Almighty Student

Chapter 10684: The name of the king


In summer, this is a naked threat to the Celestial Clan.

In Shenzhou.

Dare to threaten the heavenly people.

This is no different from looking for death, and it is not you who die alone, but you and everyone behind you are going to die.

The opponent is still a third-class Celestial Clan.


This kind of thing is really unimaginable.

Of course.

The identity Xia Xia forged was a ghost. His master was the Realm King, a very mysterious person. Although no one knew the Realm King's strength, everyone cared about the Realm King Dan.

If the Realm King took out a large number of Realm King Pills to cultivate others, or replaced the heads of those who killed his apprentices with the refining methods of the Realm King Pills, it would have aroused the coveting of many forces.




Tianluan laughed: "I have personality, I like it!!"

This is the style of leadership.

A simple sentence resolved the embarrassment on the scene.

if not.

That third-class Celestial Clan person will definitely do something about Xia, even if he knows that the realm king is not easy to deal with, and will even have trouble in the future, he will also kill this person who dares to provoke him.

But the day was chaotic.

He doesn't need to do it.


Summer is also very clear.

In a place like Shenzhou, if you have the ability and your backing, then if you say something cruel and do some excessive things, others will think you have a personality.

But if you have nothing.

That is dead.

"Ghost, why don't we upgrade our cooperation?" Tianran asked.

"Talk about it!" Summer asked.

"You help me find out the weakness of Tianlong, see the problem with him, and then double your reward." Tianran said.

"I have the conditions!" Summer said.

"Tell me!"

"First, the old rules, give me rewards first; second, no one can show off with me. I know you are not easy to provoke, but I have no obligation to serve you." Xia Tian said very rudely.

"You" that third-class Celestial Clan person is also about to shoot instantly.

Xia Xia was obviously talking about him.

"Okay, I promise you. From now on, you will only talk to me. You don’t need to pay attention to other people’s words, and I give you this privilege. It’s not good to treat us as a normal partnership. No, but we are Celestial people." The chaos gave Summer the greatest privilege.

Of course.

On the one hand, he gave Xia Tian such a privilege because what Xia said just now really made him interested.

If summer can really find the weakness of Tianlong.

Then he can handle Tianlong.

That is what excites him most.


In his opinion, the life and death of a ghost does not matter, but it is better not to provoke the realm king, he still wants to drag the realm king into the heavenly clan.

"En!" Summer nodded slightly.

"Ghost, don’t be too polite with me. When you have a chance in the future, you can help me make an appointment with your master. Then we will talk together. Even if we can’t reach a cooperation, it’s always okay to have one more friend, especially one by one. Waiting for friends like the Tianzu people, are you right!!!" Tianchao's identity is definitely the top existence in the entire Shenzhou.

An unimaginable terrifying position.

There is no chance for others to curry favor with him.

He is now willing to make friends with someone.

This can be regarded as giving the other party the greatest face.

"Okay!" Summer said.

"Then we're settled, this is Zunbao, it belongs to you, and I will leave it to you to find out the weakness of Tianlong." Tianran said.

"I don't guarantee that I will be able to find his weakness." Xia Tian said.

"Just try my best. As for the specific situation, I can naturally tell." Tian Chao said.

Summer this person.

The greatest skill is to find the weaknesses of others.

Tebi is from the perspective of a bystander.

His father's methods are very mysterious.

It can be said.

In the entire Shenzhou, he should be the only one to find out the weakness of his father.

He also wants to see.

His father next.

What do you want to do.

His father had already anticipated all this since the days of chaos and the others came here, and his father didn't have any tension, and that kind of calmness was definitely not pretending.

Based on his knowledge of his father.

His father must be able to deal with these people.

"My lord, that Tianlong won't fight our people at all. It is very difficult to keep him." A venerable reported.


Tian Chao nodded slightly: "You two, take people around to the back, arrange the formation in advance, outflank him, and stop him."

The other two sages also brought more than twenty quasi-sages.

Instantly disappeared in place.

"Do you think we can keep him?" Tian Luan asked Xia Tian.

"It can be seen from the battle just now that you cannot keep him. If you succeed in keeping him, then he must want you to keep him. In other words, if your people do it, Maybe that was when you were fooled." Xia Xia said directly.

"This idea is good, you mean, let me think backwards, don't care about the gains and losses in front of me." Tian Chao suddenly reacted, and he felt the ghost in front of him.

Opened his new world.

All this ghost said.

It really makes him feel very reasonable.

"What I said may not be all right." Summer reminded.


Tian Chao nodded slightly: "Go, let's go up and see how capable this Tianlong is. If you don't pass it, you won't see his weakness."

He now trusts the summer very much.

He also believes that summer can find the weakness of Tianlong.

Of course.

If you want to find the weaknesses and flaws in Tianlong, you must watch it with your own eyes.

Now that the distance is so far, it's completely dependent on guessing, that's not good.

that's it.

In the case of chaos, those people chase and intercept.

At last.

They stopped Tianlong.

"Tianlong, do you think you can escape from my palm?" Tian Chao's face showed a smile.

"Who said I was running away?" Tianlong asked.

"Sure enough, you are playing tricks. Someone told me before that to deal with you, you must use reverse thinking. If my person can't keep you, it's normal. If my person can keep you, then they must It is you who want to keep my people, that is, my people should have been hooked now, right!" Tian Chao waved his hand.

His subordinates all returned to him.


Tianlong was taken aback suddenly.

The expression became serious: "It seems that I really underestimate your team."

His gaze also swept towards the Tianlong team, as if trying to find the person in this team who could see through him.

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