country, which is true is the normal operation.

This dial is only in terms of threats, and they can be selectively ignored.

It is more worthy of Xu.

"The second dialing news is not so bright, they can only hit your approol. According to my judgment, these people are probabilized from the bay."

Xu Zen's brow one pick.

St Wan? !

Since the influence of the later generations, Xu Qian really ignored this place.

At this time, the mainland is not the mainland of the later generation. The bay is not a branch of the future generation. Before the economic recession in the Mainland, before the recession of the bay, don't look at the bay is a province, which is more advanced than the mainland. It doesn't be underestimated.

Because of this, at this time, the bay is wrapped on the mainland celebrities, and the work of their goals transform the position is not the kind of laughter, they are serious.

"This is staring at me."

Xu Yung was crying.

It can be stared to explain that he is very moving in less than two years.

However, who is rare, you are sure.

"Nan Wang Wangshi has another year, Wang Shi has a few."

"Adult, the food is bigger!"

"You can't do daytime dreams."

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