Almighty Student

Chapter 10792: Dongying Fowl【Supplement】

"Which trick?" Summer also shines.

at this time!

He also understood that Ying must have wanted to tell him the details of the battle between the sages.

"It's the power bonus, what you ordinary people call the broken star strike!!" Ying said.

Broken Star Strike!

Strength bonus?

Summer was stunned.

"The Venerable adds his power of the Venerable to the attack, forming the so-called Star Breaking Strike. After becoming the Venerable, you can use the preliminary Star Breaking Strike, but the power is not very great, because There is no specific bonus, but when a venerable reaches the tenth level, he can gain a strength. At this time, the power of the broken star will be much greater." Ying explained.


Xia looked at the White Dragon King.

The current White Dragon King.

Has begun to condense his own attack.

The Lion King on the opposite side didn't want to give the White Dragon King a chance, but wanted to interrupt the White Dragon King's power.


The attack of the White Dragon King has quickly taken shape.

"His accumulating time is so short!!" Xia Xia said in surprise.


"This is what I want to tell you. With the increase of the Lord’s level, the time for accumulating energy is getting shorter and shorter. Of course, if you look carefully, his attack only adds 10% of the power. If he wants to If you want to increase your strength by 40%, the charging time is also very long. This is the best way to bully a high level and a low level!!" Ying looked forward.


Seeing that the Lion King could not stop the White Dragon King, he also wanted to accumulate strength.


The White Dragon King’s charging time is shorter than him.

He was not given that opportunity at all.

The Lion King's body was also knocked out by him.

"Actually, he is okay now. If he is level 50 or above, it will be completely different. If he is level 50 or above, he can already send a 10% strength broken star." Ying explained.


Xia Xia also understood what Ying had said before.

When he reaches their level, the strongest is attack plus defense.

It's not just defense.

There are also attacks.

Shun the broken star.

How terrible it is.

Of course.

This Shunfa is just a broken star with Shunfa's 10% strength.

If it is 50%, it will take a long time to accumulate energy.

"Although the strength of the White Dragon King has just improved, he clearly understands this. Therefore, he is now bullying the opponent with his level advantage. If there is no accident, the White Dragon King will definitely win in the end." Ying has almost seen the ending.

A man of his kind.

In many cases, you don’t need to see the end, you only need to read halfway to know the end.

Although there will be accidents.

Such as meeting someone like Xia.

But under normal circumstances.

There are no surprises.


After the White Dragon King succeeded in one blow.

The attack has become more and more fierce.

The Lion King retreated steadily.

"Are you capable of this?" White Dragon King asked provocatively. This time he came here, not to grab the Lion King's territory, but to find an opponent to understand his strength.

and so.

He now wants to stimulate the fighting spirit of the Lion King.

Let disappointment come and fight him, as for the outcome, no one knows.

"If I lose to you, this mountain of mine belongs to you!!" The Lion King was initially a little depressed, and was suddenly attacked. He didn't understand what was going on, so he was suppressed and beaten by the opponent.

Now the other party provokes himself.

How could I miss such a good opportunity.

"What do I want you to do with this mountain range? Well, if I win, you tell me your biggest secret. If I lose, how about I for you to drive Wannian?" White Dragon King said directly.

A powerful beast for ten thousand years.

This kind of thing is very good.

If there is the existence of the White Dragon King for him to drive, then he can lay down a larger mountain range and obtain more resources.

"A word is settled!!" The Lion King glanced at the distant tree. Although he only glanced at it, he was caught by Summer.


Summer's body moved.

Came directly to the side of the tree.

Of course.

He is also very careful.

"Very familiar breath!!" Hong Feng reminded.

"What is familiar?" Xia Tian asked puzzledly.

"My wings are very familiar with this tree. Do you remember my evolution over the years!!" Hong Feng said.

"Remember, after coming to the immortal world, from the golden feather, it turned into blood-red feathers, and then turned into colored feathers, and now the colored feathers are still covered with black." Summer said.

"Yes, I started from practicing Jin Yu, the kind of inheritance at that time." Hong Feng said.

"You mean Jin Yu inheritance!!" Summer remembered.

Simultaneously! !

He opened a flower of knowledge in the sea of ​​knowledge! !

"Is something wrong with me?" the guy sitting cross-legged in the sea of ​​knowledge asked.

He is Emperor Jin Yu! !

"How is your practice?" Xia Xia asked.

"I may be the first in this world to cultivate immortality!!" Great Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.

"In my sea of ​​knowledge, you can avoid the catastrophe and the happy demon, so as long as you keep practicing, there won't be any bottlenecks." Xia Tian said.

"Yes, so, I became the only one. In this world, there are many people who practice Sanxian, but there has never been a person who can cultivate Sanxian to my level." Jin Yu said.

"What state is it?" Summer asked.

"Half a step Sanxianzun!!"

"So fast?" Summer said in surprise.

"Of course it's coming soon. You don't know how huge the power in the sea of ​​knowledge is. If I keep practicing here, then I will become the strongest person in the world, the unique king!!" The Great Emperor Jin Yu is very Said confidently.

"If you want to be beautiful, I only give you the opportunity to practice this flower of knowledge of the sea. Your last flower of knowledge of the sea will soon wither. When that time comes, I will let you out and fend for itself! !" Summer said.

"Don't let me talk about it, I don't want to go to such a good place!!" Great Emperor Jin Yu said with emotion.

He didn't want to leave this kind of top-level cultivation power.

"Stop talking nonsense, look, how does this tree feel?" Xia asked.


Emperor Jin Yu followed Xia's gaze and looked out: "This tree has been inhabited by one of our top birds in Dongying within a month!!!"

"What level?" Summer asked.

"I don't know the specific level, but it can be seen from the breath that it should not be lower than the 80th level flying beast!!!" said Emperor Jin Yu.

"No less than 80th level!!" Summer was taken aback.

"Yes." said Emperor Jin Yu.

"Well, you practice first, and then talk to me when I'm done." Summer said.

"Summer, talk about it!!" Great Emperor Jin Yu was still shouting.

But summer has already withdrawn from the sea of ​​knowledge.

His dialogue with the Great Emperor Jin Yu was naturally only Hongfeng could know.

Those in Sanluo Wanxiang couldn't know the situation in Xia Zhihai: "It seems that we have to wait for the White Dragon King to win to know the specific situation."

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