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Chapter 527, only death and taxation inevitable

I'm going back, and I took the Xiaoxiao.

There is three and a half of the washing room, and the small sister is confused with a confused little sister.

As the biggest one in the three little sisters, think so I consciously fulfill their sister's responsibility.

Xu Qian went to the bus, I saw that Li Ke and Hu Yishang were often guarded in the car. In addition to the color of Li Shuo, did not have other different.

Seeing Xu Qiannou, Li Ke took the initiative: "The trouble is solved, the boss."

Xu Zhong did not care about this. He asked Li Ke: "Is it hurt? Is it strict?"

"I accidentally bite a dog, there is no problem."

"At this time, you still have a thoughts." I can't ask the truth from Li Ke mouth, Xu Yuan turned to Hu Yun, "Old Hu, you are."

"The opponent is more powerful than expected, Lao Li is holding a foot, we have checked him, but there is a slight bone crack, and it will take a break in these few days."

Hu Yongxin is not concealing, and there is no oil to add vinegar, but Li Ke is not satisfied. He muttered his argument: "I am just very big, there is no flash, otherwise it is impossible to be attacked."

After carefully observing, Xu Yen found that Li Ke's left-ribs have a trace of bandaging, and it is hurting this place.

There are several people in the human body. If you practice, you can't practice it, two ribs are one of them.

"How many ribs injured?"

"One ..." Li Kezhen wants to say a, but in Xu Yun's gaze, I can only be honest, "Ok, two. It is not serious, but it is not intense to exercise." Other do not hinder. "

"You don't have to be able to have you." Xu Yung bluntly, arranged for the work of Li Ke, "I have a good rest during this time, I don't follow me, I only need to be responsible for the home. Security is a line. "

Anyway, he must stay in a person, plus a plum, is a co-ordination.

Looking up at the sky, Xu Qian asked: "What is it now? Is it in the evening, or in the morning?"

"Five in the morning."

Xu Yung nodded, very good, no inverted time difference.

Some of the names of "Los Angeles have you been seen in the early morning, Xu Yun can be very proud to say:" I have never seen it in Los Angeles at four in the morning, but I have seen the Beverly 5am in the morning. "

It's not a place where the rich gathered, even in the morning, there is no lack of lightning.

Obviously, the parties here are everywhere in the cultural influence.

Just playing now is not over, it is really crazy.

The other side of the ocean is not lacking in Xiuxian Party and does talent.

"What is the car outside the door?"

Xu Zhong is very unhappy.

It is not that than the Buddha's village is a top luxury area, and the security here is also a number of best in all meters. You look at the police car of the old rice and patrol a diligent. But how can they turn the cars that have their own hacks, and what is the patrol of the old rice?

"That is the car of the National Taxation Bureau, the car is their investigator. Mr., you should understand that trouble is avoidable, except for death and taxation."

When Xu Lan complained to local public security, he got such an answer, and the other party was still good to remind him.

The tax investigator of the old rice is clearly tail!

What do you mean?

"They are warning me."

Xu Zhong is unhappy.

What's up with him?

He has never obeying the law, is a good businessman who pays tax on time, how can I get it on the guy who is being attacked by the old Mi National Taxation Bureau?

This is nothing.

Xu Qian, who is going to pay attention to professional, to the professional, did not pay attention to what time now, he took the mobile phone and dialed the phone call.

"How to do things in Sheng Xin, I will have a reasonable explanation on tax issues."

The phone just turned on Hendri, he heard Xu Yun's question, which made him fog.

"Tax out problems? It is impossible, we are professional."

"Is it impossible?" Xu Lun cold laughed, "The car of the National Taxation Bureau rushed to my face, and their investigators followed me to the Beverly Villa, you can't tell me. Do you want me to take them? How to give you a photo of my door. "

Almost can't hold an angry question from the phone, let Hengti fight a cold, completely awake. He is busy saying about Xu'an: "Boss, please give me ten minutes."

"Dudu ..."

The phone was hang up and didn't leave. Hendley didn't think about the other. He made a number with the fastest speed, and another elite was disturbed this day.

A billionaire business is suspected of problems, and the mechanisms in Shengxin immediately fed back to open. This old brand in Miki stands like a huge machine, starting its precise and orderly operation in the active moment.

In a country named lawyers, such as the old top-level business in Shengxin, the high efficiency of its energy is extra imagination.

Hendri said ten minutes, but did not use ten minutes for a long time, the problem was found.

"Things are like this, the boss. Pixi's next movie Because the boss, you have to hold a dramatic in this twice. If you want to hold a lucky draw, you are questioning that you are not making a movie, but a movie ticket sales of spinach. You may not be clear, this is two tax rates, suitable for different tax laws, so hyneoders have stared at you. "

"As for the tax investigator outside your door, he is not coming to you, but wants to remind us. You know, our Sheng Xin takes the customer's interests, will fully maintain the interests of customers, in Mi Shengxin The energy cannot be underestimated. "

what is this?

Milestiveness between strong institutions.

There is a problem, give each other step, not directly, it is not a good thing to do it.

"I trust your ability, I hope you don't live up to this trust."

During the conversation, Xu Qian said such a sentence to Hendri, let Hengta Lee turn sweats.

He can have this status today, Xu Qian's trust is an absolute factor. Because of the car of Xu Qian, Heng Deli can become a partner who works in Shengxin from the workman.

If Xu Yen gave up him, he chose someone else, and he will collapse everything now.

Thinking of this, Heng Deli gave himself a slap.

He suddenly wakes up his own mistakes. Now he is different from him, his thinking needs to be changed. When the employment assistant is to hire assistants, not to save money to the north of Heaven.

Keeping a close relationship with Xu Qian, it is what he should do. As for the applying for patents in the world, I have a few assistants to give them to them.

If you know that you have to change it, you will realize that Hendri who made a big mistaken, I actively act, he went to Los Angeles on the afternoon, and appeared in front of Xu.

Before Hengdi arrived, the car parked outside the door was taken away.

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