Almighty sign in

Chapter 535 4,000 words

Zhao Xiao hesitated, pay attention to her eyes fell behind himself, and Ming Uncle said to her: "The old man is not young, and I just have enough to stand for a while, otherwise the stomach can't stand it. "

It is something yourself. In fact, tell Zhao Xiaoshi: Let's wait for you.

I am grateful to Ming uncle, they nodded, Zhao Xiao Xiao said to Abel: "Mr. Abel, you also saw it, my friend is waiting for me. As an artist, we are arranged very tightly, five minutes, no more "

Awareness time is urgent, Abel's face, directly throwing it, "Ms. we plan to find a restaurant, listen to music, eat Western food, and talk about cooperation."

Skumped over the intermediate process.

Abel walks directly into the topic.

He said his own plan in the mouth, but I didn't know that someone had already gave Xu Qian.

The ringtone of the phone will wake up.

Luo Yao?

How did she call me at this time?

Will not have a little in a small thing.

The guess in the heart makes Xu Yun, and there is still a confused mind completely awake.

"What happened?"

"Boss, this is like this ..."

Lu Yao told Xu Yun and asked: "Boss, what should you do?"

As a broker of Zhao Xiao, Luo Yao is very familiar with the entertainment industry, and it is not stranger for business processes, but it is necessary to talk to a business contract that tens of millions of dollars. She has not arrived at that level.

People like her have already understood a truth in the workplace, and everything is necessary to force, don't easily stepping into the field that you are not familiar with, you can't do things other than you can do.

Because I can't help people, I will only harm others.

Xu Yun's voice passed through the mobile phone to Luoyao Ear.

"That Abel said that he did not have a group?"

"Well, this is not important, anyway, the probability he said is not true."

"If I guess it is right, Abel is not a large group of people, he represents a small company, even even small companies. This person should be a message from some channels, and confirmed the effect of hyaluronic acid. And consciously regular means to compete for the big group, this is only conceived. "

Luo Yao listens, this is also known.

"The boss means that Abel is a liar? Then I called someone to drive him away."

Xu Yun said: "The liar is not in that this person can know the effect of the finished product of the hyaluronic acid, and he has heard the little seat. The ability is still there. His individual may not be important role, but his family background is not necessarily "

The western guys who have been elite family love to play such a trick, obviously a second-generation, a homework that I don't know how much I have to get the fundamental opportunity, I have to create a hard work or It is a genius.

Use Lu · everything I said, the teacher's words, it is: it is another.

It is also the product of the western group of happiness, it will believe this set, and once again, it is fooled. In Huaxia selling this kind of leggings, there is a leggings to pick up the street.

Think about it, what ages have, the agency in the rice famous school, should also recommend letters, no recommended letter unless you genius can't ignore, or it will be ignored.

Is this essential difference with the filial piety that is not playing in Huaxia two thousand years ago?

It's not equality to litter.

Luo Yao uncertain question: "Let the Abeel talk to us?"

"Just exercise, you will have to meet in this kind of thing. But Luo Yao you have to remember, talking is to talk, but you can't fall on the paper agreement, formally business cooperation is still The company's business team goes to work. "

At this time, Luo Yao faintly heard that there was a small milk sound in Xu Yun, just in this time, Xu Yun's voice, and then said to her: "You find a chance to try it, listen to what Abel said how to say "

After saying that Xu Yung hangs, Luoyao guess Xu Yuna should have a little sister, according to the time difference between Hong Kong Island and Los Angeles, his own call is not only woke up, and woke up the little sister.

Luo Yao shrilted the neck, which was afraid.

There is a child in the family to understand that the noisy people in the home sleep, he may not be angry, but if his children woke up, things will become different.

In fact, Xu Qian still said with Luoyao, which is Abeir actually has a fluent Chinese, in which the Western dismisses is in the era of learning Chinese, such a few people belong to Abeel.

A agent who understands Chinese is more convenient to communicate, and communication needs to be more convenient by translation. This is also the reason why Xu Yun did not let Luo Yao.

Luoyao, who packed the mood, went to Zhao Xiaoshi, she didn't manage the Abeel who kept talking, and the path was a few words to Zhao Xiaodi.

Abel discovered that the original polite cope with his own Zhao Xiaoshi has changed. The biggest certificate is that Zhao Xiao stayed for the first time asking him about his business: "Mr. Abel, how do you let me believe Do you have the ability to work with me? As far as I know, I want to spend the goods in Gaulu, the channel is the biggest problem. IMHO, compared to you, the big group of Vidow Want in your country is me. Preferred. "

I heard Zhao Xiao said this, and saw that she looked up his wrist and did a look at the action.

He is very clear, when people talking to you are not she is really watching the table, but reminds you to go.

"My mother is Bari-Bali, my father is an executive of Xingye. Ms., please believe I, I can build a channel that you satisfied."

The executives of Xingye are unclear, but she knows that Mr University is not casual, it is enough.

It is also true that the family background is not simple in the family background of this Abel.

If Lu Yao is reported to his own Xu Qian, Zhao Xiao said: "I learned a thing from someone, and the professional thing will give professional people. If you are, Mr. Abel is really interested in doing us In the agent of Gaul, you can contact my business team. I want you to find me here, and I don't have a fantasy that I can sign directly with you. You need a negotiation table. Opportunity. Do you say what I said, Mr. Abel? "

To say that you are not disappointed, Abel is lie to yourself.

I thought he had the opportunity to persuade Zhao Xiaoshi. After all, he understood his understanding of Huaxia. This country now requires dollar bills, which should be very happy to himself. Moreover, the people here have a good impression about the inexplicable foreigners who can speak Chinese, and it is because so they have already told that big strength Chinese.

Lost belief, sitting in the negotiating table, its basic purpose is also reached.

With your understanding of the big groups of the domestic group, the conditions that the arrogant guys opened more than they were far away. Under the premise of their ability, Abeel has won.

"Thank you, you can give me this opportunity. If you have time, can you come to participate in a banquet I have held tonight, and Jazz is also participating in the Noah."

Jazz Jazz is the name of Fay Peng, and the dinner can be invited to Hong Kong, Abel is showing his strength.

Nearby Hong Kong people listened to Abel that they were suspected of being a lot of doubts about this person.

Long Five steps: "See you again, Mr. Abel."

This ghost knows the dragon!

There is still something to doubt this completely.

The people of the Hong Kong Circle will not be able to think that the people who know the Dragon and five will be a trust. I really have to have the level of the level, nor Zhao Xiaoshi is pleased.

It is not right, if Zhao Xiao is not a simple little star, she really can invoke Abeel.

But if you really want to be, Zhao Xiao is not what they can get together.

I thought it was a slightly rustic mainlandier. It belongs to the troubles of looking for a dark stamp, and the new people in the circle that is not bullied. But I don't want to be a hidden.

I actually played with pigs to eat tigers, too much.

Some people are in a dark, and fortunately, they don't say anything.

Some people are lucky, loss of the ghost called Abel, revealing Zhao Xia, or I don't know how to die.

More people secretly wipe the cold sweat, take advantage of everyone's attention in Zhao Xiaodi and Dragon, who is there, no one notes yourself, quietly smashing a big jver.

The latter is not a person, it is the two people who bet.

When you are separated, the two are still standing, but also blame you, I almost kick it on the iron board, you are waiting for me, see that I don't look for a chance to die.

The two people who slip away did not know that they were too eager to run, or the weight is ignored, anyway, they only manage their own way, forgot to stand with them, thank you. It is very embarrassing that Xiaosi is very embarrassed, followed by running, and he did not participate, and Zhenjingxi and fish kiss did not ask him to go, don't run, a person standing is too stupid.

Fortunately, no one cares about him, Xie Xiaomi's movement is incorporated into the crowd, and the success is not so prominent.

It should be a farce, but because of Abel's chaos, it has not been ended yet.

Zhao Xiaoshi is solved, Xu Zhong is just beginning.

Luo Yao did not guess the wrong, her pass phone called, the ringtone was not only awkward, and there was a little dog. The little milk tone in her mobile phone is .

Xiao Xiao, who had not yet been born, using a small hand to wipe it on the face, she didn't look at the road, but it was very magical, I walked to Xu Dynasty bed. The small hand is a hole, a small feet, turned over to Xu Yun's bed.

Just sitting with Luo Yao's call, I opened the trees, and I figured out that Xiaoxiao drilled in. As a result, this little sister did not listen to my brother. Her hands and feet crawled with crawling: "I climbed, climb, climb ..."

She climbed over the way, climbed to my brother, and stood up and stood up, and the whole person rushed to my brother.

Xu Qian hugged this little sister, Xiao Xiao is still small, Xu Qian did not feel the impact.

Of course, this is also the reason why Xu Zen is strong enough. If you change Fang Shuying, this will be thrown down.

Stip the brother with a small belly and small chest, Xiaoxiao's head on his brother's chest, and a small foot of a small hand. She wanted to hug my brother, but found that I can't do it.

"Brother, you are big."

It turns out that small short-handed short legs are added together.

"Brother, you are so big, the sister is small, hehe!"

The gap in the body makes Xiaoxue realized that he was just a little dog, which was very dissatisfied, with a small head to with his brother's chest, and he sent "Well" "Well" sound, she is put.

With her strength, even if the red face is also open, how can Xu Yun hits my little sister?

Just listen to him, the low call, the momentum will fall.

Xiaoxiao did not receive a living, and he also fell together with his brother.

This little sister is still awkward, so a big brother, I just took it!

She is still there, the latter will cover the quilt, and then cover the little dog in the quilt.

Xiaoxiao's mouth, my little body twists, I want to break away, and I will let her go to her, let her not detach.

"Where is the caterpillar, I want to hit her little butt."

"I am not a caterpillar, I am a puppy, Wang Wang!"

Xiao Xiaoyan screamed, she never allowed her brother to change her dog.

Which of the caterpillar is cute, she doesn't want to be a caterpillar. If she is rebellious, what should I do if the dog family do? Xiaoxilai and thoughtful baby will be sad.

Xiaoxiao lifted the little hand and gave her brother to her little hand.

"Brother you see, red, pain."

There is a red mark on Xiaoxiao's arm, which is wrestling when you play with Xiaoqingzi during the day. Although there is no major problem, it is still in the past.

"Give your sister."

It is no wonder that it is easy to wake up. It turned out that it was blew to blow her brother to her wound.

Xu Qian also gently bleed the red scorpion, and Xu Qian asked Xiao Xiao: "How do you not let your brother blow in the day?"

The chin tip put in the brother's chest, and the little sister who enjoys her brother served. She told my brother: "I am a sister of Xiao Qingzi sister, be strong."

Xiao dog can rarely Xiaotan, this sister, clearly hurt, but because I want to give Xiao Qingzi's sister, I have always performed very brave.

Only when I wait until Xiaoxilai sister fell asleep, she came to the brother, revealing a fragile side in her brother.

Silitrate, the sister is so sensible, Xu Zhong did not feel happy, but I feel sad.

If you can, who doesn't want a child in your home, you can have a happy childhood, not because the reason is forced to understand.

Touching the sister's small brain tame, a cool breeze blowing for her, Xuang lightly shoots the back of the sister, and the songs will be happy with the little sister.

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