Almighty Student

Chapter 10666: Businessman king

No one knows what is supporting him. He was spurting blood just now, as if he had lost half his life, but now, he actually got up again.

"Do you want more? Do you want to think about it?" the Celestial Clan asked.

"Do I have the right to purchase?" Shang Biao roared.

He was shouting at a Celestial Clan.

Under normal circumstances.

He absolutely dare not.

But now, his eyes were red, his whole body was trembling, and the blood on his mouth hadn't been removed, and his whole person seemed to be lost.

Celestial people can get angry under normal circumstances.

but now.

The Celestial people are not angry.

He can also understand a person’s mood at this time: "Here is a video stone. You are also an adult, with a normal mind, a normal mind, and no illusion. I will give you one minute to think about it. After one minute, if you still If you want to insist on buying, I can let you buy, and your Heaven and Earth Sect is eligible to continue to owe it."

"I don't need to wait a minute." Shang Biao shouted.

"I said I will give you one minute, it means one minute." The Celestial Clan's expression turned cold. He can understand the other party's feelings, but he is a Celestial Clan after all. If the other party keeps talking to him like this, then it is considered that the other party belongs to the Celestial Clan. Young master, he will never be polite.

Shang Biao also calmed down.

He was really out of breath just now.

Now he also calmed down.

He bowed deeply to the Celestial Clan, and then he wanted to put down the time and space golden treasure box in his hand.

"I'm sure not to buy, then I'm going to do it." A slight smile appeared on Xia's face.

This Shang Biao was vomited blood by him.

The feeling of pitting to death.

When Ying first saw Xia Xia's cheating, he felt very refreshed. He was also one of the people who had been cheated by Xia before and almost died.

If this feeling is the person involved.

It's different all of a sudden.

"I'm already a sinner of the merchant. I can't continue this way. If I continue, then I really am not a human being." Shang Biao had already recovered his calm when the Celestial Clan spoke just now.

he knows.

I can't go wrong anymore.

"According to probability, there should be good things below." Xia reminded.

"Then I don't want it either." Shang Biao said firmly.

"It turns out that the Young Sect Master of the Heaven and Earth Sect is scared of being so simple." Xia Xia said with emotion.

"That's right, I'm scared, I'm just stubborn, right?" Shang Biao said.

"Little beast!!" A loud voice came.


Accompanied by the appearance of voice.

A figure fell behind Shang Biao.


A loud applause appeared.


The Heavenly Immortal Palace is absolutely not allowed to use hands, but right now, the guards here are not blocking it, because the person they know is the grandfather of Shang Biao, the merchant king.

Grandpa slapped his grandson, and they won't stop him.

"Grandpa, I'm sorry, I was impulsive, I made the Heaven and Earth Sect shame, and I lost nearly 200 billion immortal crystals." Shang Biao knelt on the ground.

prior to.

He didn't even have the courage to face his grandfather.

Grandpa is here now.

He also admitted his mistake directly.

He really knew it was wrong.

At that time, he actually knew it was wrong, but he wanted to prove himself too much, so he was dazzled by the victory.

In fact, at the moment Shang Biao acknowledged his counseling, Xia Xia had already taken a look at him. Now that Shang Biao can recognize his mistakes, Xia Xia believes that Shang Biao should be limitless in the future, and even though he was scammed this time The other party, in fact, can be regarded as a setback on the other side's growth path, and it can be regarded as a great help to Shang Biao's future life.

"You are indeed wrong, but your fault is not here, but you confessed. You are the young master of my Heaven and Earth Sect. In the future, I will deliver the Heaven and Earth Sect to you, but now, if you give up so easily, Then what will happen to the Tiandi Sect in danger in the future?" The merchant king pulled Shang Biao directly, and then walked forward: "Remember, you are not afraid of death, what else is terrible? The Tiandi Sect is yours, whether it is you It’s your life to lose the heaven and earth sect, and to grow ten times the scale. This kind of life has only growth without failure."

"Grandpa!!!" Shang Biao looked at his grandpa at this time, feeling that his grandpa was very tall.

"I don't want to hear this!!" The merchant king scolded.


Shang Biao nodded vigorously, then looked at the Celestial Clan people: "Open, I will continue to drive!!"

His grandfather is here.

He has the strongest backing, and he also understands that his grandfather makes him take responsibility.

"It's amazing." Even Xia gave the businessman Wang a thumbs up silently.

"Of course, the merchant king is the most outstanding sect master of the Heaven and Earth Sect in recent years. He is a great man, and more than that. Don’t you still have something to do? Keep doing it, and you can see He is a merchant king." Ying reminded.


Shang Biao also started to open the space-time golden treasure box again.

And the merchant king has already asked his subordinates to send the fairy crystal over.

The Celestial people in front were not in a hurry.

Now that the merchant king has come forward, he is even less worried about Shang Biao's repayment.

The people around him also admire the merchant king very much.

Although the merchant king only had a few simple words, they showed their courage.

at this time.

They also want to see if Shang Biao can make good things.

If you can.

Then Shang Biao is really the protagonist of the times.

Of course.

Who is not the protagonist of the times who is qualified to enter the Temple of Heavenly Immortals?


The sky fails to meet people's wishes.

This time-space golden treasure box lost again.

It was still worth less than 10 billion immortal crystals, and then the heavenly people supplemented 10 billion immortal crystals.

"Grandpa, I understand, let's go!!" Shang Biao said, he already understood what Grandpa meant, and at this time he didn't want to waste the fairy crystals. These fairy crystals were made by their ancestors for generations.

It was the people of the Heaven and Earth Sect who had spent their lives in exchange for it.

Such a flower.

He will be very heartbroken.

"Continue!!" The merchant king said blankly.

"Grandpa!!" Shang Biao wanted to say something.

"I said continue!!" The merchant king said again.

Shang Biao gritted his teeth and stepped forward: "Continue!!"

How much he wanted to open space-time golden treasure chests before, but now he does not want to open these space-time golden treasure chests.

But with such a tough attitude from grandpa, he can only continue to drive.

just now.

A lot of people gathered around.

They are all top masters.

Normally, it is difficult to open one of this top-level time-space golden treasure box, but today, it is actually opened by a chain. Everyone wants to see what can be opened in this top-level time-space golden treasure box.

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