I got a side with Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu, and met each other's cooperation in film and television. Xu Yun also took the finished product from their hands to the Wall Street Wolf.

There is a saying that the old river is really powerful.

After reading the finished product of "Wall Street Wolf", Xu Yun sent a feeling.

Even if the excessive detailed script is limited, the movie taken by the old river is still with your own style. It is that kind of movie, you can recognize the unique feeling of which director's hand.

"Super identity."

These six words are the magic weapon in the film and television circle, and they are refreshed by many people in many circles, and Jiang Wen is also a long-awaited Chinese film and television circle for many years.

The movie is shot, and the colorful finished product level is also guaranteed, but Xu Qian knows that it is the most effective value to achieve the maximum value of "Wall Street Wolf", and cannot be released.

A movie's box office will eventually reach how much, in addition to the quality of the movie itself, the factors such as Xuanfa, the times will also have a lot of impact.

Xuanfeng is very understanding, now it is not the era of wine incense, not afraid of the depth of the alley, does not make a propaganda, who knows your existence.

The factors of the times the world, the movies of the Wolf Friends can understand.

The feelings of the Chinese people, the affustible border, and the organization of the organization, and the development of the domestic economy for many years, the improvement in the domestic film and television environment, and the common force of various factors, this is allowed to reach its box office Shocking height.

Such opportunities, can be encountered.

However, "Wall Street Wolf" has this opportunity.

Xu Zhong is going to wait until the prostitute, push the movie in the heat, and the wave is not properly cut.

Save the "Wall Street Wolf", Xu Zhong is calculated: next year is a lot of things, this is not just political aspects, not only the economic sector, and there is also a film and television culture.

The big ship of the truck driver will be sailed next year, open the road of Cameron, Xu Qian wants to consider, do you want to add an old card to the old card.

"If I hollow empty the pocket of the old rice in advance, can the big ship reach the original height?"

Xu Yu feels at least in the box office. The big ship will be affected.

Speaking of this thing, Xu Yung has no burden, because he is standing in a Chinese man's perspective.

It is also known that the Titanic is also a Chinese people, and after the back is encountered, the Chinese people have got a lot of survivors.

However, there is no such a movie in the old rice, and they directly gave the people from the people.

Why do you ask?

This is involved in Xu Yung said that the Western smeared us is still too late, and how can it allow the Chinese people to appear in their movies with a positive image.

This is still one of the sick operations, the Titanic of the truck driver also has a subversion of the Western aristocrats and the rich. You see the humility of those aristocrats in Hainan, what makes civilians go first, really really?

You have seen it, this is the truth.

In order to beautify yourself, they are also hard enough.

Or is there a word - .

I can make a guy who is in Thanksgiving, I can't expect them to have lower limits and exercises.

"Otherwise, this is a touch?"

Although he is hesitating, it seems that it is not as determined. It is not so embarrassing.

He came to this world for a long and a half, and the sign-in reward made him reach the height of the previous never thought. His business layout is expanding, his influence is expanding, he has already got rid of a three meals a day, broken silver, and lives all day long.

According to people's needs, Xu Yun has been a basic survival requirement, and he begins to chase the self-value and its own social value.

Accurately, his previous series of practices have long been going on this road, and they are still far away.

Since you have already embarked on this road, Xu Yung will not look back.

He wants to go further and look at the scenery of the farther.

There is accumulated, there is a bottom gas, there is willing, this time Xu Qi is still in order to maintain his so-called prophet advantage, it is still awesome, then it is too much.

Isn't it just a big ship that touched a truck driver, a successful intention, a more confidence in the future, even if it fails, it is just accumulated experience, before you see success, this son is in front of fucking Failure see, so prepared for the second impact.

The mind is considered, and Xu Yun's eyes are determined.

Decided, it was necessary to touch the big ship with the truck driver next year.

"In order to improve the success rate, I have to reserve the ammunition."

Xu Qianzheng did a plan, He Xing went to him a few words: "Boss, Detroit Little Thompson, who is holding the city council, and launches the debate before he said."

"For me to start working in Detroit, I will provide a job opportunity for their citizens, and the old rice is also painful."

I disdainfully slammed the mouth, Xu Yuan went to the TV and picked up the remote control.

Didn't press a few, the TV was transferred to the channel of Pixi TV.

As can be seen from the screen in the TV, Pixie TV is broadcasting in this city council held by Detroit.

To be honest, there are a lot of problems, and there are many places where people are sick, but some places are really in line with people's taste.

Take the live broadcast, the domestic TV station is very live, because the leaders worry about the live accidents, after all, the uncontrollable factors in the live broadcast are too many, which is a recorded call.

But the old rice is different. They are very popular here, even if the relevant government, the news from the news free banner will not lack the movie.

So, even if there is a thousand miles, Xu Qian can also read the city council of Detroit through the live broadcast of its own TV station, and learned everything it happened in the first time.

As for your question, why the Pixi TV reporter can be so time, so accurate appearance at the scene, this is not the secret.

One sentence, understand.

"For this live broadcast, in order to thank the small Thompson's early ventilation news, I have prepared a lot of things for you, I hope you don't let me know about it."

Looking at the screen in the TV, sitting in the sofa to prepare for the show.

At the same time, reporters who hang the Pixi TV station have also come to the luxury house in Beverly Villa, is waiting for their boss.

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