Almighty Student

Chapter 10828: Tianxue Peak Pulse

"I just heard from the fairy beast on the road that it seems to be called the Heavenly Blood Peak Vein, with a range of about 3 billion li!!" Thirteen said.

"Expulse it!!" Summer did not want to kill all the fairy beasts here for no reason.


The White Dragon King didn't talk nonsense, his body flew up instantly, releasing his body.


A loud roar appeared.

The nearby fairy beasts began to flee frantically.


The method of the White Dragon King was very simple. Their fairy beasts had a territorial effect. He came now to attack this territory, and the fairy beasts in this territory consciously were not his opponents, so they left one after another.

The one sitting here is just a quasi beast, how could he be able to hold his aura.

"It's done!!" The White Dragon King fell by Xia Xia's side.

"The three of you go and prepare. They will be here in about half an hour. Five top masters, against the four of us, this is not an easy tremor." Summer is very clear that this battle is definitely Not equal.

The opponent's strength is stronger than them. I don't know a few grades.

And they do not have an advantage in numbers.

"This battle cannot be won!!" Hong Feng said helplessly.

"I know!!" Xia Tian also understood that no matter what, the four of them would not be the opponents of the other five.

The level difference between the two sides is too big.

"Do you want to distract the three of them?" Hongfeng asked.

"I thought about it, but it's impossible. The three of them have known each other for too long, and their relationship is too deep. If I guess that I deliberately separated the three of them, then the three of them will definitely not agree. Now the only one who can escape. It is the origin of the soil, but once I flee, I will never have this opportunity again. In the future, I want to get a way for them to chase me, but I can’t get it. In less than four years, I can only Fleeing in the territory of the fairy beast clan." Xia Xia didn't want to be so passive, so he had to kill the other five people before the fairy beast clan came over, and unlock the secret from the other five people.

"Then I can only fight it. I sorted it out. Our biggest killer moves are: my evolution, the assault of the Celestial Sword, the green vine ring and the reincarnation. Of course, other abilities can also be the key. Use it all the time, but for head-on confrontation, it won’t be useful for the time being.” Hongfeng will not persuade Xia to do anything, but after Xia’s decision, he will help Xia analyze the overall fighting situation.


"The top three is the fastest. His current Venerable defense is broken. Ying said that the Venerable defense cannot be reunited for the time being, so I should first lure him to the bait and kill him. As long as I kill him, the opponent There are only four people left." Summer has already begun to prepare, he knows very well.

The gap between the two sides is very wide.

If he does not calculate well.

In the end, he could only die here.

Half an hour passed quickly.

The four of them stood there in the summer.


The top five of them fell in front of Summer: "It seems that this is the place you have chosen to bury the bones."

"It's not sure who owns it!!" Xia Tian said.

"Do you think that if you set up some traps here and prepare some formations, you can kill us? Don't you think it's too ridiculous?" Ding Yi looked at Xia with disdain.

In his opinion.

Summer's thinking is too naive.

If Xia ran away, they would need to waste some time if they wanted to destroy Xia.

But now it's different.

They won't run anymore in summer.

four people.

Although there is also a Beast Venerable at level fifty, it is still not their opponent.

"If you rely on your mouth to fight for life and death, then I admit that you have won, but unfortunately, we rely on fists to speak!!" Xia Tian said.

Dingyi feels that summer is really ridiculous: "Well, since you have achieved death awareness, then I will give you a ride!!"

"Let me see if you kill me or I can kill the five of you." Xia's complexion became cold.


Ivy ring! !

Ancient power! !

Xia Xia's finger moved forward: "Our battle has begun!!"

Countless vines grew wildly from below the ground in an instant.

Five people flew upwards in the first time.

The power of the green vine ring is great, but the threat to the sky is the smallest.

The five of them already knew that there was an ancient magic weapon in summer.

Naturally, we must be fully prepared.

The law of light!

Summer activates his own law instantly.

However, the five of them also used their own world power to directly crush the law of summer.


at this time.

Above the sky.

Three attacks fell.

They directly smashed their rising bodies.

Especially the White Dragon King, has already released its body.


The powerful force abruptly confronted the five people below.

Thirteen did not keep his hands this time.

Haotian Mirror!

He also activated the power of the Haotian Mirror for the first time. Since he was desperate, it didn't matter if he was exposed.

Door of hell! !

Qu Xi's attacks continued to drop.

"It's me!!" Xia Xia slapped his hands firmly on the ground.

The law of the sun!


Flame cane!

The law of the sun in summer flew directly along the cane.

Hongfeng hit!

Hongfeng's attack was also the first to strike Dingsan.

This series of attacks was prepared in advance of the summer.


at this time.

Above them.

Only destruction.

The first round of attacks was extremely powerful.

"No, go back!!" Xia Xia shouted.

Qu Xi and the three of them backed away instantly without hesitation.

However, the powerful impact still rolled the bodies of the three of them.

Xia Si's defense stood in front of Xia Si.

Five people stood there.


The top three was protected by the four of them in the middle. The surface of their bodies was all shattered with a layer of defense, but the overall defense was not destroyed and remained strong.

This is the top guard of the five heavenly races.

"In the summer, your first major gift is not bad, but the gap between you and us is very big, and there are only four people, there is no chance of a comeback." Ding Yi said disdainfully.


The five of them directly killed the summer and thirteenth class.

Shisanhe Quxi could not leave in a short time, and now is the best time to attack.

"Xia Si, protect Quxi!!!" Xia Si rushed to the thirteenth position.

When I saw this scene.

Dingyi is also heading towards the summer.

What he wants to see most is this scene. To protect others in summer, he has no defense.


Golden light.

Just as Dingyi’s attack was about to hit Xiaxia, an endless golden light appeared between him and Xiaxia: "Who said we only have four people!!!"

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