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Chapter 571 is coming, killing dogs

Xiaoxiao walking in front of first discovered her brother.

"Ah ~~~!"

This is a buzzing little milk sound.

Xiaoxiao excited screams, small short legs, after the first two steps, take a role, and the whole person rushed over.

A single hand, copy the little sister to your hand, Xu Qian reached again, will see him and joyful to shoot the small squatting in the same place, also hug.

Two little sisters picked up by my brother grabbed my brother's neck, and my mouth came up and got on my brother's face.

Just like Xu Qian still said that Xiaogang said in the country: "The brother is coming back, hugging him, kiss him."

As for the mistake, the two little sisters have been happy to have forgotten the clouds outside.

The brother suddenly gave the little sister a big surprise, so that they were excited to have the silk sleek of the shellfish when they got up.

I waited for a little more calm, and Xu Yun said that I was stupid to stand at the door: "Little Sisi, how is your face brushing your teeth?"

Sisi shook his head: "Xu Angong brother is good, there is not yet."

Sisi said that he said to the washing room at Xu'an bedroom: "I and Xiao Xiao sister, their towels, are inside."

Xu Qian did not at home, the little sister did not sleep with my mother every day. Sometimes they will run to the brother's room to come crazy. Wait until it is tired, I will fall asleep directly in my brother.

Because of the way to do this big child, Fang Shuying doesn't have to worry about Xiaoxiao and Xiao Sizhen to brush your teeth, you will go.

Xu Qian put the two little sister, a disappointing expression: "The head does not comb, the face is not washed, the teeth are not brushing, I don't like it."

Xiao Qingzi grabbed the little face with hands, and the shy ran into the washing room.

Xiaoxiao is not.

She opened her small bar to take a picture of her brother's calf: "Joke sister, my sister hits you, cry."

I have to catch her, Xiao Xiaoyu ran into the washroom, and only explored a small head after hiding in the door to call Siss think: "Thinking the baby is coming, don't be bullied by the wild child."

Xu Qian He: "Who are you talking?"

"Say you, my brother's face is wild, slightly, slightly ..."

It seems to be because the door of the wash can be closed, and the consciously safe Xiaogang has a bottom gas, and the brother is a ghost face, and the dangerous edge is crazy.

The consequence of her, was taken out by Xu Qian, and was forced to put it in the thigh of my brother.

I looked at my brother to raise a big big slap, Xiao dog rushed to join the brother on the bed: "My brother is wrong, my sister is wrong, don't play sister. You are a good brother, don't bully sister, sister The favorite brother. "

I only know the wrong now, what did you get?

Dare to provoke my brother, be mad.

Xu Qian cold face screamed: "Don't open your hand, or make your little hand."

Xiaoxiao's head is shaken, and a pair of hand covering the hand of the little butt.

She didn't take it, I took the little butt and I got the big broncho of my brother. When I arrived, someone would be cryked, but that person is not a brother, but she is ourselves.

Xiao Qingzi and Sisi quietly slipped to the door, shouting outside: "Help, save your life, my mother will save the life of the little dog."

Good sisters, speak gap.

Xu Zen met a funny.

I have no chance to make it difficult. If the reason is sent to the door, he didn't forget that the three little dogs in the video were challenged when he was in the country.

Xu Qian, opened the revenge model, took the Sisi and Xiaotan, and the three little dogs were squatted on the bed, then ... PIAPIAPIA!

"Come and have a mother to save."

"Mom, you don't come to your baby, you have to be opened by your brother to make your fart!"

"Come on, kill your dog!"

The tower is here, and its dog is not arriving, and he is said: "Wang Wang ..."

Then, it saw Xu Qianzhen.

The line closes the dog's mouth at the time, lie on the ground, four feet, showed a small belly, spit pink little tongue, a two rolling three rolls ... Rolling out Xu Yun's sight.

Line: I will sell a cute, you continue, don't care about me.

I thought that the puppies who came to save the stars were very disappointed, they were discussing: "Line Group, you are a small dog, the dog family doesn't have a dog like you."

The movement here is too big, and the Fang Shuying, which is praised by Zhao Xiaoshi, who has been praised by Zhao Xiao, and has gone.

"I will bully your sister in one home, so adult is still like a child."

I saw that the puppies slammed on the tribute, I was so powerful in the mouth, as if I was a big grievance, I was really smiled in my face, I was not happy, obviously is with my brother. When playing, Fang Shuying still blamed Xu Yun.

It's coming to the mountains, the puppies will immediately change.

They wow, the claws, launched against my brother.

Before the brother bullied my sister, now my mother is coming, I am round to my sister to clear my brother.

In this regard, Xu Zhong did not panic.

I want to clear my brother, you are still tender, little sister.

Tell a sound, Xu Yuan did not call: "He Zhen, He Zhen."

"I am here."

"Come over."

Some sounds sounded, and the nine cocoa toy dogs came out from the study.

Said to go, actually use it more appropriate.

Relative to people, these coupling dogs have very slow, and the action is very stiff, if ignored the procedures for controlling their, they can do it with the kind of battery selling in the mall. There is no difference in children's toys.

Originally, I wanted to counterattack his brother to see this scene, and the little mouth, the whole person stood in the ground.

"Is a dog toy!"

The little dogs are cheering, but they will understand the command of the command: "Jian, surround these three little sisters, Wang."

Then, in the surprised eyes of the puppy, nine clues were between them and brought them with their brothers, and they surround them, rushed on them: "Wang! Wang! Wang!"

The little dog was scared.

They have not had such an experience, they are surrounded, they don't know what to do.

Xiaoxiao tried to explain: "Misunderstanding! It is a misunderstanding!"

Sisi also help: "Puppy, you listen to me."

Xiaoxilai quickly cried: "Don't bite, the little dog does not bite the little dog."

Xu Yun was laughing, and he went to the meloni and played the little sister.

"You also want to fight with me ... oh!"

It is right to stand, Xu Qian's back is a slap.

Fang Shuying taught the son of bullying her daughter and rescued three little sisters from the envelop. She grabbed a tapping dog and took it in her hand. Then the number of : "Electric toys? If you talk about you, all the day, do you have a lot of toys? You also bought them, waste money. "

Xu Yuan explained: "This is not a toy, it is a high-tech product, there is no sale on the market."

"High-tech toys are not toys? What is the use, can you eat it?"

Fang Shuying did not understand, but Xu Ji bought it, and she no longer had more words after a few times.

Xu Qian also did not force the mother to understand the use of them. He took the toy dog ​​in Fang Shuying's hand, and made a license through it to Xiao Da, gave Xiao Xiao commanded their power.

After this twist, the dog family not only did not turn else, but also nine new members, and the small family became more and more.

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