Almighty Student

Chapter 10711: Tianji Pavilion


The ground under everyone's feet began to shatter, and under the ground, those black hands appeared. These black hands grabbed the people in Tianji Pavilion and directly dragged them into the ground.

Disappear! !

"Fly, hurry up!!" The surrounding masters shouted loudly.

They all saw it.

Those who were dragged into the ground disappeared directly, instead of actually pulling people underground.


Mass deaths occurred at this moment.

"Good job." Seeing those flying in the summer.

Also seized the opportunity.


Countless ice appeared.

His body also moved quickly on the ice point.

puff! puff! puff!

These flying people are all observing the danger below, watching the dead people and what happened just now. Summer suddenly appeared in front of them, and they did not react at all.

The powerful lethality appeared instantly.


All people were killed in an instant.

The fear of death began to envelope.

Wherever summer passed, those people didn't even have a chance to resist.

"Pay attention to the cold ice, he can shuttle on those cold ice spots." A quasi-senior shouted loudly.

They were far away and couldn't catch up with summer at all.

But they have seen the point of dodge in summer.

This allowed those on the scene to guard against the ice around them.



The ice and stars flew away.

The speed is very fast.

When those people saw the ice appear again, they all began to defend against the ice crazily, and at this moment, summer also appeared in the position of the stars.

The power of destruction also appeared in an instant.


Summer is unexpected.


Those masters had just told their subordinates to be careful of the ice, but when their subordinates were all focused on the ice, the summer began to attack from the position of the stars.

"Pay attention to the ice and stars!" someone shouted.


It was very difficult for them to pay attention to the ice, but now they have to pay attention to the ice and the stars, which makes these people even more chaotic.


Summer's eyes have long seen through them.

and so.

No matter how they pay attention.

Summer can appear in the direction they didn't look at.


that's it.

Summer reaps in the sky.

Quxi harvests below.

In an instant, the two beheaded thousands of people from the Tianji Pavilion.

The main thing is.

The team in Tianji Pavilion is in chaos.

It's not like it was at the beginning.

If it were the stable formation at the beginning, it would be very difficult for Summer and Qu Xi to defeat them, and even temporarily avoid the edge, but now it is different, and now they have already entered the opponent's crowd.

In this case.

If the opponent's master wants to attack the two of them, he must attack his own people together, and it will be very difficult to chase the two of them.

"Damn, you two have the ability to come out and fight with us!!!" a quasi-sage exclaimed angrily.

"You have a problem with your brain, so many of you, the two of us, let us give up our advantage and go out to fight with so many of you?" Xia Xia looked at each other like an idiot at this time.

That's right.

at this time.

There were too many people on the other side, and it was obvious that too many people bullied the two of them and few people, but the other side could actually say such shameless words.

This makes them feel very speechless.


Xia Xia directly kicked the two people around him towards the one who had caught up.


The man saw that his own person had come, so he could only evade, which allowed Xia Tian to escape his attack.

"Damn, these two people are too cunning, they are mixed in our team, there is no way to fight at all!!" The surrounding masters said very depressed.

They can't beat these two people now.

It was these two men who didn't fight them at all.

Just bully the team of 100,000 people.

If these 100,000 people are ready to keep attacking, it would be very terrifying, but once these 100,000 people get messed up, their lethality is not enough.

Overall attack.

Overall defense.

That is their characteristic.

"A group of five, scatter around, and don't give them a chance to fish in troubled waters!" The quasi-venerable master headed by him shouted loudly.

People in their team.

It was also ready in an instant.


All began to retreat separately.

Groups of five.

To kill around.

Although their method is very effective, but at this time.

This is equivalent to a living target. Summer suddenly appeared among the five people, killed them directly, and then disappeared in the same place again, continuing to raid other people.

"They are here!!" The masters locked the direction of Xia Tian and Qu Xi, and then killed them.

But at this moment, Xia Xia and Qu Xi's body appeared strangely on the other side.


that's it.

Several times down.

These people are all dumbfounded.

They have no idea where Quxi and Xia Xia will appear.

"We are also separated, three people, with other masters, guarding the Quartet, so that no matter which direction they appear in, we can keep them for the first time, and other people can come and support." The quasi-venerable thought of this good way.


All the people are separated.

Seeing the moment they were separated.

Both Xia Xia and Qu Xi had smiles on their faces.

They are waiting for this moment.

When these masters gather together, it is very difficult for them to defeat this team, but if they are separated, it will be much easier to deal with.


Xia Xia's eyes also looked in front of her.

Qu Xi appeared beside Xia at the same time.

The goal of the two of them is the three quasi-sages before them.

Although the other party has three people.

There are only two of them.

But the other party obviously didn't expect the two of them to kill them directly.

"Looking for death!!!" Seeing these two people kill three of them, the three of them reacted immediately.

The law of the sun, moon and stars!

The law of devouring!

The law of light.

The law of water!

Heavenly Sword!

Emperor's gas!

Go out!

Summer's attack was launched at the same time.

Regional black dragon!

Qu Xi also swiftly shot out his own attacks at the same time, entangled directly on the bodies of these three people, the powerful attack seemed to swallow everything.

Double strike!

Qi is extremely fast.

The other party also regarded the two of them as ordinary quasi-sages.

But when the two of them attacked the moment.

They just understand.

I was wrong.

puff! puff!

Two quasi-sages were quickly killed by summer, and the last quasi-sage abandoned his two teammates to survive.

But Xia Xia and Qu Xi also killed them at the same time.

"Want to run, did the two of us agree?" The two of them also punched their own attacks through each other's body for the first time.

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