Almighty sign in

Chapter 569 Xiao Zhenk

"The artist is really what you worry about?"

Zhao Xiaozhi sorted out a row of puppies on the desk, very curiously asked Xu.

These puppies are very cute. Zhao Xiaodi did not know where Xu Yun was bought. She only knows that there will be one day every day in the past few days in Beverly Villa, and Xu Quan.

"It is always necessary to prevent it. I don't want to warn Zheng Chao them, I can't say it. Some people look clear, but the heart is black."

Xu Qian also explained, he would not let the nosh emperor appear on his own artist.

Although people can still have hundreds of millions of million, there is still a moral education, but what can be avoided?

Zhao Xiao stayed did not ask, just remember this.

There are many people in the world, and it is not surprising when you shoot.

"The luggage is packed, and I will have to go home."

Xu Qian said home is naturally returned. He has no other meaning, and people who can not listen.

Zhao Xiaodi didn't know what thought of, flying out of the cheek.

"The movie is still getting here?"

"This movie has limited, I have taken it to 45% of it, and the North American box office has earned nearly two hundred million, and it doesn't matter if it is nothing to do."

Pixi's movie is got a far-aged box office because Xu Yun promised a lot of expected box office. Every lucky draw means that there is a lucky one night, which has greatly stimulated the nerve of the old rice, provoke the theme of the movie. Surprising, more and more old rice is contributing to the fashionation of the movie.

At this time, if you don't change your boss, you will definitely stay in Miki to follow up the entire process in order to make more money. Duan Luan is not like this. Since the first day of the lucky draw, he handed the things to Raisete, hiding away.

If Xu Qian is released the next day, Xu Yun is not from the listing of the blind box company, then since the third day, Xu Qian is really not going.

After all, even the other people of Xiaoxiao have returned to China, Tang Wei and Yang Xiaomi are also left because of the development of their own career. This doesn't have a Zhao Xiao.

In view of the English language of the small classmates, Xu Qian decided to give her a lesson.

This supplement has been supplemented for several days. During the whole day, Xu Qian is not a course, which is ready to make a course, and occasionally drive to rest.

There are many kinds of things in this kind of thing, there are luxury cars, famous cars, custom vehicles, and private cars, off-road vehicles, bus, and Xu Yun driving never can't be famous, is it a brand, he cares about the car.

He won't touch the car, in the light of the light, the throttle is blocked, the exhaust pipe is black, then it is trouble.

Different from a few of the years, the female stars of more than a dozen boxes, Zhao Xiaoshi's baggage is very small, and it is also two boxes.

A layout, another personal item, not dragging when leaving.

The Bay G550 flew over the sky again. If there is no particular emergency, Xu Qian will still step on the land of the land.

A funny situation appeared, and so on returned to Beiping, Li Ke and Hu Yisheng, who departed around ten days, were still floating at sea.

After all the sea miles are still flying over the sky.

With Xu Yung sitting in the spacious body of the knight fifteen, Zhao Xiaoyu is very careful to put those puppies on the back seat, she can't help but: "all cloth and cotton It's not so easy, is it necessary to be so be careful? "

She didn't know that these cockroaches did not look so ordinary, that is the kind of baby who wanted to buy you.

It turns out that these dogs are not a lot of money to buy, but he sign in.

Starting from the day of the blind box company, Xu Yun's daily sign-in random reward is them - except for its original chicken, the next day is a cute puppy shape.

The chicken, but also re-read chicken, this place is in the future. The more common profile on the market is the rural trumpet - chicken, duck, goose.

Xu Zen told Zhao Xiaoshi: "This is not ordinary toys, it is high technology."

I took a clippress dog left to see it, and Zhao Xiao didn't see its high technology place.

Obviously, a cockroach toy, how to get high-tech, shouldn't you fool me.

This girl looked at Xuang with suspicion.

As soon as I looked at this girl, Xu Qian said: "You can only weigh your classroom, and the courses are imperative, small classmates."

Zhao Xiaowei smashed it, how can this symbolize how practical actions can let her get rid of Xu Yun's control.

Seeing that she did not believe, Xu Qian hit a referring, said: "He Zhen, He Zhen."

At the moment, all the coupling dogs are bright.

This bright is not adjective, they are really shining.

At the same time, there is a plurality of sounds brushing: "I am."

"Hey? Electronic toys!"

Zhao Xiaoyeds have been interested.

However, the next thing happened to let her know what they want wrong.

Xu Qian said to the club dog: "The this next to Zhao Xiaoshi, you introduced yourself."


The scooters turned the dog head, and the blue light of Blu-ray stared at Zhao Xiao: "Xiaoshi, my name, my name is Jian. I am a born baby, I am trying to learn knowledge, let myself grow up. Because I am too small, I don't know much, I hope you don't want to be stupid. "

Zhao Xiaodi stood up, she said to Xu Qian after her breath: "This is settled, just like the high-end electronic toy selling in Mi Countryside, right?"

Xu Yun did not answer her, she took the first claw with his hands and touched her hand, protesting: "I don't have a polite, I have to be polite."

This is not only the extraordinary of Xiao Zhen, and Hu Erhu three, they all know that Nance is not general.

Xu Yun explained: "The" Terminator "of the truck driver has seen it, knowing the artificial intelligence mentioned in it, the Hexen is the initial level of artificial intelligence."

He Xingyu drove, and admire: "Boss, this is the right to make it. I said that I have read a lot of books about computers and programming time. Are you studying artificial intelligence?"

"It's not what you think, I didn't do research, just expanded in my own knowledge. As for the birth of Kathen, it is only learned, the great man has said: There is no saying right without practices."

The biggest shock to people with the most light tone is the present.

You can't blame you, you try to get this stuff every day, you can wait for a few days after a few days.

Every day, the random reward can be connected, you think how good, its upper limit is just a three-year-old Xiaogang, it is worth a strange?

"Be calm."

Someone said long.

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