Almighty Student

Chapter 10785: Receive

Xia Xia has already investigated the situation here.

"Those people just wanted to do something here, they wanted to destroy the statues here, they turned into fly ashes, enough to see how much the old woman values ​​the statues and the ancient city here, if you destroy this place, then he will hunt down. You go to the end of the world!!" Ying said with emotion.

He could already imagine how terrifying the consequences.

This old woman takes it too seriously.


Here is her last guard, the last psychological sustenance.

"The second party has been created for 70 million years. Have you ever seen someone who can live for 9,000 years?" Xia Wei asked.

That's right!

Even if they are masters at the venerable level, their life span is limited.

It is impossible to live for 90 million years.

"The kind of Kunlun Mountain!!!" Ying said with emotion.

"I'm not talking about this, I'm talking about normal people." Xia Tian said.

"Senior Earth Spirit!!!"

"Is Senior Earth Spirit living intact?" Summer asked.

"Incomplete, you mean, that old woman actually doesn't exist anymore, right?" Ying also reacted.

"Yes, there are only two possibilities; first, the old woman is inheritance; second, the old woman is only left with unwilling demons. If it is the first, no matter how strong it is, it will not be more terrifying than the legend. If it's the second kind of existence, then I will destroy this place, and also help her to leave. It can resolve her grievances and be regarded as helping her." Xia Tian said directly.

That's right.

most of the time.

It is the resentment that guards a place.

This grievance will not disappear.

The other party will never get peace.

and so.

Summer is helping her.

"You have to think about it," Ying said.

"I have already determined the location. If I don't take action, I'm really sorry for myself." A smile appeared on Xia's face.


He disappeared in place.

The origin of the earth is located.

"You really dare to come down!!" Soil Origin said in surprise.

"You have sensed me a long time ago?" Summer asked.

"When you sensed me, I sensed you, but I'm not sure if you dare to come down. After all, you have seen the situation here." Soil Origin is very knowledgeable about the above.

He also knows his role here.

"Then stop talking nonsense, come with me!!" Xia Tian said directly.


The origin of the earth nodded slightly: "Since you can gather the four origins of the earth, this is enough to prove your luck, I will go with you!!"


At the moment when the origin of the soil was collected by summer.

The ancient city began to collapse gradually.

The surrounding statues began to shatter.

"not good."

All the people in the ancient city changed their faces.

They said nothing.

Turn around and run.

They can see clearly the situation here now.

Those who were going to destroy this place before were all killed.

This is sufficient proof.

The guardians here hate the people who want to hurt here.

But now.

It was directly destroyed here.

Although they did not do it, they were also worried about being involved.

"Not leaving yet?" Ying asked puzzledly.


After Xia absorbs the origin of the soil here, it should be right to leave here, but now Xia Xia does not leave, but is waiting for something here.


It was very sunny before.

But at this time.

The sky is full of dark clouds.

Those who are running away dare not even look back.

Now behind them.

The wind is blowing everywhere.

Devilishness is overwhelming.

"Why, why are all dead, you still refuse to let us go!!!" A huge voice appeared.

It is the voice of a woman.

This is the woman in Yingkou.

"It's not that others refuse to let you go, but you refuse to let yourself go!!" Xia Xia looked at the black air in front of him.

Neither overbearing nor overbearing.


"A little guy, dare to point fingers at me!!" The woman shouted.

"It's not that I'm gesticulating, but I plan to save you!!!" Xia Tian said.

"I will kill you now!" The woman turned into a ball of devilish energy and rushed directly towards the summer.

Powerful magic.

Instantly let the power of the surrounding laws disappear.

Such an attack.

It can be said to be very empty and never.

Enough to destroy everything.

And it's impossible to defend it.

Because around.

The power of law no longer exists.

"Oh, run away. If you get hit, you will be dead." Ying Ye hurriedly shouted in time.

at this time.

The devilish attack is too terrifying.

Such an attack is an attack of resentment.

As long as it is stained a little, it will leave hidden dangers for one's future cultivation.

It may even be enchanted.

This devilish energy is something left over for tens of millions of years.

"Damn you!!" The battle that the woman made was very big, as if it was going to devour summer.



The moment the devilish energy wanted to penetrate summer's body, the devilish energy had disappeared.

As if raindrops sink into the sea.

Water droplets fall into the lake as if.

Did not cause any waves.

"What's the matter?" Ying's face was full of shocked expressions.

"When I found out that she was just a bunch of demons, I already understood that I would not lose." Xia Tian said.


The attack is from the inside out.

Attack your spirit first, and after smashing your spirit, your defensive power is nothing.

By the time.

Naturally it was easily crushed.

But she wanted to smash the spirit of summer by relying on devilish energy.

She has just entered the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

It has been blocked by the sea of ​​knowledge in summer.

"It seems that we still underestimate you." Ying realized at this moment that the summer he saw might still be just the tip of the iceberg.

"The fifth clone of the origin of the earth is so fast, inadvertently, we have already collected five. If we can collect all eight, it is equivalent to having the power of the origin of the earth, I Half as much as 13 people, the power is also very terrifying." Xia Tao said with emotion.


"Quickly leave here, there is such a big noise here, next time you will be the master." Ying reminded.

There was little movement here before.

Can only attract the attention of some ordinary casual repairs.

But the movement here just now was huge.

Especially after someone heard that the ancient city was destroyed.

Then more masters will be attracted here.

"First find a place, I will talk to her, after all, I robbed others' things and ruined the place they have guarded for so many years." Xia Tian said.

Although he accepted the other party.

But he did not kill the opponent.

But temporarily put away the other party.

"It just so happens that I am also very curious about her." Ying said.


Xia Xia's body disappeared in place.

this time.

He left using the source of earth.

I found a place far away.

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