Almighty Student

Chapter 11376: Grizzly

Xiao Huoyu shook his head: "I think too much, how could he be that person!!!"

The battle here in the summer was easily won.

But Xiao Huoyu is a bit strenuous. Although her combat effectiveness is pretty good, she is the only one of the seven brothers who has not obtained a strong inheritance. At this time, the combat effectiveness of these five people is also good, and she will immediately surround him. .


Xia Xia sighed: "Are you going to save people like this? You can't even handle the five of them. What can you do to save people?"

He didn't come to help.

Just look at Xiao Huoyu.

Once he found it.

Among the seven people, only Xiao Huoyu did not have a strong inheritance. It is not that their third child could not find a better inheritance, but the youngest believes that Xiao Huoyu himself is the most dangerous existence, any inheritance. Will hinder the growth of Xiaohuoyu.

and so.

The potential of Xiaohuoyu is also very terrifying.

Xia Tian knew very well.

If a person really has great potential, it must be forced out so that she can stimulate her potential little by little at the moment of life and death.

Of course.

He said inspiring.

It wasn't that Xiao Huoyu used her previous runaway state again.

Instead, in the summer, Xiaohuoyu is enveloped by the sea of ​​knowledge.

Let Xiao Huoyu have a greater chance to realize his physical strength.

Simply put.

It was summer that Xiao Huoyu opened a cheat device.

"I must rescue my brothers!!!" Xiao Huoyu shouted loudly.

Two minutes later.

Five bodies lay there.

Little Huoyu's body was also colored, but she was very happy, because the combat power she showed when she first fought was very terrifying.

Normally, she couldn't fight so wonderfully.

"Let's go!!" Summer glanced at Xiao Huoyu.

Xiao Huoyu looked back at the small ancient city: "It's a pity, I never let Mr. Xia see our small ancient city once."

"Maybe, he has already seen it!!" Summer disappeared in place with Xiao Huoyu.

Not long after they left.

Old Qi brought someone back: "Damn, damn!!!"

He already understood what was going on.

Xiaohuoyu must have been hidden here before.

In other words.

He was exposed.

"King of the first level, Grizzly!!!"

Xiao Huoyu was also taken aback when he heard the name: "It turns out that he has always known the existence of the third brother, and the old seventh is actually the third brother's cousin!!"

"Your seventh old man cultivates outside all the year round, so your third brother doesn't know him!!" Xia Tian said.

"It seems that we have been targeted by the grizzly for a long time!!" Little Huoyu said.

"It can’t be said that it’s staring, but that the Grizzlies deliberately let go of your third brother back then. He saw that your third brother had a tough personality and would not give in, so he deliberately released your third brother in hopes of finding opportunities. Unraveling all the secrets of your third brother, in the end he chose to call back his son who was out, and count your third brother together!!!" Xia Tian explained.


Xiao Huoyu sighed: "Everything we have done for so long has been under the surveillance of others!"

"Yes, but it's not just monitoring, but also pushing the boat forward. When you think about the first level, second level, third level and fourth level, they are secretly helping, including you to catch the black Xiaoying, it was only with their help that it went so smoothly, but now they have borrowed your hands, did what they wanted to do, and finally closed the net!!!" Summer has already done everything After interrogation, it came out.

The worship of their seven brothers.

It was a joke from the very beginning.

"My third brother, do you treat us as brothers?" Xiao Huoyu asked her most concern.

"Have ever!!!" Summer said.

"Have you ever?" Xiao Huoyu looked at Xia Tian puzzledly.

"He wanted revenge so much, and finally wiped out his conscience. He actually regarded you as brothers, but recently, all his plans are using you, that is, to use you to get rid of them step by step. Grizzlies, he wants to cause the fire of war in the third and fourth levels, and then bring out the calculations of them in the first level, and he will kill the people, completely kill the black warbler, make the black teeth angry, and unite The four levels together take revenge on the first level!!" Xia Xia has recombined their seven things and connected them together.

"What about us?" Xiao Huoyu asked.

"You are the fuse, your final life and death depends on your own destiny; your eldest brother and second elder brother will definitely be killed, and the remaining fourth, sixth and seventh will be used by him and accompany him. The first level is the final revenge, but it is a pity that he miscalculated a step, that is, the old seventh is actually the son of the grizzly!!!" Xia Tian also admired the calculations of their third brother.


He was still wrong.

When he counted others, he himself was counted.

In the first level.

"My lord, it's already done. The people in the third and fourth levels have gone to war, only Xiao Huoyu hasn't caught it!!!"

Quack quack!

The grizzly bear let out a weird laugh: "Where is my disobedient nephew?"

"It has been completely controlled, and several other people are also under control." The subordinate asked respectfully.

"Force me to force all the inheritances of their brothers, cut them one at a time, and cut tens of thousands of knives on them, then heal them, and continue cutting until they tell all the secrets they have inherited. "The grizzly bear's face was full of bloodthirsty expressions: "By the way, cut it in front of my disobedient nephew!!"

He seems to like watching theaters very much.

"Father, I'm back!!!" Old Qi said respectfully.


The Grizzly slapped the old man away and flew away: "Trash, a woman can't be caught back, are you worthy of being my son?"

Old Qi hurriedly got up and knelt on the ground: "Father, I know I was wrong, I will definitely catch Xiao Huoyu back!!"

"Three days, I will give you three days, if after three days, I can't see the little fire jade, you can let them take your head back!!" The grizzly bear's face is bloodthirsty. look.

"Yes, father!!" The old Qi got cold sweat on his back.

He dared not resist.

"My lord, does Hei Xiaoying need to stop talking?" the subordinate asked again.

"No, she might be of great use, but she usually relies on her brother, but it is very arrogant, so go and teach her a lesson." The grizzly bear's hand pointed at the subordinate's face.

"Subordinates understand!"

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