Almighty sign in

Chapter 583 Talent Replication

"I ask you again, do you really don't go with your brother?"

Xu Yun said very seriously asked the little sister at home, He Xing and other bodyguards, etc., the team can start at any time.

Xiaoyang is comfortable to lying in Tang Yu, the head is shaking like a rickets: "Don't go, don't go, just don't go."

In the past, my brother went out, and the little sister will always find the way to follow her brother. Nowadays, the world has changed, and they reject Xu.

As for the reason, it is very simple, just in Tang Yu.

Xiaoxiao's big fairy just moved into Xu Yun's home, there was not much day, self-sufficiency, Xiaoxiao's Xiaogang's enthusiasm for Tang Yu, and the Pak did not have a big fairy every day. I am not happy.

"Little fairy should be with big fairy."


Oh, tired.

Ok, don't send it.

Xu Zhong was very hurt: "Dog, you have changed."

I saw a new person smiling, and I heard the old man crying.

For this newly old dog, Xu Qian directly took her in the warm embrace of the big fairy.


Xiao dog is licking the bart.

Xu Yun was sent to Tang Wei, touched the small head of Xiaoxizi, and walked songs, and pleading.

This time, he went to Mi State to complete this month sign in the task. It didn't stay for a few days. The little sister did not force.

Xu Yung calculated time, waiting until he hit a Christmas war from Miki, Li Ke, they are almost almost.

Time is quite good.

The Bay G550 contained Xu Zhong again came to the rice, and his feet just stained the ground. Xu Qian was conducting today's sign-in.

"You have completed daily check-in, get random rewards: Talent copy (only once)."

"Talent Copy: You can copy the specified talent of the specified target by physical contact. After completing the replication, you will not be able to make any damage to the other party, and it will not be aware of the other party."

"Note: Talent copy needs to be used within three days, and the reward is automatically discussed. The talent obtained after the copy is fixed up to one month, and the object can be specified."

Xu Yen picked his eyebrows.

Talent copy, it feels very good.

Ok, Xu Yuan admits that this is an excellent reward, which is much higher than the rewards such as money or jade jade.

As long as you can find the right goal, copy the most powerful talent of the other party, it is cool.

This time, Xu Yung is to complete the monthly sign-in task, to be aligned is the unique super big monster in the league - big shark O'Neill, and still young version of O'Neill. The opponent is strong, and if you want to complete the task, even if Xu Qian is not.

One can run, run fast, and the power is still getting bigger to the horrible big shark, and it is entirely over the battlefield. I want to take advantage of it in his hand, it is difficult to get like it.

Month s s s sign is to let Xu Yun riding big shark, but also won the game, it is even more difficult.

In other words, when the big shark, the picture is indeed known to the male.

If you want to break, this sign-in random to talent replication is quite a powerful.

Xu Qian is thinking about whether he wants to use him, such as when he meets O'Neill meets on the court, don't be too simple to find a chance to engage in body contact.

As a athlete, it will be warm up before the official game, and the players of the NBA will naturally be exception.

Many players will interact with the audience when they open, and the atmosphere is picked up. Especially the big name, their fans spread throughout the alliance, even if they arrived at the home court, there were still many fans to support them.

The big part of the NBA League is a big old black, and it is well known that the big blacks are quite talented in some respects, such as singing, such as dancing.

Perhaps it is race talent, but may be engraved in something in the gene, O'Neill will play quite play.

When the fans in the treasure ship hall saw this guy with the mascot of the main team, the whistle voice, with a good-eyed snoring, and a laughter and smiling.

You can imagine a big black bear twisted the waist, swaying big butt, and shaking his head, how many people can't help but?

Anyway, Xu Yun did not laugh, even though he felt that this is quite spicy eyes, but not hinders him to laugh.

"Hey, kid, have you have any opinions on me?"

You stand on the bridge to see the scenery, the people outside the window are also watching you. Xu Qian is watching O'Neill, O'Neill why didn't pay attention to him.

For the other yellow skin in this alliance, Xu Yung is like a big bulb in the alliance, and it is difficult to pay attention to it. Don't mention his strength unexpected, it is proven to use a verse.

Look at these fans in Los Angeles, the original favorite of the fans of our home team, now there is a considerable number of people have become a fan of Xu. But the competition of the Voyle participated, the treasure boat hall center will be difficult to find.

Strong strength is also popular, such players are definitely a super superstar's embryo, O'Neill can have such a pleasant person who can even have such a play play after entering the league, which is the people who can do it. Xu Qian can do this level or is done by the yellow people, O'Neill is hard to pay attention to him.

What is the attention from the opponent mean?

Pay attention.

O'Neill pays considerable attention to Xu Qian, the extent second only to his Bulls in Jordan.

"Kid, I heard that you are very powerful, but I have not paid your hand with you." O'Neill walked to Xu Qian body, and the opponent's opponent, which used high-level advantages. "The last time I lost your team in my home, This time no exception. "

Xu Yu shrugged: "That is not necessarily."

O'Neell's mouth, his current smile is not a stagnation, at this time, he is young and heases, his attack is full, smile is horrible, like a shark that chooses people.

"Do you think there is a lot of?"

Xu Yung nod: "You are right, I will be a fast ship in victory."

"Who will say anything, but it is another thing to say, it is another thing."

"It's better to play a bet, whoever lost who please eat."

Said, Xu Yuan reached out.

If you don't hesitate, O'Neill and Xu Zheng hit the palm, indicating that he should be under this game. He didn't know, just in the moment he had in touch with Xu'an, Xu Yun launched a talent copy.

"You have used talent replication to Shaquel O'Neill, successfully replicate the power talent of the other party, copy the talent. There is current time: 71 hours fifty-nine minutes fifty-nine seconds."

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