Almighty Student

Chapter 10725: Double attack


Summer is full of provocations.

The Lion King also launched his own devastating attack instantly.

Two light waves appeared in front of him.

"Choose left or right?" the Lion King asked.

It's simple.

Of his two attacks, one of them was real and the other was fake. In the summer now, he has been forcibly trapped in this space by the power of the opponent's law.

This lion king is the realm of a half-step venerable.

Strong strength.

Only people above the sage can break through his space forcibly.

"It's interesting!!" A smile appeared on Xia's face.

This lion king is really good at this ability.

It is very difficult for him to force a breakthrough.

He can only choose to hide on the left or right.

If you choose the wrong one, you will endure the powerful attack of the Lion King.


His eyes looked over.


He also dodges directly.


The attack of the lion king flew past summer.

Did not hurt the Lion King.

"Good luck!!" The Lion King said appreciatively.

His move.

If hit, the power is very terrible.

And as long as Xia Xia hesitates a little, he can still hit Xia Xia, but the selection of Xia Xia was too decisive, which made his attack not hurt Xia Xia.


His attack took shape again.

"Just now you were lucky, but this time, you won't have that good luck. This time, it will let you die directly, left or right!!" Lion King shouted.

A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

This trick.

Full of lethality, and deterrence is also terrible.

Let the enemy seem to have entered a link of life gambling.


The Lion King’s attack struck him instantly.

Xia Xia's body moved: "It's still on the right!!"


The powerful impact, blowing from Xia's side, did not hurt Xia.

"Luck is so good, I don't believe it, your luck can always be so good!!" The Lion King also began to attack continuously.

that's it.

Attacked ten times in a row.

Have been avoided by summer.

"How is it possible? How can you avoid my attack every time, your luck can't be so good." The Lion King's face was also full of shocked expressions.

"Don't you think that luck is also part of strength?" Xia Xia asked.


The Lion King attacked again: "I don't believe it, your luck will always be good. Choose left or right?"

He attacked again.

But the problem was also discovered in summer.

"This guy is so cunning, he was used to paralyze me ten times before. If I avoided him ten times before, then I would instinctively think that his attack is the same as before, so I should choose left and right. It’s a pity that I have already seen through his purpose. His attack cannot close the space on both sides at all, and his attacks are real." Summer did not expect that this Lion King would actually act.

The acting skills are still so good.

Normal people will definitely be deceived by his acting skills.

But it is impossible for him to lie to Xia Xia.

"I choose the top!!!" Summer flew directly up.


Two attacks rushed past where he was just now, and everything behind him was destroyed.


Both attacks are real. If he just dodges slowly, he will be hit by the attack no matter if he is turning left or right.


The Lion King looked at Xia Tian puzzledly: "How can you see through my attack?"

He really doesn't understand now.

How did summer do it?

Why can summer see through his attack.

His attack with this hand has never failed.

People who can survive his ten rounds of attacks are originally very few. In the eleventh round, no matter who they are, they should have been paralyzed by his methods, but why did the summer see through him so easily? The means?

This kind of thing surprised him a bit.

"I said, I've seen everything about you a long time ago, and you are nothing at all in front of me." Xia Tian said directly.


Hear the words of summer.

The Lion King's face also showed an angry look: "No one can see through me, and no one can see through me. It is impossible for you. Next, I want to ask you whether I am attacking your left or right! !"


The Lion King instantly culled over.

His speed is very fast.

"Left!!" Summer dodged the Lion King's attack easily.


The Lion King also threw a blank.

"Impossible, you can't see through my attack!!" The Lion King also killed him again.





In summer, he kept telling the direction of the Lion King's attack, which made the Lion King more and more alarmed.

Because the summer said everything.

The powerful attack of the Lion King is nothing at all in front of Summer.

"It's so weak, if you only have this ability, then you can only watch me kill all your subordinates here." Xia Tian said blankly.

A smile appeared on Qu Xi's face.

Summer is really strong.

There are such people behind.

She didn't have any worries.


At the moment when the Lion King pounced on the summer.

This time.

Xia Xia did not dodge, but grabbed the Lion King's gap and threw the Lion King directly, and at the same time all the attacks hit the Lion King.

This trick.

He used the method the Lion King had used before.

Before deliberately dodge.

Let the Lion King instinctively think that he would only dodge and then attack suddenly.

In this case.

The Lion King did not do any defense at all.

Directly hit by him!


Xia Xia also caught the Lion King's movements for the second time, and then directly killed them, very fast.

Hongfeng's attack hit the Lion King at the same time.

"I admit defeat!!" The Lion King shouted loudly.

Admit defeat?

When I heard this.

All the fairy beasts around stopped.

This is an order.

It is also a signal that the Lion King himself has fallen off the altar.

Qu Xi also returned to summer.

Xia Xia looked at the lion king in front of him: "Are you sure you are going to give up?"

"Yes, I have yelled it out, it means that I gave up the throne. You can tell from the expressions of these fairy beasts around, how disdainful they are to me, I can't stay in this area anymore. , Because my overlord dignity in their hearts is gone. "The Lion King's surrender this time is still very serious for him.

He gave up.

It means he lost everything.

"Do you have any teleportation array that enters here?"

"There is a black hole, do you dare to go in?" Lion King asked.

"Let's take a look!" Summer said.

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