Almighty sign in

Chapter 574, May Flower Convention


For the Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain who can't read Yangwen, this is a bunch of ghost paints. If Xu Yen told them that the stuff is baby, they will be dirty as toilet paper.

I was originally known as a three little dog playing, I was so curiously.

Originally, Zhao Xiaoji also learned himself, I learned a few words, but after seeing a large number of English skewers, Zhao Xiaoyed suddenly, and immediately didn't look thought.

Anyway, there is a good time, she doesn't have this strength, I can't ask it directly?

Xu Qian gave Zhao Xiao to read the English in the top of it, seeing this girl has not understood, but she has to do a human translator.

"The name of God, Amen.

We have signed the contract, the defenders of the faith, the Great Britain of God, the Great Britain, France and Irish King James.

For the glory of God, in order to promote our kings and Christ's faith and honor, I will open up the original colonies in the northern Virginia, so they will have a shame in front of God, and voluntarily knot a citizen group.

In order to make the above objects, it is also possible to develop and implement a fair and peaceful legal, regulations, orders, charters and public premises, and all the guarantees of all the guarantees of the general interests of the overall interests of the colony, and all guarantees.

According to this year, Jesus, November 11, 1620, and the 18th World of Science, Ireland, and the Fifty-fourth Monarch of Scotland. Signed in Kodo, the name is as follows. "

Zhao Xiaozhao , for a long time: "Although I don't understand, I feel so powerful. This thing should be important to yourself."

"Self-confident point, remove it two words."

A whisper with a baby fat is quietly stretched away, Xu Yung's eyes, the movement is also fast, one will grab this little hand.

"What do you want to do?"

Xiao Xiao, who is stared by my brother, earned two times, I didn't break free from my brother's big hand, she rushed to Xuang, I am so smirked: "Hello, my brother, my sister wants to read, let the sister."

Xu Zun said that Zhao Xiaodi took a little sister, and the child had too much killing of fragile items than adults. It reflects the material of glass, paper and other tear, anti-impact power, and so on.

"The sister wants to study, the small Song teacher said that the child should read more, so that it can become smart."

Did not achieve the purpose, Xiao dog is full of resistance.

She is not happy to twist the little body, Xu went, I had to keep her: "I don't want to see it, now it is dirty, my brother can find someone to clean up before you can give it to you. Teacher Xiao Song also taught you to ask you Love is clean, talk about hygiene? "

Xiaoxiao's feet look at the things on the table, my brother doesn't say that she still didn't think it was, she felt that the book was dirty, and the little face was suddenly left out of the disadvantage.

"That's mouth."

"I have to think about it."

A caressing a little dog, Xu Qian immediately told Baishan: "Go find a master who doesn't know Yangwen."

It is best to let Zhang Agada go, but the shop opened, it is coming, his shopkeeper can not be absent.

Bai Mountain said: "Don't use it outside, there is a master hired in the store. I originally want to sell the word painting, I didn't expect this to send it on the first day."

Zhang Aga also said: "It is the master of the frontier, good at the identification and repair of the word painting, I will leave some old customers with the big mountain, I will leave him."

"Of course you know, you know that he doesn't understand Yangwen?"

Some things are unwilling to say, like this kind of convention in May, the old rice is blind, I haven't found it for so many years, and I am in a meeting, how is there a saying?

This object is with my Huaxia, and it will become my collection.

"The man is an old craftsman, but also barely recognizes a few words, even the Chinese characters are all expensive, how can you understand the foreign language. If he has a family, it is now estimated that it will be tired, and it is barely. "

People who buy and sell at home, Zhang A, of course, will understand clearly, and is very sure.

"Since there is no problem, please come over, I am sitting here, I personally look into it."

Xu Zhong did not plan to do something else today, as long as the May Flower Convention is treated, then the packed package will take away. He has a hunch, and something that has an important historical meaning of the May Flower Convention is likely to have an unexpected advantage of him in the future.

Before this, he had to stay with it.

"Remember, this matter is only known to people in this room today. If the news is disclosed, don't blame me, I don't say something in front."

Xu Qian first warned Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain, and then said: "The mountain, you have been a good thing in Hong Kong Island HSBC, I have been a good thing, you don't have to worry about it. Old Zhang, your home There is no problem in the land of North Ping, I will take you to the process tomorrow. "

Enwei, there is a big stick, there is carrot, Xu Yang is telling Bai Mountain and Zhang Aga, I will treat him as my own, I will never treat him, otherwise I will not blame him.

As the Bai Mountain and Zhang Aga of the old rivers and lakes, it is impossible to hear the meaning of Xu Qian, and they have swattered, and they will never leak half a word.

"You don't have to be so nervous, I don't believe that you can't tell you this. Yes, old Zhang, Da Mountain, you think this thing I have to take it to you?"

White Take someone else Xu Qian can have no habit, he does not account for this small cheap.

Zhang Aga and Bai Mountain have hopped: "The boss, you don't say this, or if you take us to the eye old, we can't get this thing."

Fifty dollars, they are also unimped to give money, after all, Xu Qian helps them more than 50 US dollars.

Whether it is a northern town of Zhang Aga, or the gray income of the whispering balls in Bai Mountain can go to Yangguan, this is not possible.

White Mountain didn't want to compensate, Xu Yung won't give it, seeing two people do not ask, Xu Yun gave them a commitment: "This matter is owed to you, how do you see?"

What is the most difficult?

Human affairs.

This place is worthless for some people, but it is more than 100 million money for some people.

Bai Mountain and Zhang Aga have a smile.

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