Almighty Student

Chapter 11020: You are invincible


  The second master of the first level.

   is the right arm of the king of the first level. Although he is not a Venerable yet, in this kind of battle scene, he will usually take the initiative to confront a Venerable, that is, existence like Black Tooth or Wudao.

  Available now.

  He picked the summer.

  Because he can see it.

  Because of being here this summer, the morale of the third pass is much higher than usual.

  As long as he can crush this summer, the morale of the third level will plummet.


  Which master does not want to fight against the legendary summer?

  He is also full of fighting spirit.

   "Damn it, this kind of master actually appeared at this time!!!" Fake Xia's brow frowned: "Do you really want to expose your abilities?"


at this time.

  A piece of ice suddenly appeared next to his body.

  Accurately wrap the attack of the coyote.

   "It's the law of the day again!!!" He was also very surprised when he saw the ice of the law of the day in the summer.

  Because this is not the first time he has seen such a law of the sun.

prior to.

  When he was fighting the Scarlet Devil Boy, it was also the Law of the Day that protected him and helped him win the Scarlet Devil Boy to prevent him from being exposed. Now it is the Law of the Day: "Who is this person who shot?"

  He even suspected it.

  The person who shot is really summer.

  Although there are many people who have the law of the sun.

  But summer seems to be the strongest among those who have heard of it.

   nothing but.

  He thinks that he pretends to be summer, which should be regarded as the biggest challenge to summer.

   So Xia Xia has no reason to help him.


  The first attack of the coyote was blocked, but it did not stop. He also thought that he couldn't get the summer with just one blow.

  So he was also brewing a second attack at the same time.


  This time.

  Fake summer because of precautions, blocked the opponent's blow.

"It is indeed the legendary summer. I have been attacked twice in a row and nothing happened at all!!!" The coyote did not know that the person who just blocked his attack was not the fake summer in front of him, but another There are people.

  He also thinks that his two superimposed attacks will be very powerful.

   "You can't beat me, waste time with me, then you will only have more people fall in the first level!!" Fake Summer understands that he will expose his cards against people like coyotes.

  But he does not want to be exposed here.

and so.

  He wants to persuade the coyote.

  Let the coyote retreat.

  "My first level jiro is always the existence of fighting with our Grizzly King all the year round, which one is not a good player!!!" The coyote obviously does not want to miss the opportunity to fight Summer.

for him.

An opponent like    makes him very excited.

  He also absolutely trusts his other brothers.

   "Okay, then I will accompany you to the end!!!" Fake Summer also saw the coyote's fighting spirit.

  In this case, even if the people around him are dead, he will definitely fight himself to the end, so his method is a failure.

   Summer watching the two fighting.

  He also saw the thoughts of Fake Summer, and directly transmitted the voice: "Don't worry about fighting, I will help you!!!"


  When I heard this sentence in Fake Summer, it was obviously just a glimpse: "Who is talking."

   "You don't care who I am, you just need to know that you will be invincible next, so let's pretend to be forced!!" Xia directly said.

  He has observed nearby enemies.

  Nothing he can't handle yet.

  And because of the coyote came here.

  So other masters will consciously avoid this area.

  Although I don’t know who helped me during the summer vacation until now, when he heard this sentence, his self-confidence burst in an instant.

  Although he put his life in the hands of others.

   is a big bet.

  But he believes.

Your own existence is valuable now, so the other party will not let yourself die. If the other party just wants to die by himself, it won’t be so troublesome. You can see from the law of the sun that the other party used before. It can be concluded that the opponent is definitely a top master.

  Is it easy to kill yourself?

   "It seems that this is my opportunity!!" Although he didn't know who was helping him.

  But such a good opportunity.

  How could he miss it.


  Looking at the coyote who was rushing over, he also looked down at the coyote: "Don't you understand the gap between you and me?"


  The coyote's body was smashed down heavily.

Fortunately, the coyote's reaction was fast enough. He used the law of earth to withstand the blow for the first time. Otherwise, this blow could have hurt him: "Damn, his law of the sun has reached this point! !!!"

  Although he had great expectations for this man Xia before, he did not expect it.

  Summer is also the realm under the Venerable.

  He thinks that even if he encounters the Venerable, he can still fight, and if he gives himself a chance, the Venerable can also find a way to defeat it.

   can be this time.

  Looking at the summer in front of me.

  He suddenly felt suppressed.

  It was as if the superior was looking down on his ant.

   "This is the gap between you and me!!!" That fake summer then directly used his own law of the sun to attack.

  At the moment when his Law of the Sun was hit.

  He suddenly found out.

  The attack on the Law of the Sun is ten times bigger!

   "So strong!!" Fake summer is also a surprise.

  He is also an eye-opener himself, and the change in the law of the sun is something he had never thought of before.

  The law of the sun is strong though.

   can also play a surprising role.

But in fact.

  The law of the sun is also a difficult road, because he is not as common as the five laws, so if you want to practice the law of the sun, you can only rely on yourself to constantly explore and explore new paths.

  New attack methods.

  The Five Great Laws are different. Just walking on the road, among a hundred people, 99 are the owners of the Five Great Laws.

  Watching their battles more often, you can learn a lot of changes.

  A few rounds down.

  The coyote was beaten to a daze: "Is the gap really that big?"

  He was very unwilling.

  He always thought that he was the strongest kind of person under the Venerable, and he could compete with the Venerable, but now, he was so weak in front of Summer, which was also not at the level of the Venerable.

  Not even the ability to resist.

   "Even if you are the king of the first level, the Grizzlies will lose when they meet me, let alone you!!!" Fake Summer said very aggressively at this time.


   Xia Xia waved his right hand: "Help him get this coyote!!"

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