Five minutes, Eric came out.

He first looked at the little Thompson, and his face changed, this walked to Xu Qian.

"You can go, go first. The ammunition inside is processed by the profession, and it will not be dangerous as long as it does not do dangerous things."

Eric's words were concealed, but the little Thompson and Xu'an heard the string.

Xu Qian is dark, and the face of Little Thompson is not so good, the latter smiles, tells the tone of question: "Tell me what you find."

Even the name is not called, it can be seen that the dissatisfaction in the heart of Little Thompson.

I recommend you to Golden Lord, and also pay the bought your car spare parts manufacturing plant, provide you with venture capital, do you have this return me?

Prince's kid, you are not good.

I know that your kid is not a thing. When I gave me my eyes, I wouldn't care about you.

Eric is not shown to see the changes in the attitude of Little Thomp, in fact, in the moment he decided to find it out, he did a good job of his mind.

As Little Thompson said, Eric is a person who has an adventurous person.

In fact, from his dream, you can choose to sell inheritance of the car spare parts manufacturing plant, which will be able to find out what kind of person is.

If Eric is a person who is a peaceful person, he will choose to continue to operate the family, rather than open a new road.

Xu Yen picked his eyebrows and said: "Talk about your discovery."

"There are three rooms in the cellar, one of which is a gun, and the other two rooms I saw that it was the ammunition stored."

Xiao Tangpssexia: "What is the problem?"

"I didn't say it had a problem, there is a problem with two rooms to store ammunition, but the number of ammunitions."

Eric did not notice that when he said that the number of ammunition had problems, he has changed, and his attention has fallen.

Visual is to tell himself, Eric knows that he successfully caught the attention of this Golden Lord, so he became more and more. The room can save them. "

"Although I don't know, I don't know, but I know that it is not easy. If it is for security, it is very reasonable to make storage spaces."

Xu Qi tried to say his guess.

Eric shook his head: "I think so, until I found it has traces that have been moved, and that traces are not far away."

Soon, it was a blame. The words were: Then the ammunition below was stored in a room. It was recently to move it, and the two rooms put the impair of ammunition.

Why is the other party to do so, the fool can think of it is to cover up.

"You say ..."

Xu Yun looked at Little Thompson, behind him, he did not say it.

Half sentences plus an eye is enough to express what he means.

Little Thompson is anxious to jump: "Xu, I will be friends, you will not doubt what I did, what did you do?"

"Of course ..." Xu Auntie, only spit two words, "no."

You won't blame.

Your reaction is doubting me.

Xiao Toups is anxious, and he gambling swear: "You have to believe me, swear by the name of God, things are absolutely not what you think."

Eric at this time: "Mr. Thompson, I think you should hurry to check it, if there is something to come out, it is too bad. According to the law, the private land buried under the private land is If the land is all, if you have a stealing incident, it is not only a hit to you, but also the loss of the wealth. "

"You can rest assured, I will find out what you know."

Small Thompson bite teeth, a pair to eat people.

For the heart of Eric him, there is nothing, this kid in order to express himself, in order to show his ability, there is no midney, this is not a good way to do so simple, simply blended to the extreme.

"You are really talent, I think I started to appreciate you, Eric."

Xu Zhonghaha smiled and took Xiao Tang Pusis to go down.

"Since I have no danger, I will take it with me." Thompson. "

Sinted Xiaomussen exchanged Xu Yun's appreciation, Eric's heart is big. He didn't feel that he losses, and the little Thompson is too interesting. If you can't get the support of Golden Lord, it is difficult to climb again after a transaction. On the contrary, if your own career is developed, today's hatred Tomson will choose to ignore.

Of course, there is no love, but Eric's performance, plus the real-world explanation, but also confirmed his guess, which makes people feel that someone quietly moved some things.

He Xing and Hu Er, they are in the entrance and export, watching Eric that is working hard to prove their abilities, can't help but emotion: Old rice is also able to have people, really can't read them.

Fortunately, I didn't have doubts about Xu Zhong, I only thought that things were related to Little Tomethson.

Who let Little Thompson have been discovered after the cellar is discovered, and then he arranges someone to guard, with his proficiency is the character of the picture, and Eric does not doubt that he is still not in Detroit at the time, or even not in the country. expensive?

Furthermore, as a pure rice nannior, in the violent institution in the rice country for several years, Eric is what virtue is good for their own people?

Even the military in which the army should be disciplined, you can also count on the public security patrol?

"That is a group of freely scattered guys, they can't do anything about myself?"

I heard an old rice soldier's spit on some departments of the old rice, Xu Qian did not know what the expression he should do.

Anyway, it is very wonderful.

I sent away the Qiao Rats, and I estimate that this fat man would prove that her innocence will definitely slammed her own, or to figure out what is stolen in the bottom, if the value is enough, he may Take a cup, Xu Qian and Eric began formal conversation.

For this kind of adventurous rice, Xu Qi felt that he should give him a chance to let him talk about his entrepreneurial dream. If it is really suitable for investment, Xu Qian will not give him a money.

"I heard that you want to start a business, so do you think you can convince me, let me invest for your dreams?"

"Yes, I have confidence."

"Tell me."

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