Almighty Student

Chapter 10677: News from the world king

the first.

Investigate his father.

This is not difficult at all. The reason why he didn’t go to his father was not because he couldn’t find it, but because he didn’t want to find it, and even if he told the heavenly people about his father’s position, the heavenly people could not keep him. father.

So this doesn't matter.


The identity of the world king.

This is even simpler.

He had long wanted to make up an identity for King Jie, and now that the Celestial Clan people were willing to exchange this information with a precious treasure, he would naturally not be polite.

Two treasures.

It can also make Hongfeng's strength evolve again.

"World King: The top alchemist, the main refining, the world king pill, the effect of the world king pill is to increase the power of the law by 10,000 points, as long as it is below the realm of the nobleman, it can increase by 10,000 points, no side effects, no The effect is weakened because of taking too much world king pill.

There are only two people who can contact the Upper Realm King temporarily, one is Summer and the other is Ghost! ! "

This is the information he compiled.

The reason why he made a ghost is to make it easier for him to cause trouble in the future, so he can all blame the ghost. Anyway, the ghost is a fictitious person, and no matter how the other party investigates, he will not find this. There is a problem with intelligence.


This information needs to be revealed later, he can't directly show it like this, otherwise it would be too fake.


He disappeared directly in place.

"Can you find Tianlong?" Ying asked inexplicably.

"It's too simple. Just investigate. If there is a Celestial Clan person outside, you can go directly to the Celestial Clan person." Xia's method is very simple. Celestial people.

Lead the snake out of the hole.

This method is very simple.

Although the Celestials have suffered a lot from the Tianlong, many Celestials still have very important tasks to complete outside.

and so.

They can only try to be more careful now instead of not going out.

"Your thinking is really different from others." Ying also felt very speechless.

He feels.

Normal people would never think about it here.

But summer can be thought of here. This is the biggest difference between summer and others.


"Now that Baidi is useful, just let him investigate for me." Summer also became more leisurely.

After Baidi went back.

I am also worried every day.

Because he doesn't know when he will be used in summer, nor what he will be used in summer.

Although the summer only used him for four years.

But he is also very careful.

He didn't want to leave himself a disaster.

"Investigate the Celestial Clan?" When Baidi heard this, he was taken aback. He really didn't understand what Xia means. Normally, he thought that if Xia Xia had an order to come over, he would study Xia Xia first. He wants to do what he wants and then do it, so that he can avoid the risk.

But now.

He couldn't figure it out.

Xia Xia asked him to investigate the Celestial Clan, what is his purpose?


Now that he has promised summer, he can only do it.

He investigates the fifth party first.

This is his home court. It is not difficult for him to investigate the Celestial Clan people. Although the Celestial Clan people will cover up some of them when they come out, they still can't escape the eyes of the top spies.

It didn't take long.

He investigated the whereabouts of a second-class Celestial Clan.

He then directly sent the message to Xia Xia, but he also told Xia Xia that he would definitely not help Xia Xia deal with the Celestials. He himself was not afraid of death, but he could not affect the large number of brothers behind him.


"Okay, you can help me investigate people. You don't need to worry about other things." Xia Tian gave Baidi a talisman.

He would not embarrass Baidi either.

As long as Baidi does what he should do.

Second-class Celestial Clan people normally rarely appear in Shenzhou. They usually stay in Celestial Clan, especially at this time, because a second-class Celestial Clan was killed just now.

They also know that Tianlong is hunting and killing the Tianzu people everywhere.

and so.

If you can't come out, try not to come out.

But this time is different.

This second-class Celestial Clan must come out in person.

If it is not a very important thing, he can let his own hands do it.

But this time it is related to his life span.

"I have found the position of the second-class Celestial Clan." Xia Tian did not follow. Now he is tracking the traces of the second-class Celestial Clan, but if he passes, the second-class Celestial Clan and his men are very alert, and maybe If you find him, you will be in trouble.


Their team is really very careful now. On the way, summer has found ten formations and traps for reminders. As long as ordinary people pass by here, these formations and traps will remind them, and then the Celestial people in front will advance. Know.

"My lord, the front is the dangerous area of ​​our fifth party. Normally, I can't pass through." Baidi said.


"Go, remember, go back the same way, don't touch other places, even if you meet acquaintances, you still say that you have other things, don't be nervous." Xia reminded.

"Understood!!" Baidi disappeared.

"Shenzhou masters are divided into four guards, three mountains, nine holes and ten scattered immortals. This is Kunming Cave, one of the nine holes!!" Ying reminded.

"Compared to Fang Cunshan's strength?" Xia Xia asked.

"It's different. Fang Cunshan is called one of the three mountains because he can mobilize Fang Cunshan's power, which is one of the sources of power from heaven and earth, so his strength is strong, but this Kunming cave The cave owner is his own strength, if it is me in the heyday, it is not his opponent, unless I can completely control the unsealing beast." Ying reminded.


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "I understand, they shouldn't be here to cause trouble."

"Yes, Kunming Cave specializes in poisons, and there are many weird poisons here, so when the second-class Celestial Clan came here, either came here to find poison or came to detoxify." Ying explained.

"Interestingly, if the Celestial people want to kill people, they shouldn’t have to be so troublesome. They should also look for poison. If they are here to find poison, they should be dealing with some special people. If they come to detoxify, then who Dare to calculate the Celestial Clan people and let the Celestial Clan people be poisoned?" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

It seems.

This time the task.

It's more interesting than he thought.


I don't know if his father will come, if he does, then he has completed the task.

Of course.

It is not yet time for him to meet his father.

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