Almighty sign in

Chapter 564, the young girls

After getting the promise you want, Bernard didn't stay with your own people's heart.

His departure does not affect the atmosphere on-site, because professional people have professional people.

When the company is about to go to the market, I came to the second floor after Times Square. Others were not familiar, and Xu Yun was already the third experience.

One time, I'm going to get ripe, I'm going to the third time, Xu Yun's interest is not as high as he is showing. In order not to let others see, he deliberately chose a position in the corner, letting the stage gave other people.

Listed Companies created a team's entrepreneurial review, management to future prospects, and those who find high-gloss moments, in front of the people, it is very fresh, and it is very fresh to those who have never experienced.

Chaocho, factory spending them, these young people are very comfortable, curious and desires in their eyes are overflow.

As far as Gravie, Teacher Ge has experienced much more calm ..., wrong, Teacher Ge, do you go to the stage?

Ok, you are the company's shareholders, and there is also a blow to blow ... , is the qualification to express the feelings.

Xu Yun took the eyebrows. He felt that there is a group of companies in the second floor of the current Times Square, or the boss to issue a bonus to issue a bonus.

Two words - festive.

The face hanging on the face, every time someone came to the stage, Xu Qian gently patted his hand.

Neither enthusiasm or not perfunctory.

No one knows his inner heart without wave, except Tang Wei.

This girl is holding Xu Yun's arm, and I will ask Xu Qian ear. "How is it interested?"

In the stock market in the old rice, it is not interested in making the US gold to send a fortune, it is not installed.

Xu Qian lazy returned: "How many high-market values ​​in the blind box company? Morgan and Goldman Sachs have a valuation of it, although it is very conservative, it is two million dollars, but people say It is also professional, all data assessments are good, even if it is low, it will not be too low. "

Tang Yan said: "Do you still believe in them? It doesn't mean that the valuation of these Wall Street's elites in the Pixin studio will be one or two million. When Pixi is in your hand, the listing of the listing on the same day. Face. This kind of you will actually believe in their valuation, you didn't have a fever. "

Xu Sheng glanced at her, and asked: "What do I want to say? Say I want to play Wall Street's face, or say that the financial elite in the rice country is spicy chicken? Hello Morgan and Goldman Sachs are listed on this company. While we belong to our ally, I can't get the company, I will kill two allies, one is used to sacrifice, one to help everyone. "

Tang Yu has said: "The oil is tongue, I said you."

She doesn't want to talk to Xu Zen.

This girl is obvious, Xu Yun is unimped to worry about the stock price after the blind box company is listed, but is purely, and there is aesthetic fatigue on the process of listed on the company.

It's not that I have come to NASDAQ. It is not to participate in the company's listing. It is not the future there will be more companies to go public, and look at you.

Tell you, this girl is not envious, I don't envy at all.

Tang Wei didn't want to talk to Xu Zen, as long as Xu Yun wants to talk to Tang Wei.

This guy smiled and smiled, almost sticked to the girl's ear: "You have not tasted today, how do you know that my mouth is a mouth, tongue is a tongue?"

"Take rogue you."

Tang Yan is ashaped to use the flower finger, two fingers hold the soft meat in someone, the left three-turn right triple, come back to the body for one thousand eighty degrees, Kibi Thomas died.

"Stop stop ... Tap, light ... youth, blue, definitely blue."

Xu Sheng is steady with an old dog, but it is safe in private.

No way, too painful.

Xu Qian did not understand that his defensive power is so high, how can they break the defense by two fingers?

Tang Wei, this girl's thin arm thin leg, the attack power is not strong.

Still saying such an attack self-extracting effect?

The small movements in the second privately found that others couldn't find that Yang Xiaomi and Zhao Xiaoti, who were sitting around Xu Zun, have a clear two.

Actually, when the old lady is in love!

Yang Xiaomi did not accept it, she also had to.

So, she extended a sinful hand in the eyes of Xu Yun, and launched a attack from the other side to Xu Qian's face.

What happened to me?

I didn't provoke you, why are you doing?

"Loose your hands, you will make your hands."

Candled by Tang Yu and Yang Xiaomi, Xu Yun called a pain, or if it is public, Xu Qian felt that he must be a mouthful of mouth, even tain pain.

In order not to let this situation continue, Xu Yuan has to catch the two girls in their waist.

However, Zhao Xiaodou appeared.

This girl didn't know when she went back, she smiled while sitting in Xu Qian, caught Xu Yun's hand, thoroughly cut Xu Yu saved her hope.


Xu Zhong almost did not spray a old blood.

Zhao Xiaozhi is too god, and the back thorn after this makes Xu Zen no preparation.

Zhao Xiaoshi, a successful knife, took the fun of Xu Yung, played the game of the handset, the , firmly grasp the hand of Xu Yung, do not let them Mess.

The pain in the waist is even more fierce.

However, Xu Yun was reluctant to let go, because the warm touch of the hand made him very useful.

In addition, Zhao Xiaodi, who took the body behind Xu Qian, bowed his head, with your forehead, on the back of Xu Qian, gently smashed. If Xu Qian goes back, you can find it, this girl smiles very sweet.

Although I can't see it, Xu Qiang can feel that his keen perception makes him feel very happy, it seems that it is very satisfying that Xu Yun is very satisfying such a bright and good.


I sighed in my heart, Xu Yun did not have a further action.

He feels that it is very good now.

So, the second floor of Times Square has appeared a very strange atmosphere.

When other people are immersed in the joy of the company's upcoming market, the small place where Xu Qian is located is in an inexplicable atmosphere.

A quiet and quiet in the noisy and quiet feelings of enthusiasm.

It doesn't need to talk, nor does it need people to listen, just need to be a young young girl who is in the youth, without a word, you can feel each other.

The four people who are immersed in the self-tunicure did not find that Liu Ruozhen quietly adjusted his position, if it was intentionally to cover them with the body.

Liu Ruo, I don't know why she wants to do this, Xu Zhong's situation is even if someone sees it, it is only bitter in my heart, I don't dare to chew the root of the tongue - so, why do I want to help him?

Just in such an atmosphere, time is over one minute.

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