Almighty Student

Chapter 10758: Heitianya's prestige

Hei Tianya's eyes lit up when he saw the talisman. He was still thinking that if something happened in the summer, he would really have suffered a heavy loss, and no one would give him the investigation world Wang Dan.

just now.

Received the summer's summons.

"Human!!!" When I saw this.

Hei Tianya was also taken aback.

"My lord, did you find anything?"

"These fairy beasts are very likely to be controlled by humans. If the order is passed down, those that can be killed directly, directly killed, and those that cannot be killed directly, then destroy their eyes first. The enemy can pass through the eyes of these mutant fairy beasts. Seeing the situation on our side, we can’t let them understand our deployment, otherwise, the other party will think of a countermeasure.” Hei Tianya also understood the meaning of summer.

He asked his men to prepare immediately.

"It's worthy of being an adult, you can always find things we can't find."

The guards here admire Hei Tianya even more.

After this war.

Hei Tianya returned to his father, definitely the return of the king.

Because his strength has been promoted to Half-Step Beast Venerable.

Also make contributions everywhere.

Here in the courtyard, he showed the tolerance and ability of a king.

"You don’t need to clean up the fifteen first. The general situation here is stable. Fifteen of you, divided into five teams and three-person groups, use the biggest attack to attack the direction where the mutant fairy beasts are flying, and destroy as much as possible. More mutant fairy beasts, don't let them come close here, don't give them a chance to see here." Hei Tianya ordered.

Fifteen beasts.

They attacked in turn.

Then no matter how many flying fairy beasts come over, it is useless.

Of course.

It is impossible for them to keep zooming in.

But they don’t need to keep zooming in.

They only need to take turns to put a big move every time, and then throw attacks at random.

Their attacks are very terrifying.

Moreover, even if those ranged attacks can't directly kill large swaths of enemies, they can also seriously injure those enemies.

Leave the rest to the guards below.

And Hei Tianya also constantly changes the formation of the guards below, so that the enemy can never figure out their defensive weaknesses.

"My lord, you can command here. Your current command is too bad. Since the opponent is human, they will definitely think of your existence. I am worried that the other party will send a master to assassinate you." A Tianjing ten Warrior reminded.

That's right.

Now that the opponent is human, they must be careful.

Because humans are very smart.

When they found that the guards here couldn't find weaknesses and changed endlessly, they saw through his plan.

He would guess.

The fairy beast clan has expert advice here.

Once investigated, it is Heitianya.

Then he will definitely find a way to kill Hei Tianya first.


"Alright!!" Hei Tianya also understood that he must be careful, because anything could happen next.

He didn't want any accidents either.


Less than half a day.

They caught some detective mutant fairy beasts.

And a large number of mutant fairy beast masters raided Hei Tianya.

But they were all killed by Ten Samurai.

"It seems that the information in the Black Hawk investigation is correct, it must be a human being." Hei Tianya had already determined at this time.

The enemy must be human.


Only the enemy can think of dealing with him in such a short time.

He also appreciates summer more now.

Even he was thinking.

Can Xia Xia help him catch the culprit back and help him resolve this disaster? If it is really possible, then this is a great credit, because now it is not only the enemy who has 30 billion.

Their people are also dying.

And because these enemies are not afraid to die.

and so.

If we continue to fight like this, the number of deaths will definitely be hundreds of billions.

These dead fairy beasts must also be destroyed.

Plus the damage to the environment and so on.

This loss is very terrible.

But if it can be resolved, it will be different.

He is the hero of this area controlled by his father.


Who else dares to underestimate him?

Even his father's subordinates will certainly have different attitudes towards him.

Hei Da and Hei Er Kan will definitely respect him very much.


He did not know.

Hei Da and Hei Er are dead.

They were all in Baigutan.

boom! boom!

"My lord, the mutant fairy beast here seems to be much stronger than before."


Xia Xia nodded slightly: "That's right."

This is what he has been looking for.

As long as the mutant fairy beast becomes stronger, it must be the place he is looking for.


As long as it is human, there will be a habit of arranging the most masters near one's hiding place to protect oneself. This is a kind of safety consciousness in the subconscious of human beings.

This is why the summer is confident to find each other.

"Everyone listens. From now on, we will turn our eyes into red and disguise ourselves. We don't need to kill all of them. We only need to kill the fairy beasts that stand in the way." Xia Wei reminded.


The surrounding quasi beasts also began to move forward quickly.

They did as summer ordered.

Start moving.

This time.

Summer is going to sneak past.

Although the opponent may still be a long way away from him, as long as you follow this direction, you can definitely find the enemy. If you suddenly find that the enemy's strength has changed, then their route is wrong.

A month!

For a whole month.

In summer they are looking for each other's position.

This fast rush.

They are also very tired in summer.

"Everyone is repairing here, taking turns to kill the fairy beasts near here!!" Xia Tian said.

They ran for a month without stopping.

And all the way up.

Although these people are very strong, such a high-intensity battle will leave them all with fatigue.

One day later.

Get up in summer.

"All orders, straight ahead, prepare for a surprise attack, no matter what kind of enemies are in front, don't stop, Wan Fei and Wan Tian don't need to take action in the early stage. If there is a human who wants to escape, they will chase me." Xiaxia ordered.

"Yes, my lord!!" The two of them were also very excited.

"If you two catch it, I will definitely take credit for you. If you let each other run away, I won't be polite." Xia Tian said.

"My lord, don't worry, if the enemy is allowed to run away, we two will raise the head to see you!!"

"Okay!!" Xia Xia nodded and looked forward: "Come on, everyone, if you can get things done before, maybe, this time the fairy beast clan will not have hundreds of billions of casualties."

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