Almighty Student

Chapter 11372: Changes in Xiaohuoyu


When I heard this, summer was stunned.

The three words "Budget" can't be used casually.

Although he has been a mess in his life.

But it seems different from his father.

He shouldn't have done anything unsavory! ! !

"What do you mean?" Xiao Huoyu shook.

Before Wang Xin said so many things, she did not waver, but when she mentioned summer, she wavered, and she was really interested.

"I will definitely let you listen to things you don't regret!!" said Wang Zhuangzhu.

She saw it.

Xiao Huoyu finally became interested, and this was what she most hoped to see. As long as Xiao Huoyu was interested, then their opportunity would come.

"How do I believe you? Who knows if you are talking nonsense!!" Xiao Huoyu shook his head.

She is still very alert.

She was also worried that she was calculated by the king.

"I can swear, what I said is absolutely true, with my life, with my soul, with my Dawangzhuang!!!" Wangzhuang said directly.


When I heard this.

Xiao Huoyu nodded slightly: "Let's talk, what do you want to do."

"It's very simple, let's make a deal, you tell me about Jinhua, I tell you the news about that woman!!!" Wang Zhuangzhu said straightforwardly.

There is not much time left for her.

She must take this opportunity.

Let Xiao Huoyu speak completely.

Only in this way.

She can resolve the next crisis.

if not.

Once her Dawangzhuang is being watched by the entire Scarlet Forest area, what Dawangzhuang will face may be the disaster of extinction.

She didn't want to bring Dawangzhuang to destruction by herself.

"Golden Flower?" Xiao Huoyu looked at Wang Zhuangzhu puzzledly: "I don't understand what you mean!!!"

"It seems that you still refuse to say it. I thought you were a loyal believer in Summer. Now it seems that it is nothing more than that!!!" Wang Zhuangzhu began to use the radical technique.

"No, I really don't know what you mean, and I don't know who Jinhua is!!!" Xiao Huoyu shook his head.


Seeing the appearance of Xiao Huoyu, the owner of Wang Zhuang felt that Xiao Huoyu was not acting.

In other words.

Xiao Huoyu may really not know any news about Jinhua.

This is strange.

The news they got was very accurate.

"She really doesn't know!!" Hongfeng understood that Xiao Huoyu's current state was definitely not pretended, that is to say, she really didn't know.


"She really doesn't know. It seems that we are thinking too much. As for the outside news, it is likely to be the fake news from the third child." Xia Xia nodded slightly, and he could see it, Xiao Huoyu didn't even know it. Golden flower.

And before.

Summer asked her about science practitioners.

She didn't know either.

If she really knew Jinhua, then she could not have known a scientific practitioner.

and so.

all of these.

It should be a conspiracy.

"Sister, are we fooled?" Wang Xin's expression changed.


A figure appeared beside them: "It's not good, the owner, there is a fight outside!!!"

"Someone attacked our Dawangzhuang?" Wang Xin asked hurriedly.

"It was not against our Dawangzhuang, but our Dawangzhuang was fighting, and there was war everywhere!!!" said the subordinate.

Wang Xin hurriedly left the place.

She wants to go out for the first time to gather the team and fight against the incoming enemy! ! !

Lord Wang Zhuang frowned. She looked at Xiao Huoyu in front of her, and she didn't know what to ask. Xiao Huoyu didn't know anything. It didn't make any sense for her to keep asking.

But if you just let Xiaohuoyu go.

She was very unwilling.

"Tell me something that interests me. As long as the information is accurate and interest me, I will let you go!" The Lord Wang Zhuang didn't want to kill Xiao Huoyu.

Now so many people are coming at Xiao Huoyu outside.

If she killed Xiao Huoyu directly.

That will only be more troublesome.

Xiao Huoyu glanced at the lord Wang Zhuang: "Whoever killed my friend, hand it over, and I will avenge my friend, and I will leave!!!"


The lord Wang Zhuang frowned: "You don't seem to understand what I am saying. What I said is that if you want me to let you go, you can tell me something that interests me."


Little Huoyu snorted heavily: "Do you have a choice now? If you don't let me go, you will only have countless troubles!!"

How could she not understand.

Here now.

It was she who occupied the dominant position.

Not Wang Zhuangzhu.

"You are threatening me!!" The Lord Wang's expression turned cold.

She is the master of a village.

The Dawangzhuang I created by myself can be said to be a real king-level figure, but now, Xiao Huoyu dare to threaten her, this is provoking her.

"Yes, I'm threatening you. There must be a lot of people out there who want to arrest me. Since they already know that I'm in Dawangzhuang, if you don't hand me over, they will use all kinds of The way to attack your Dawangzhuang, when the time comes, the Dawangzhuang you created with your own hands will be destroyed in your own hands." Xiaohuoyu is not a fool.

She has thoroughly understood the current situation.

"You're looking for death!!" Zhuangzhu Wang's hand directly caught Xiao Huoyu's neck.

She was really angry.

"Save people?" Hongfeng felt murderous.

"Wait!" Summer felt that things were wrong.


at this time.

A burst of light suddenly appeared on Xiao Huoyu's neck.

The owner of Wang Zhuang's hand was burnt.

"What's the situation?" Wang Zhuangzhu herself was also taken aback. She glanced at her palm, which was rapidly festering.


She could only cut off her palm directly.


Regenerate one's own hand.

She saw it with her own eyes.

The hand on the ground had completely rotted, and finally shattered and disappeared in front of her: "What did you do?"

"What did I do?" Xiao Huoyu asked blankly.

She didn't even know what happened.

Lord Wang Zhuang looked in front of him: "It seems that the information is correct. You are indeed related to Jinhua, but you don't even know it!!!"


A force directly trapped Xiao Huoyu.


Her attack hit Xiao Huoyu's pubic area.

It seemed that he wanted to kill Xiaohuoyu completely.

The huge murderous aura also shrouded Xiao Huoyu's body.

"She wants to kill!" Hong Feng reminded.

"Don't worry!!" Summer said again.


When Wang Zhuangzhu’s attack hit Xiao Huoyu, a burst of light flashed, Wang Zhuangzhu’s attack was shattered, and Xiao Huoyu’s eyes changed, and her eyes became completely white. It was like a ray of light.

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