Almighty Student

Chapter 11369: Who is running wild

"It's actually delivered to the door!!!" The woman smiled slightly, then turned and left.

But when she left, a pair of eyes were already on her.

Although there are a lot of people here just now.

But the ability of the latest awakening in summer can feel the mood and momentum fluctuations of these people around.

Although it is a wide cast net.

But summer thinks.

If Xiao Huoyu is calculated by someone, then the calculating person will definitely come to watch it in person. This is a kind of human nature. She wants to see her success. This kind of thing is very fulfilling.

And at this moment.

He felt a sense of pride and pride.

and so.

He locked the woman.

"They won't hurt Xiao Huoyu, Xiao Huoyu has my mark on her body, we can keep up with this woman for now!!" Hong Feng reminded.

He is still very safe in doing things.

There was no nonsense in the summer, and he just caught up.

After coming to the Scarlet Forest.

His first feeling is that the people here are not simple, not only from the combat aspect, but these people are also very powerful in calculating people.

It can be said.

When facing these people.

Summer should also be careful. Although in terms of strength, he thinks he is not afraid of anyone, but recently, too many masters have come here. If you expose yourself too early, then there may be a lot of unpredictable things happening later. Things.

At least.

Others will think about preparing and calculating him in advance.

Guard against him.

"Well, this woman is the core staff of Dawangzhuang!!!" I saw that in the summer, the woman finally entered the central manor inside Dawangzhuang, which is the center of Dawangzhuang and the commanding place of Dawangzhuang.

The owner of Dawangzhuang is here.

"It seems that they have been eyeing Xiao Huoyu a long time ago, but they were not in a hurry, and Xiao Huoyu was delivered to the door by herself this time, and Xiao Huoyu was too anxious at the time. Her performance was to give With the excuses of these people being upright, now even if Xiao Huoyu's family come to ask someone, I am afraid it is not that simple!!!" Hong Feng has already understood.

Xiao Huoyu has been calculated.


When the summer moved, he directly entered this Dawangzhuang.

If summer wants to hide, it will be very difficult for others to find him.

Especially in recent summer, the means have increased.

It can be said.

He has various abilities.

It is very easy to sneak into this Dawangzhuang.



Xia Xia was even more surprised, because the woman he followed was the sister of the Dawangzhuang owner.

"Sister, it's done, Xiao Huoyu has been caught, and it is justified, no one can come to grab someone!!!" the woman said.

"Xiaoxin, you did a good job this time." Zhuang Master Wang nodded in satisfaction.

"The idiots in the first and second levels still think that their arrangement is perfect, but they don't know that I have bought their people and let their people deliberately drive Xiaohuoyu to our Dawangzhuang. Come, so we maliciously take down the small fire jade effortlessly." Wang Xin said very proudly.

She considers herself a calculating man.

A truly wise person.

Those clever men outside.

It was all played around by her.

"Since Little Huoyu has gotten it, you can go to Jinhua!!!" There was a hint of expectation in the eyes of the Wang Zhuangzhu.

Golden Flower!

When I heard this.

Xia Xia was also taken aback. He came here just to find golden flowers.

But he didn't expect it.

Xiaohuoyu actually has something to do with Jinhua.

"Is this news accurate?" Hong Feng asked.

"I don't know!!!" Xia Xia shook his head, and he was not sure whether Xiao Huo Yu was really related to Jin Hua.

"I think this news is likely to be released by Xiao Huoyu's brother-in-law. He released this news to muddy the water, and he exposed Xiao Huoyu to the outside world to allow all parties to fight." Hongfeng analyzed.

he thinks.

Such news is not necessarily true.

"The people here are not fools. It is impossible to be so enthusiastic about a false news. I think that this news may be true and false, and there may be truth in false. Finding Xiaohuoyu may not be able to find Jinhua, but Xiaohuoyu must match Jinhua Hua has a certain relationship, and only in this way can she attract so many people to be interested in him." Summer felt that Xiao Huoyu must have a certain relationship with Jin Hua.

As for what link.

He doesn't know yet.

"We can now follow the boat. Since they are also looking for Jinhua, then we can help them in the dark and help them solve the obstacles. If they can really find Jinhua, then we won't have to go so hard! !" Hongfeng thought, just keep watching.

Anyway, Xiaohuoyu would not be dangerous.

The goal of these people is Jinhua.

Not a small fire jade.

If you kill Xiaohuoyu, you won't be able to find the golden flower.

"Yes, let's see what they want to do!!!" Summer has already decided.

We need to see how these women in Dawangzhuang look for golden flowers.

"By the way, sister, I have already inquired clearly, the summer of the third level was fake!!!" Wang Xin said.

"Fake? Black Fang doesn't know?" Wang Zhuangzhu asked.

"Hei Ya knows, but he didn't reveal the other party!!!" Wang Xin said again.

"Then what is he going to do, what is his purpose for putting a fake summer by his side?" Wang Zhuangzhu said.

"This is not clear, but he signed up for the eight-level martial arts competition for that fake summer!!!" Wang Xin said.

"It seems that he saw that this fake summer is extraordinary, and intends to use this fake summer as a springboard to help him win this game." Wang Zhuangzhu probably understands what black teeth means.

"However, some people say that it is true that summer has also come to our Scarlet Forest!!" Wang Xin said.

"It's really summer!!" Wang Zhuangzhu frowned.

As if thinking about something.


A figure rushed in: "Owner, it's not good, there are a large number of people outside attacking our Dawangzhuang!!!"

"What?" Lord Wang Zhuang hurriedly got up.

She looked at Wang Xin: "Did you keep your tail?"

"No, I arranged it very well. It is impossible for those people to chase our Dawangzhuang, and I have arranged them to chase in another direction in advance!!!" Wang Xin explained hurriedly.

Although they are now justifiably catching Xiaohuoyu.

But this news, can not leak, try not to leak.

"It's okay, go out with me and have a look. We have a legitimate reason to arrest her. We are not afraid of others coming to **** someone. I want to see who is running wild!!!"

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