Almighty Student

Chapter 10730: Strongest means


In this way, the black mud is continuously being collected into the whole world.

"It's really easy to use!" A smile appeared on Xia's face.

This method is really good for him.

As soon as these black mud felt the enemy, they didn't know what it meant to retreat. They were constantly swallowing it. In the end, Summer simply used his own power to attract the black mud.

"That's OK?" Qu Xi's face was full of shocked expressions.

She didn't expect it.

The black mud can really be put away in summer.

And so smoothly, he already felt the power of the black mud just when he played against the black mud.

It can be said.

Black mud.

It's definitely that kind of tough thing.

If it can be controlled, it will be awesome.

that's it.

Summer absorbed all the last black mud.

Arrived in all the surroundings.

In the summer, he continued to nourish them with the Realm King Pill.


Soon these black muds succumbed. As long as Summer kept feeding them with Realm King Pill, they would be willing to work for Summer, and because of Realm King Pill, they were mutated, and their reproduction speed was even more terrifying than before.

"You really have you." Although Ying guessed that Xia could succeed, he was also very shocked when Xia really succeeded now.

Summer is definitely the first to tame the existence of black mud.

The black mud is powerful.

It was absolutely unimaginable.

"Before you said that even flying fairy beasts are afraid of black mud, right!!" Xia Tian said.

"Yes, the reason why the black mud can't dominate the fairy beast clan is because they die too fast, and their independent thinking is too weak, and the distance they move is not too far." Ying said.


A smile leaked from Xia's face.


He flicked his right hand.

Millions of black mud flew out instantly.

Directly to the flying fairy beasts in the sky: "Before they could not reach the flying fairy beasts, so they could not replenish the most power, so they could not evolve and absorb the power, but now it is different. My world king Dan has already let They have mutated, and I now spread them on the fairy beasts in the sky, then they can strengthen themselves by swallowing those flying fairy beasts, continue to evolve, continue to replenish life, and become stronger."

This is raising black mud in summer.

He is letting the black mud evolve and become his strongest weapon.


The flying fairy beasts in the sky never dreamed that the black mud would fly up. At the beginning, they didn't pay attention at all, but later when they wanted to pay attention, it was too late.

Their bodies were quickly eaten by the black mud.

Eating the black mud of their bodies has also evolved, with longer life span, greater strength, and even faster speed.

"Sure enough, it's exactly the same as you thought. The black mud can evolve all the time. It turns out that the reason they can't evolve is because they can't eat the flesh and blood of the fairy beast." Ying also suddenly realized.

Although he knew something like Hei Mu.

But he never thought that the black mud could be controlled.

I didn't even think about letting the black mud evolve.

It can be said.

For the entire Shenzhou, it was only in the summer that it had been done, and only in the summer was there a chance to succeed.

This kind of thing.

It really shocked him.

Qu Xi looked silly.

"Can still do this?"

She looked at the sky like this, and watched the flying fairy beasts in the sky being eaten one by one. Such huge flying fairy beasts were madly swallowed by these black mud, and these black mud was eating the flying fairy. In the process of the beast, it continued to reproduce, and the number became more and more.

After eating one end, it quickly fell to the other end.

Swallowed head by head.

"If you want to play, just play something big!!" Xia Xia moved his body and flew directly. When he flew to a high altitude, he clapped his hands together.

The law of water! !

Black mud!

He made the black mud adhere to the law of water.


It started to rain around, and the rain was covered with black mud.

The black mud began to eat the flying fairy beasts constantly.

Large areas of flying fairy beasts were swallowed a little bit.

The black mud without a target fell.

In the summer, all the black mud was collected through Senluo Vientiane.


In the sky, light appeared again.

Their heads are very clean.

"Who dares to be wild here?" Dozens of rays of light flew directly.

"All of them are at the quasi-sage level, this time there are all kinds." Qu Xi reminded.


Xia Xia nodded, and then shouted: "Is there a teleportation black hole nearby!!"


"Yes, it's humans!!" Summer said.

"A human being dared to run wild on our turf, really looking for death." A fairy beast flew down instantly.


Qu Xi blocked the opponent's attack.

"These guys are so strong offensive." Qu Xi said in surprise.


Xia Xia looked at the flying fairy beast in the sky: "Isn't there a nobleman?"

"To deal with you, we are enough." Those flying fairy beasts also directly killed them.


Xia Si's defense also appeared for the first time.


Their attacks were all blocked.

"A total of twenty-three flying fairy beasts in the realm of quasi-venerable." Qu Xi reminded.


"Let them attack for a while, I will find a chance to fight back." Xia Xia did not worry about those flying fairy beasts.

Xia Si is here.

The attacks of these flying beasts really couldn't break Xia Si's defense, so what was he afraid of.

There is nothing to worry about at all.

"Human, do you only know to hide in Thousand Silk Beasts?"

Obviously they also saw that this was a Thousand Silk Beast.

Although their attacks are strong!

But they couldn't break Xia Si's defense at all.

In front of Xia Si, their attacks were nothing at all.

boom! boom! boom!

That's it.

They attacked for half an hour, and finally gave up, because they found that Xia Si's defense did not show any tremor at all, but the flying fairy beasts in the sky are also increasing, and the sky is once again covered. .

"Hit me, idiot!!" Summer shouted provocatively.


"Humans, you don't need to be too rampant. This is our territory. Here, you can't be our opponent. Our fairy beasts are countless. We can keep attacking, so we can even be a thousand silk beasts. , It is impossible to carry it for a lifetime." said those flying fairy beasts.

"Then you come and try, is it because you have more flying fairy beasts, or I killed more!!" The attack before summer killed nearly a million flying fairy beasts.

The attack just now also killed at least 700,000 flying fairy beasts.

It can be said.

Although there are many flying fairy beasts, when you meet him, the number is no longer a problem.

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