Almighty sign in

Chapter 586, Totomuson's recommendation

Lakers who have no O'Neill can't say that they have no resistance, but they are not difficult.

At least, it seems that Xu Yen seems to be difficult.

Kobe was taken as anger in the draft, O'Neill officers, what is the rest of this season, who can stand up?

Jones, Fan Eksel, or Hori?

Will not work.

They can't do it.

Although this person pressed Kobe two years in the original time and space, let's make two years of bench, the strength is indeed, but his play is too orthodox, the people in the rules of the Chinese, can't afford the girders, can't do the savior. In this way, he will not sell it by the Lakers by the Lakers in the year of playing.

As for the big front front, the big front front, the big front front, the Louis and O'Neill, and the only star, the only star, is him. For the right place with Hori, Xu Qian's dish will want to vomit.

Then who said a famous saying - over, you are like a road in the morning.

Only have a seven-point, Xu Qian's explosion of Holi.

Explosion is a good statement, saying that the direct white point is to fight, Holi's psychological shadow is called out, and it is afraid of seeing Xu'an.

At this Christmas War, when O'Neill was smashed by Xu Yun riding, the Fairman won simply, Xu Yun wanted to vomit: "There is no challenging."

Of course, the competition is still wonderful. After all, Xu Zun contributed a lot of dunk, Kobe also seized the opportunity to play.

"Sign in."

When the game ended over the game, Xu Qian who had been resting on the field was signed in the heart.

"You have completed the sign-in task this month, get the sign-in reward:" Mador's shock scam "."

Xu Dynasty judged, McDorse, who made a surprised bureau in the book, is the Chairman of the Nasdaq board.

As a wake-up bystander, Xu Qian did not think that Madorf's scam has more high, but if you are in the bureau, people often see it.

The rich of old rice, there are also those rich people who are deceived by McDorse, they are not unsatisfactory, but they don't believe that people who have such social status with Madov will defraud them.

The chairman of the Tang Natsdak Board came out, if it didn't really happened, Xu Yun will be a joke.

"Sure enough, the reality is far more bizarre than the novel."

Xu Qian felt.

After completing the sign-in task this month, according to his formation arrangement, he will not stay in rice, but what plans can't change.

A phone of Little Thompson made him change the trip and let Xu Yen have decided to stay in Miki a day.

Little Thompson took the phone to talk about: "Congratulations, the buckle of you, Xu, Christmas Wars is too exciting, now the fans in the whole country and even the world know that you ride the shark."

"Haha ..." Xu Yun was very happy, "You are the first to call to congratulations, this is really happy."

"Of course, we are a friend." Xiao Ton will hit the snake, he took the opportunity, "As a friend, you don't mind if I refer to you."

The Dao is a fake, and the business is true.

"Tell me."

Xu Qian did not refuse. As a person who enters the country, there are enough people to write the innate country to write the recommendation letter, which can make Xiao Tonse will not be the child of ordinary rice family. The future of this family is also bad in the future. It is the middle class of the rice country. It has a great probability that it will become a part of the old rice elite.

The surface of the upper dish shouted the earth, the class, but the class was clearly clear, saying that a set of rice features is not only the same for foreigners, and the country is also.

"The Prince family Eric, his father is a business partner. The young man is great, serving in the seal commando to serve in the Middle East, Haiti's dangerous places, or his father this year After you have died, he has to go home to inherit the family's auto parts manufacturing plant. He will have acts in the army. You are all young people, should have a common language, do you want to know? "

Little Thompson introduced Eric's while I didn't forget to play a label for youth, and the Listened, the Prince's Eric is a talent.

The old Rice's selarhead team is a very famous special forces that can be selected to indicate that there are two brushes on the hand of Eric.

But what is this?

Xu Qian asked Xiao Tuesse: "So, why do he want to see me?"

What is recommended, if the introduction is, Xu Yen will not believe, he concluded that things are not so simple.

The relationship between the benefits between the rice people, the little Thompson can't be so enthusiastic to promote the child of a business partner, and the business partner has to add two words.

Even if there is a human country like Huaxia, some people are in the human situation, and people die two points, let alone people who don't recognize people.

Xu Qian asked, Xiaomussen knew that Xu Yun, I didn't dare to move my opponent than the IQ, and I didn't dare to move my heart. "Eric said that he is not the same as his father, this kid is not willing Be a car parts manufacturer, he has some special ideas, I guess it should be related to the experience of service. "

Xu Zhong continued to ask: "What about it? Have he tell you?"

"If I don't understand it, I will call you. Eric said he wants to do a security company, for this, he can sell his auto parts manufacturing plant ..."

"Wait." Xu Qian grabbed a point worth of attention, he asked Xiao Tuessen, "His factory is going to sell, will not be you?"

"Don't this, Xu."

"Well, I understand. As a uncle, help the friends of the friends to complete the wish, support him bravely chase the dream, which is good, enough to prove that you are a high-quality gentleman."

"It should, it should be, in fact, I don't have it to say so."

Xu Qian nodded and heard: You don't look like my style.

"I will go to Detroit before leaving rice. I heard that my manor is going on, and I see this Prince's Eric."

Listed to the manor that he was built in Detroit, Xiao Tony took advantage: "This is another reason I am playing this phone today. Xu, you still don't know, you have used the land of the manor The following digging a secret room, hiding a lot of brown scorpion rifles and ammunition. According to the news I got, there is more than 100 years underground, which should be the item in the north and south war. "


Xu Yuan has improved the door: "Then I have to see. Thompson, you know, China is very strict in the weapon control."

"Understanding, understanding. I will blocked the scene, waiting for you to see it."

"That line, it is called the Eric. He is not a soldier, give him a chance to persuade my dream investment."

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