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Chapter 591, Qijin for thousands of gold

The national opening is open, which will strengthen communication with international, which helps economic development, but there is also its disadvantages.

This bad position is when you want to do an important thing but don't want news to pass out, you have to spend a lot of energy to make it secret.

Originally, the power of mobilization, putting the thousand tons of big yellow croaker, can't spend too much time, but there was a confidential factor.

If you want to run them on the premise of not attractive attention, you have to do it. The consequence of this is that Xu Yun is spent on this whole day, waiting until the black is only quietly left.

When he returned to Beiping, he did not immediately return home, because Zhu Lao wanted to see him.

"The origins of those things you don't need to explain, we will do our best to keep this matter."

Zhu Lao is very enthusiastic to praise: "You do well, it is really good."

Then he asked: "How much impact on you will have you in the country? If you have any difficulties, we will do your best to solve it."

Xu Qian Ying said: "I have dealt very clean, as long as our people don't disclose news, the rice people will never know this."

"That's good, so I am relieved. You will pay attention to your own security for the country, don't put yourself into danger. You are still young, the future is still very long, and some gold can't compare with you."

What is the most precious in the new world?


There is no doubt that in Zhu Lao, Xu Qian is talent, and it is the top of the top.

Gold is dead, people are alive, the dead is no longer valuable.

A thousand tons of gold is a huge wealth, but it is not necessary to talk to talents.

This is the most essential difference between the Chinese leaders and the capital of rice.

In the eyes of capital, there is only interests, and the capitalists only have money, as long as the price is suitable, they can sell themselves, and Huaxia is people-oriented.

As long as people are, everything wealth can be created, those descents that rely against robbery and slaughter, will not understand this.

"If you want to say difficulties, it is really difficult."

Xu Yung's words seem to be exchanged, Zhu Lao is not annoyed, he asks Xu Zun: "What difficulties you have encountered, we will help you."

Xu Dao said: "Then you can help me persuade the teacher to don't do it, let him not be angry with Wu Liang. It is Wu Liang to find me, decision is also Wu Liang himself, how can I blame me? Say right? "

Zhu Lao and Xu Qian's mentor Wang Lun is a friend, and it has heard of this matter.

That Wu Liang is Wang Lun intends to cultivate, let it enter the system for the national effectiveness, but I don't want Wu Liang to make some achievements, I feel that I have a long time, I have found it. Xu Qian, Xu Xu wants to invest in the sea, and do risk investment.

Seeing that the disciples don't walk according to the route of our plan, Wang Mun has a blow to blinking, and there is a good angio.

No way, who is called Wu Liang self-knowledge, intentionally hiding Wang Lun, Wang Lun has no sprinkle, can only grasp the top count of Xu Qian.

In this regard, Xu Qian is very speechless, and Zhu Lao is really funny.

"Old, old, old, people, sometimes, just like children, you have to show him, you have to go, or you have bubblened. This matter I promised you, I went to tell the old kid, Custody him no longer vomiting with you. "

Xu Yun is required to seem to be required, and the fact is not required at all, it is the relationship between the two people.

Originally Zhu Lao is very optimistic about him, but now, he will treat him home for his own generation.

Both ability, three views are also positive, but also a young man who is thinking, who doesn't like it?

Waiting to solve this, Xu Yu holds two already huh owed, the small head is lifted again, and then lift it again, it is too sleepy, but the little sister who does not sleep, returning home. The time is already 11 o'clock in the evening.

"What is going on, take your sister to go out for such a long time?"

Earlier, Fang Shuying, who was anxious, seeing the children, and the number of mouths falling, the movements in the hands are fast.

She took Xiao Xiao and Xiao Qingzi from Xu Yung, and she went to sleep with two little sister.

Xiaoxiao saw the mother, strong supporting the eyelids, muttered to my mother: "Mom, my mother, my brother bully her sister, he played my ass, you have to teach him."

Xu Qian is still funny.

The emotional little dog is strong, and it is not sleeping, and it is in order to see my mother, I will keep it in time, so I want to wait until I wake up tomorrow.

Is this not a syndrome of not overnight?

What is Xia Dog who is in order to tell?

Xu Yun saw this little sister after Xiaoxiao, a little bit of his head, and ambiguous mutter: "Well ... Xiao Xiao sister is right ... um ...... Xiao Qingzi helps his sister prove. "

I am thinking about these two dogs.

With a stomach, Xu Qian pulled back his bedroom.

Waiting for the dog, waiting for tomorrow to see how to educate you.

Going back to the bedroom over two exercises on the desk, the puppies will be ready for tomorrow.

The family returned to the people and not very moving. Tang Yan knocked on Xu Yun's door. This girl entered Xu Yun's house.

"Honestly, what have you done again, why is Grandpa to agree to let me live in your home this year?"

With this girl's understanding of his father, if it is not enough big thing, the old stubborn is not agreed.

Because according to the rules of the old men's hometown, unless they can't come back, the daughter who will only be married during the New Year can be held at home.

The old man agreed that she was in the New Year in Xu Qianjia, is equivalent to formal agreement with Xu Yun, and still implied that she was set up early.

"Because I changed thousands of gold with thousands."

Xu Yun said to Tang Wei: "I used a thousand tons of gold to change the granddaughter of the granddaughter, you said that my husband, I am not smart."

Tang Wei's foot: "Who are you, honest."

The girl was ashamed to open the door and ran back her bedroom.

Xu Qian is very strange: girl, your concern is a problem. Isn't it necessary to pay attention to a thousand tons of gold?

"The girl's mind is really difficult."

Someone scratched his head and slowly stepped over the past, and did not have the bedroom door to returned the girl.

When he went home, he was very late. After Tang Yu, didn't, how long, time quietly rolled over midnight.

Another new day.

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