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Chapter 595 Returned

The first month of the New Year's New Year is a month of harvest. This harvest is more than just money, but also people aspects.

Sitting in the courtyard of the House of Joy, Xuian has a warm tea.

In this oriental antique Chinese garden, there are three Western small wooden buildings and the whole environment, and it is not awkward.

The three small wooden buildings are Xu Yen intended to store the two thousand pieces of Song Porcelain that the gold cruise is coming back.

Of course, they are just tool buildings, those Song Porcelain will only be stored in small wood buildings, once the county Wangfu builds well, Xu Yun will move them.

Also or wait for Li San, if he still borrowed money from Xu'an, according to the contract of the two parties, Li Sanru fulfined his mortgage duties next to the four-nest of the Forbidden City, and even the individual collected in the courtyard is homing all after It can also become a place to choose Song Porcelain.

"Li San is too bitter than this person, with a smart mind, and became the rich of Northern Pingmin."

"This is also very good, you will do business, you will be angry, why do you have to fry foreign exchange?"

"I really want to be a door to door?"

According to the information you got, coupled with Peng Xue and Zhao Zhaolong and other teams, after a combination, Xu Qian was determined and affirmed, Li San would inevitably plant a big heel in the foreign exchange market.

This kind of thing is very risky. This year is a special year. The West must do things, even I don't dare to get it easily. If Li San is gambling, the courage is really big.

Xu Qian is waiting, such as Li San is lost, and then the talent is incorporated into his camp.

However, that remote plan, today he is here, not just checking the three small wooden buildings after rest, but also for a person.

"Boss, people are here."

Li Ke came over and reported the news to Xu.

Xu Qian and other people are coming, he is not someone else, it is big strong.

When the big strong son accepted Xu Yung Qi's kindness, he also listened to Xu Yun's arrangement. She went to the country for a few months. Through her old rice, I figured out something that I need to know.

Today, time has arrived, he is back.

"Strong, come over."

Xu Zen greeted the strong son, and he also greeted that the big stronge was returned to China, and the first time came to him.

"This family, you are a good sister with you, I will not have a traveler with you."

Xu Xin, this family is not allowed. According to Xu Qian, this woman who has been associated with it after going abroad, has recently been mobilized.

This mobility is not late, just is that big strong son creates the e-commerce door, with his own ideas and ideas, will return to China.

Also, the new unit of Xu Xin is a lot of things.

Also just, Xu Xin's new position has certain power.

One is coincidence, two are not, let alone now three.

Xu Xin is so doing, it is clear that I have already listened so much, otherwise it is so much happening.

Xu Qian has admired this, and the road is very powerful.

There is a proverb in the West: It is a road to Rome.

However, some people are born in Rome, which is very wow.

Xu Xin, this family is just a very small number of people who are born in Rome.

Big strong sons can get this favor, and it is also a person who is negative.

For such a person, Xu Qian likes to cooperate with them.

"This time you should work in Miki, you should have your own ideas. Now, how do you plan to take it?"

If there is no woman in the big strong, Xu Qian can not change to his agreement before, but there is such a girlfriend with big energy, Xu Qian is not sure whether the big strong son will be Thunder.

Big strong and asked: "What is the countdown of our previous agreement?"

"of course."

Xu Lian did not hesitate, he knew the answer when he heard the big son asked.

In fact, think about it, and when men can show weakness, only women who can't be loved in front of them.

The self-esteem of the big strong son does not allow him to rely on Xu Xin in the case of choice, otherwise it will become a thorn in his heart, and it can't pull it up in my heart. And this thorn will be awakened when he saw Xu Xin, let his wound never heal.

In this way, the time will not face Xu Xin for a long time, so the deep feelings will come to break up.

Xu Qian pays that Xi Xin did not seem to be unnamed when he was asked. It was obvious that the two had passed, and the big strong son persuaded Xu Xin.

"I can call you at any time, just see when you start."

If the grassroots entrepreneur like Da Jinzi, the most difficult question they have encountered is also the most difficult question.

If you don't have money, you can't implement it. If you don't only be in ancient times, it is still in ancient times.

Great Strong Road: "After a week, I have to go home for such a long time."


Xu Qian gave the big brain and Xu Xi, said: "If you are extra, I will not say it, everything is good before, I will pay, you, you can support you first. Several people, first take the shelf, so that the basic operation is made. Other need to recruit yourself, daily management is responsible by you, unless you can't control the company, otherwise I will give you the maximum exhibited space "

This is a matter before the two sides, then the big strongman is still doing a waiter.

Xu Xin is going to speaking, the big strong son should take the first: "Well, it is good to discuss before."

Xu Yaoto tea cup: "Strong, you are a trustworthy person, I appreciate you. The fact proves that I didn't see the wrong person."

"Strong, the company name is there?"

"I have already thought about it, I am called Beijing."

"Corporate in Beijing in Beijing?"

"Beijing is the Beijing of Beijing, winter is the winter of my name."

"One language doubles? Interest."

Xu Xin got a great heart, and then looked at Xu Yun. The two people who have a lot of joys make her feel that they don't understand.

Obviously, the current situation can make more requirements, to Xu Qian is more, why do you have to keep the previous conditions, I don't know if the status of both sides is completely wrong, is it very different from the current situation?

Although the status of both sides is still not equal, Xu Yun is still in absolutely strong, but the strongman is now that he can only make a restaurant waiter, and he is going to make a short-term breeding fees and life.

The experience of working with strong sons in the country, at all, don't work.

Then I say that I will help.

Xu Xin can only be embarrassed in his heart: "I really don't understand these men."

However, Xu Xin can't deny it, it is such a person to be seen by her.

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