Almighty sign in

Chapter 550 Don't ask, ask the Optimus

Once the people have secrets in their hearts, they feel different.

Such as the back, such as the throat, such as the needle felt, these three are used in Zhang Ada, now is now suitable.

Although they also know that all things in the cellar are Xu Yung, can not have one of them. As the people, they will divide themselves from the same front in the heart.

Since everyone is the same display, what is their strangeness for Xu Yun's silver?

They are waiting for anxious waiting.

The opposite of Zhang Ada's a few people is Xu Yun, as the prostitute, he is anti-abnormal. He also comforted others: "Don't be nervous, not a big thing. You have to know that this piece is basically can't see the figure, our actions are very low. Plus the fence Block, and the location of the cellar in the middle position of this place, timely someone standing outside the fence, seeing us. Not to mention the police car of the old rice helping us to patrol, drive out the outside. "

"Moreover, even if someone avoids patrol police car, they can't come in. They can't get us here. I have let Lao Li San out, you don't look at the wind is calm, like no one guards, but everything is One point of wind blowing can be found in the first time. "

Xu Qian's lower half of the words listened to the big pillars and dogs, two young people in the ear, let them rest assured, but they can be shocked in Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain.

The original boss has quietly completed the cover of the entire area without aware of the case, which is not the possible accidental protection, and why is it for their prevention?

After all, we will have a heart, in case their brain, Xu Qian is not in that step, and it is impossible to fully trust them.

Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain understand this truth, and it is not explained by two people, but there is no more than half of the heart.

Because it is for them, they are Xu'an, they absolutely do much more.

"Old Zhang, Da Mountain, waiting for the day black, I will take Lao Li and Hu, He will stay with you."

In order to avoid the misunderstanding of Zhang Aga, it is also taking care of their emotions, Xu Qian explains: "I have to estimate how many silver doing it below, and I will do the plan. Lao Li and Hu Yib are soldiers Bened, there is a certain experience in handling ammunition, and things in the second room are still looking at them. If those things do not deal with, we have to be fried on the day. "

Not to be said, Xu Yuni's ammunition in the second mortar, Zhang Agia, they realized that he is now equivalent to sitting on the bomb bucket.

This makes them can't help your forehead.

When everyone waited to be dark, Xu Zhong did a call. He told Hu Sanyan to leave for a while.

When Hu San came back, he was driving a big card, and the two models of the same model were dragged.

One drag two, playing is slipping.

"Boss, I have checked, no problem."

Just got off the door, Hu San said to Xu Qian.

Hu San said that there is not only to be Zhang Agong they think that there is nothing to fail. There is a layer of only Xu Zhong's own person to understand - the car is not installed in a chaos, you can use it.

Touched mobile phone Xu Qian gave Small Totuson went to a phone call.

"Thank you, Thompson."

"Haha, Xu, you are very polite. What is the relationship between us, how can I not help? But I really don't help, the three wooden houses that have been transported in your manor are not good, I can give you The introduction is better. "

"There is not that necessary. I like this three wooden houses. You know, the idea of ​​children is different from adults, we think that they don't think so."

"It's also."

"So, don't bother you. Your help I will remember, Thompson."

"It's so polite to me, you can be angry with you so."

I have a cold, Xu Qian listened to the small Thompson smiled and hanged the phone, and he would like to see that Xiao Tuessen's mood is very pleasant.

It is necessary to help Xu Zhong, it is equal to letting Xu Yumen once, and the huge wealth of Xu Qian 's hand, his human condition can be used in critical moments.

However, it is the most common thing that the city is the most common thing - the car, go to the three wooden houses and moving the mouth.

So small, the benefits are still bigger than the sky, and the little Thompson feels that he makes it big.

It must be my lucky day today.

He thinks so much.

Small Thompson's mood, Xu Yun's mood is better than him.

"This fat pig is really awesome, I borrow three trucks, the general truck, I didn't expect you to borrow three heavy cards, I really gave you about thirty-two kinds."

Don't ask Xu Zhong why I recognize this is three heavy trucks, asking the Optimus Zhu.

Billt 389, the model after the Optimus transformed, is it not a heavy card?

Xu Qianneng knows it, but also thanks to the "Transformers" movie of the explosive shell, and can recognize it at a glance, but also a lot of rewards he sign in today.

"You have completed daily check-in, get the random reward" Transformers "movie branch (can be separated by special effect lens)."

Yes, you didn't look wrong, it was a movie mother, not a script.

In other words, if Xu Qian does not care about other ways, he can extract a direct copy and send it to the hospital.

You don't need to shoot, you don't need special effects, and even the sounds, you don't need to do it, directly on the finished product.

It can be seen that there are more random rewards of this daily sign-in.

I can't do this.

Xu Qian sighed, the consequence of doing, not he wants to see, he felt how to shoot a fake model and patted, at least actors participated in the place.

The actor will not be the original version, since he fell into the hand, he is definitely to add Huaxia actor. The sign-in reward gives him a special effect lens to be separated, giving Xu Qian operable space.

It is not a movie now.

To pull his thoughts back, Xu Zen commanded Hu San, let him use three Optimus Zhu to open to a suitable location, the wide car and the thick car just form a natural barrier that blocks the outside sight.

After that, I saw that the sky became dim, Xu Qian Yueda took a few more people, and took the lead in access.

He has not cheated Zhang Aga, and the thing he has to do is to first estimate the volume of gold in the third mating, so that there can be planned act.

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