Almighty Student

Chapter 10727: Night forest

"Not good!!" When he saw the light around him, Xia knew that this light would definitely cause flying monsters above.


Qu Xi was also taken aback: "Are we being calculated by the little monster here?"

"Yes, these little monster beasts sensed that we were two, and directly threw out a light, and then he ran away, he just wanted to count us two." Xia Tian was very speechless.

He originally thought that as long as the two of them were more careful, there shouldn't be any problems.

But he didn't expect it.

In the end, they would be calculated by the little monsters, and these little monsters used this method to deal with them.

call out! call out!


The two flying fairy beasts fell down for the first time and rushed directly to them both.

Fetters of hell!

Qu Xi also shot instantly.

Two black chains directly trapped the two flying fairy beasts.

Pull hard.

Two flying fairy beasts were killed directly by her.

"No, there is blood, it will attract more flying fairy beasts!" Xia reminded.

"Just kill as many as you come." Qu Xi also said very violently.

Since following Xia Xia, she has not only become more courageous, but she has also become more violent in thinking of not shrinking.

More violent than summer.

"Then let's fight, just to remind the king here, I am coming in summer, they should come out to meet." Xia said very domineering.


The Tianhan Sword appeared in his hand.

He waved his right hand.

A cold light.

Smashed directly above him.

The fairy beasts that rushed down were also directly frozen by him.

"It's so dark!!" Hong Feng said.


The black and red feathers of Hongfeng rushed straight up.


No matter what is on it, it will be broken directly by him.

that's it.

All the way to the top.

A ray of light shone, but in a blink of an eye, it disappeared again.

"A moment of light!!" Summer said with emotion.

Although Hongfeng’s destructive power was great, it did kill all the flying fairy beasts on his head in an instant, but there were too many flying fairy beasts nearby. He just killed them all, and the other flying fairy beasts filled this place again. Up.

"There are too many flying fairy beasts here, don't they have natural enemies, don't they attack each other?" Hong Feng said very puzzled.

He can also understand.

This is the site of flying fairy beasts.

But the number of flying fairy beasts here is really a bit scary.

The quantity is a bit unbelievable.

There are so many flying fairy beasts that can no longer be described by numbers.

"This is the storage area for flying fairy beasts!" Ying reminded.

"Storage area? What do you mean?" Summer asked puzzledly.

"Even in the territory of fairy beasts, they will kill each other all year round, so their mortality rate is very high, and the number is also very important. Many races will create a space and then reproduce their own races in this space. , In this case, when there is going to be a war with the outside world, they will have countless races, and this kind of place is called storage area by the fairy beast clan. In their eyes, the stored fairy beasts , And items are no different, because both sides consume each other during the war." Ying explained.

Very cruel!

When I heard this, Xia Xia understood what was going on here.

In this case, the number of flying fairy beasts here should be countless, but there should not be many powerful flying fairy beasts. However, if he makes too much noise, it will attract many top flying fairy beasts. Beast, if those top fairy beasts want to deal with him, it will be very easy.

"But I want to tell you a good news, that is, this kind of storage area will definitely have a large number of teleportation black holes, because when they go to war, these flying fairy beasts cannot fly over, but teleport over. If they rely on flying , Maybe how many years it will take to fly, only by teleporting black holes can they be teleported over in the first time, and if you find a teleportation array that can be teleported to where you want to go, then you will save a lot of energy." In telling the summer, opportunities and dangers coexist.

This is like a gamble.

How to choose.

It depends on summer's own.

"Interesting!!" A smile appeared on Xia Xia's face: "Then make a big fuss!!

Qu Xi looked towards Summer: "Have you decided?"

"Yes, make a big noise, kill as much as you see, and make as much noise as you can, attracting more flying fairy beast masters." Xia directly said.

"Good!" Qu Xi also patted his hands on the ground.

Hellfire! !


The law of stars!

No nonsense in summer.

Directly use the law of stars, summon huge stars to drop continuously.


The law of the day.


The huge flames seemed to swallow all of this forest.

The flying fairy beasts above are very dense.

The spread of this flame is also very terrifying.

Go out! !

The law of light! !

Xia Xia's attacks came one after another.


His attacks are constantly spreading.

Hongfeng strikes! ! !

"Then make the noise a little bit louder, the noise you are making now is not even a thousand cows." Ying reminded.


Summer also understands! !

Although they can kill hundreds of flying fairy beasts casually now, their killing speed is nothing compared to the total amount here.


Xia Xia's body moved, directly biting the recovery elixir in his mouth continuously!

A steady stream of power flows into his body.

"Xia Si, guard me!!!" Sweat appeared on Xia's forehead.


The flying fairy beasts around who were killing Xia Si were all blocked by Xia Si, and Xia Si's counterattack easily killed them.

Hongfeng will return soon.

"I'm coming!! Hongfeng directly protected Summer in the middle.

The law of the stars in summer is also constantly expanding.

Endless power began to flow into the sky.

A huge star appeared.

The body of the star!

He this time.

The body of the star he had refined before was completely summoned, and the body of the star summoned this time was the real body, and everything in the star was exactly the same as normal.

Millions of miles, tens of millions of miles!

The star's body is still expanding.



The strong gravitation attracted those flying fairy beasts around.

The ground collapsed! ! !

All together flew upwards.

"What are you doing?" Qu Xi also looked at Summer in horror.


Xia Lou shouted.

A large number of elixir of recovery was swallowed by him, and powerful forces continued to flow into his realm king Jue Dantian.

Qu Xi also looked towards the sky: "My dear, do you want to kill me together?"

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