Almighty Student

Chapter 10799: Wait for him

Emperor Jin Yu thinks.

The person who is really dangerous should be the one from the Baqi clan.


He is an unknown.

No one knows what will happen to him.

It is definitely a big trouble.

Xia Xia was also very careful. The Great Emperor Jin Yu just used his father to deal with this Baqi clan, which is enough to prove how difficult this Baqi clan really is.


When he landed in the summer, he did not find each other.

"What about people?" Jin Yu Baihe asked.

Just in the summer, he said he had found someone, and he was still very excited, but now there is no one here.

Summer found a formation on the ground.

"Have you played against each other?" Summer asked.

"How do you know?" Jin Yu Baihe asked.

"Why don't you tell me such important news?" Summer asked.

"Why should I tell you?" Jin Yu Baihe's expression turned cold. In his eyes, Xia Xia and him were just a cooperative relationship.

Actually dared to question him.

"I didn't mean that, I mean, if you have any important clues that you didn't tell me, it will affect my tracking. For example, this time, the other party obviously guessed that you were looking for him, so I deliberately wrapped my breath to stay A formation was placed. When we found it, he was delayed. If I guessed correctly, he should have gone in the opposite direction by now." Xia Tian said.


Hear the words of summer.

Jinyu Baihe obviously reacted.

He was very angry at first.

But when he heard what Xia Xia said, he didn't get angry anymore.

He came out this time.

I want to find a member of the Baqi family.

and so.

He will not be at odds with summer in this regard.

"I did meet him once before and fought him, but he has already run away." Jin Yu Baihe said.

"This is a bit more troublesome. If you have played against him, he will guess that you will follow him, then he will definitely try all kinds of ways to escape. Even if the formation is triggered by us, he will know." Summer Said.

"Is there any other way to track it?" Jin Yu Baihe asked.

"Yes, but I think that tracking him now is one aspect, and the other aspect is why he came here, is he hiding something nearby, or is this a springboard after his return? I definitely don’t I believe that anyone will appear in one place for no reason." Xia Tian explained.


"What you said is very reasonable. He will never appear here for no reason. He appears here. This proves that there must be something nearby. Maybe the Baqi Divine Sword is hidden here." Jin Yu Baihe also shines.

Summer likes Jinyu Baihe's attitude very much.

His words.


Then summer will be led by the nose.

"It's not completely certain for the time being, but we can track him down first. If he has been around the clan and did not leave, it proves that what he is looking for must be nearby. It is just that he wants to lead us. Let's go." Xia reminded.


"Okay, I see, let's try it out, we look for him on the one hand, and see his intentions on the other!" Jin Yu Baihe said.


Then the two continued to search.


Flew for about half a day.

Summer found some breath in another direction.

But the other party is very shrewd.

There are formations and fake breaths everywhere.

It was also for them to look for a long time.

"Damn it, how much fake breath does this guy leave behind?" Jin Yu Baihe said angrily.

They have been searching for so long.


Still did not find the other party.

Even summer had to sigh.

For so long.

This guy from the Baqi clan was the most troublesome of the people he encountered.

"My lord, you can be sure that what he is looking for should be within this range. We have been chasing for so long. Although it has always been traps arranged by him, it is certain that these traps are all nearby." Said.

"Do you have any good way, if we can't catch him, even if we know that we are in this circle, but this circle is so big, it will take millions of years for a carpet search!!" Jin Yu Baihe doesn't think the carpet is Searching is a good way.

"He should be waiting for time, or some kind of opportunity. I think that if he makes an escape action at any time and lures us to leave, he thinks the time has come." Xia Tian said.

"Then we can't chase it!!" Jin Yu Baihe said.

"No." Xia Xia shook his head: "We want to chase, only in this way, he will think that we are in his control, and when he wants to entice us, we must also be fooled!!"

"Doing this makes him do what he wants?" Jin Yu Baihe asked puzzledly.

"No, I am going to chase after him. I will break through the formations he left behind, so that he will think that we have left. When you hide, you can just catch him when you find him. "Xiamen said directly.

Hear the words of summer.

Jin Yu Baihe nodded: "This method is good, I will not forget you."

he thinks.

Summer is really smart.


What he said has two meanings. The first is to hope that summer will work harder; the second is to use treasures to attract summer back.

He didn't want to leak the news.

and so.

At last.

He will still kill the summer.

It will be much more convenient for him to come back by himself in summer than to find him.

"Thank you, sir!!" Summer had already seen through Jin Yu Baihe's thoughts.


He prefers to see scenes where both lose and lose.

In the view of Jinyu Baihe.

During the time Xia Xia went to track, one back and forth, he should have killed the people of the Baqi clan, but he didn't know that Xia Xia had the ability of the origin of the earth.

and so.

He is destined to be calculated by summer.

"I don't know what the Baqi people are waiting for!!" Summer is also very curious about what the Baqi people are waiting for.

He also searched for a long time nearby.

I didn't feel any special place nearby.

Although they haven't played head-on.

But Summer has already felt how difficult it is for this Baqi family to deal with.


He still has to be careful if he wants to deal with this Baqi family.

Although Jinyu Baihe is strong, but in the eyes of Xiaxia, the person who is really difficult to deal with is the Baqi family.

"This time, I will never give him a chance to escape!!" Jin Yu Baihe also looked cold.

"He can't escape. If the treasure is nearby, will he choose the treasure or leave?" Xia Wei reminded.

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